Pokemon - Yet Another Fire Red Hack Review by: SacredShadow - 9.6/10
Another fire red hack reviewOkay, today I will be reviewing a Pokemon fire red hack. This hack is very well done and it is among one of my favorite hacks on vizzed, I enjoyed this hack and I think it is really awesome. Now then, on to the review!
Graphics: 9
The graphics of this game are the same as the original fire red which I really like the graphics from. Pokemon graphics have come a long way since Pokemon yellow, these graphics are really nice and clear, minus the occasional few glitches where you can walk on buildings and stuff, that is all very common in Pokemon hacks. The Pokemon, trainers and character sprites all look very nice, there is clearly a lot of effort put into the graphics area of this game and I must say that it looks outstanding, the graphics of this game are simply remarkable. I scored them a 9 out of 10 because I really do like the graphics from Pokemon fire red. Very well done.
Sound: 10
The sounds of this game are also from the original fire red, all of the Pokemon cries and music are all the same. I think that some hacks should be a little unique with the sound and maybe switch it up a little bit for change, but nevertheless, the sound is perfect and clear and there is absolutely no sound glitches or errors in this game at all, which makes for a much more enjoyable gameplay. I always find Pokemon game's sound and music to be very memorable and catchy, once you play it, you never forget it. So this game deserves a 10 out of 10 for sound, it is clear and classic and I enjoy the sounds of this game greatly, it is all very nicely done, so that is why it deserves a perfect 10.
Addictiveness: 10
Aren't all Pokemon games this way? The minute you start playing, you get drawn in and eager to train and level up your Pokemon? I can safely say that I was very addicted when I first played this game, I get this way with all games, but Pokemon in particular, I feel like I have to spend every single minute training and leveling up my Pokemon. I had to have the perfect team and spend all my time training them to my content. So yes, I find this game very addicting and very re playable, with Pokemon from 5 generations, there are a lot of Pokemon to catch and train, so you won't be left unsatisfied with nothing to do. So this game is definitely addicting and re playable, even more so than the original fire red game, so I scored it a 10 out of 10 for addictiveness/ re playability.
Story: 8
The story is the same as in the original. Again, I think they could've changed the plot up again like some hacks off of the original games just to make it a little more interesting. But it is the same as the original fire red, you are a young trainer, you beat all of the gyms and you go to the world championships. Pretty simple and basic Pokemon story. Don't get me wrong, I think the Pokemon story is classic, but I just think that if it is a hack off of fire red, they could make it a little bit different and change it up a bit, but that's just me. So there is my reasoning on why I gave it an 8, if they had made it just slightly different and unique in some way, I would've given it a higher score.
Depth: 6
Personally, I think this game could've been a little bit longer, I beat this game in a short amount of time, it really wasn't that hard at all. I think that a game that leaves you with lots to do and will guarantee you hours of enjoyment is a quality hack, I just think that it could have been a little bit longer. The actual game is longer than this hacked version, so I just think that they could've made the game a little bit more challenging and lengthy because no one wants an easy, short game you can beat in 5 minutes. Some of the best hacks are the long ones that really require a lot of time and effort to complete and they leave you with a feeling of satisfaction, take Pokemon light platinum for example, this game has 2 regions, and you can collect all 6 generations of Pokemon, sure it takes a while to finally complete, but it is worth it and it leaves you satisfied and gives you enjoyment by guaranteeing you with hours of amazing gameplay. I just felt that this game is short of its full potential, partially because of how short it is, so that is why I scored it a 6 for depth
Difficulty: 6
This game is pretty easy in my opinion. The main thing you need to have is a balanced team, that is the key to success in all Pokemon games, even hacks. A well balanced team that you take the time to train and teach is the key to success that will lead you on your path to victory. So take your training seriously and really spend the time to come up with a good team. The game itself is fairly easy, it can be a little challenging in some parts, but that is normal. If you dedicate yourself to training your team well and taking your time and pacing yourself, you will do very well. As I say, rushing through the game is a sure way to failure, not only do you miss things along the way, but your Pokemon don't get the proper training they need to be a successful team. Training matters, and if you rush, then your team won't be well prepared, so take your time and you will do well. The gyms are more difficult and they have stronger Pokemon in their teams, so it is essential that you come prepared because the gym leaders have higher leveled Pokemon. So I scored the difficulty of this game a 6, it all depends on the trainer, if you are dedicated and pace yourself, you will do fine, but if you rush through it, you'll find it more challenging, so it all depends on how you approach the game and how you train. I find it essential to take your time, because it will ensure that you will do well if you have a stronger team.
Overall: 9.6:
Overall, I think this is a really good Pokemon hack and perhaps the best fire red hack I have played. I definitely think this game is worth your time to give it a try. There is a lot to do in this game and there are 5 generations of Pokemon that you can catch in this game, so that should keep you busy. This hack won't disappoint you, so definitely give this game a try, it is worth your time and you will be satisfied with it. I highly recommend this game to Pokemon fans and for those who like good Pokemon hacks, this is the game for you! I enjoyed every minute of playing this game and it is worth your time. This is the best Pokemon fire red game I have ever played, so it is worth your time to play it!
So, what did you think of my review? All comments and feedback are greatly appreciated, thanks!
9 Sound
10 Addictive
10 Depth
6 Story
8 Difficulty