Leonard 06-12-13 - 02:57 PM Please I love this game but I'm desperate for a mute button!
Corbonik 05-30-12 - 07:16 AM nice game
jimokcpartytime 05-27-12 - 09:28 PM my screen is black and i paused it during the reset
Slade23703 05-06-12 - 10:42 PM It worjs against after I reset and paused it during the reset
Slade23703 05-06-12 - 10:52 AM I got the same bug, it happened when I reset the game to back to start screen (I accidently started game without troops in scenerio one)
josephrleach 04-23-12 - 10:47 AM I am getting a black screen - anyone know why? I get it on all games :(
Wyrd 04-18-12 - 10:14 AM I can't tell you why yours isn't working, but I am using the RGR plugin emulator on Firefox, and it works fine for me.
fortunatenotch 04-18-12 - 08:37 AM why i cant see the game it sounds are ok but the screen is black now!PLS HELP ME!
Wyrd 04-14-12 - 07:09 PM This game is great. I own it for the Genesis, but my system hasn't worked in years.
love4green1980 04-07-12 - 09:56 AM what u think best route to go with garret and mina ? king and high priest or bishop?
lastspartan 01-31-12 - 05:40 PM Lvled garett on second lvl lol love this game
SimonBelmont 12-23-11 - 12:34 AM If you run to where Mina spawns on the fourth scenario she will rack up the xp and it will be nice and easy and everything will die if done right even with the short time limit
SimonBelmont 12-23-11 - 12:33 AM Lose Baldarov first scenario: maybe try to defeat the computer but lose him so he doesn't take any xp away from Garett in the first three scenarios. In the fourth scenario just run straight to where Mina spawns.
dan51978 08-01-11 - 02:07 PM boy, scenario 4 really sucks. Mina avoids fighting the monsters and getting the XP, no matter where I position Garret and Sabra.
dan51978 07-24-11 - 11:50 AM so, I don't need to move it to attack whenever I'm attacking
SimonBelmont 07-23-11 - 08:49 AM the different commands dictate what your troops will do if you don't move them manually.
dan51978 07-22-11 - 10:14 AM anyone know what the different commands do?
dan51978 07-22-11 - 09:03 AM why is carleon such a wuss
charliessoul 06-22-11 - 07:49 PM what are the controls for the keyborad nothing is working :(
SimonBelmont 05-30-11 - 10:53 AM if you lose him fast he doesn't waste xp, I get Garretts first upgrade in the 2nd scenario
SimonBelmont 05-30-11 - 05:18 AM I lose Baldorov on the first scenario on purpose, It's pro
blaster069 05-13-11 - 01:39 AM anyone use to having lose one before lvl 6
666natas 03-28-11 - 03:41 AM why does it not load
lordkorgoth 03-21-11 - 11:32 AM this is one of my all time favorite war sims
IzzyG974 01-26-11 - 10:24 AM best sega strategy