Play The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES) - Online Game | Super Nintendo
Play The Adventures of Batman & Robin online with Super Nintendo browser emulation for free! The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!
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Konami's game based on the 90s animated series starring the Caped Crusader sends him against his most famous enemies in a platforming/beat'em'up title.Each of the game's eight levels (or episodes) sends Batman against one particular villain. Most levels present Batman with a large number of henchmen to take out and environmental dangers to avoid on his way to one or more boss battles, but some deviate from the norm. For instance, Catwoman's stage is a large chase over Gotham City's rooftops with no enemies besides Catwoman herself. In the Penguin's level, Batman must navigate the dark corridors of Gotham City's museum, rescuing the staff. Two-Face's level is a driving sequence, seen from a top-down perspective.Besides kicks, throws and punches, Batman can use a variety of equipment against the enemies. Always available are Batarangs and the grappling hook. Before each mission, Batman can also select additional equipment, like knockout gas spray, throwing stars, smoke bombs and plastic explosives, all with limited ammunition. Special equipment required for certain levels include a flashlight, gas mask and X-ray goggles. If some necessary equipment is missing, it is always possible to return to the Batcave to change the gear and then restart the current level.Many of the situations and environments of the levels are based on episodes from the series and the game's graphics emulate the animation and drawing style of the show.
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Level Codes
B C T S T S S B T B S B B C S T Level 2: No Green Peace
C B T S S S B B C S S S C S B S Level 3: Fowl Play
S C T B C T T C S T T T S C C B Level 4: Tale of the Cat
B S C S S S B C B B C S T S B S Level 5: Trouble in Transit
B B S T C T T B B T B C B T C B Level 6: Perchance to Scream
S C T C C T S C C S C S S B C B Level 7: Riddle Me This
B T T S T S S C B B C S T S S T Level 8: The Gauntlet
Restart trick:
Pause the game and return to the Batcave to restart the level with full
energy, additional lives, and more continues.
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
_TC_ _CST _S_S __C_ TT_S CCC_ _TC_
T = Triangle
C = Circle
S = Square
"_" = Space
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Will1 01-07-15 - 05:22 PM Great graphics and really have to use your smarts on this one
super0mariofan0 08-06-12 - 12:15 PM What are you talking about? This game is GOOD!
sidvicious3 06-14-12 - 05:30 PM well I love Batman...but not this crap
ioload2 06-06-12 - 09:00 AM lll
vgamez 05-23-12 - 12:35 PM xx
tonyjose 05-13-12 - 04:22 PM its gay
sasuke chidori2.. 04-25-12 - 09:08 AM is this a good game?
godzillafan 02-20-12 - 02:37 PM Beat the Joker!
godzillafan 02-19-12 - 10:30 PM post of 2012
godzillafan 02-19-12 - 10:30 PM Wow, the first post of 2011 is directly followed by the first
Gookytimes 02-05-12 - 08:37 PM First to play and stil having a life...
sonicfan3388 01-28-12 - 11:15 PM first to post in 2012 for this
bronson long 08-05-11 - 07:20 PM woohoo! first to post in 2011!
buddhaman4201911 03-31-11 - 04:37 PM Hi every body
fausto26 01-30-11 - 07:15 PM jksjd
Jeropka 12-08-10 - 08:52 AM Did some one have to win this game? I will try.
Jeropka 12-08-10 - 08:49 AM Hi to all. Good game. Right?
Jeropka 12-08-10 - 08:47 AM Dam Joker! He is good! But I get him!
greentitan 11-19-10 - 08:23 PM jo
greentitan 11-19-10 - 08:22 PM hi
greentitan 11-19-10 - 08:22 PM WHO DAT
drunkinnola 10-23-10 - 01:48 PM WHO DAT
brandy1989 06-06-10 - 04:14 PM no anda
wampa4me 06-01-10 - 05:02 PM great game