janus 04-02-15 - 02:03 PM This game was in manyn respects superior to Final Fantasy VI. Too bad it was so complicated and long.
inspiron 05-29-12 - 04:10 PM why is fighting is so annoying
muajin76 03-20-12 - 05:38 PM i added this game to my ipod..freezes up all the time and have to start over. its horrible
SilentForgotten.. 01-11-12 - 05:26 AM I had to reset my game a couple of times before it would work.
SilentForgotten.. 01-11-12 - 05:21 AM I think it goes on until four. I like this one and number four, didn't like three and haven't played one yet.
bronze661 01-10-12 - 12:44 PM doesnt seem to be loading...
bronze661 01-10-12 - 12:42 PM I loved the first one on Sega way back, didnt know there was a second one
SilentForgotten.. 01-07-12 - 07:29 AM This is probably one of the most nostalgic games I could possibly find. I used to watch my parents play this when I was little. Here is to hoping I can beat motherboard after being unable to back then.
lynk 08-05-11 - 03:11 PM is everyone here, all playing the same game?
lynk 08-05-11 - 03:11 PM greetings all
RubberBoots 03-05-11 - 05:39 PM hi all
crossxscythe 03-01-11 - 08:42 PM im just happy thers a cat girl in the game. not to many of those in the US...
Reagus 02-25-11 - 04:36 AM lol you know I'M new.
Reagus 02-25-11 - 04:36 AM ooohh that's awesome. You only chat with people playing the same game?
Jordanv78 12-19-10 - 02:44 PM Thinking about how this game was released in 1989 just amazes me. It's still awesome 21 years later.
monkmanism 12-19-10 - 02:42 PM awesome game
Bizzgeburt 10-22-10 - 08:29 PM I bought that one along with the parts III and IV of the PS-Series with the "Sega Megadrive-Collection" (EU) for the PS 2. I played them all, but number 4 is the only, that really flashed me. I don't like the stiff battle-system in this one. They update
Cipreh 09-26-10 - 02:23 PM this game is awesome, I remember playing it on the genesis
rahl187 08-08-10 - 09:47 PM try clicking on the reset towards the bottom of the screen, that worked for me
natethefox 03-06-10 - 03:49 PM ...
balinor 12-01-09 - 12:18 AM can any one tell me why i cant play this?