G@mehe@d's Profile
G@mehe@d is Offline
Real Name: Ethan
Location: Texas
Age: 24 (11-14-00) Gender: Male
Registered: 05-20-12 07:38 PM (4648 days ago)
Posts: 789 Threads: 201
Post Words: 93,508 (119 word avg)
Level: 58 Experience: 1510991
Next Level: +66555 Exp Per Post: 2872 Exp
Last Activity: 04-19-23 09:15 PM
Viewing Vizzed.com
Viewing Vizzed.com
Last Post: 07-26-17 09:52 PM
Do you tend to keep playing on repeating your music over and over?
Do you tend to keep playing on repeating your music over and over?
Page Comments
no 8120 - 11-14-20 04:25 AM
Happy birthday
bombchu link - 08-23-16 10:54 PM
Nice, I've been working on Cave Story modding; currently porting knuckles into it; and I'm also working on attending a regional for a Super Smash bros wii U tournament in a couple months.
bombchu link - 08-21-16 08:04 PM
What's up man? It's actually been forever.
bombchu link - 08-20-16 09:21 PM