Donkey kong of the middle agesThis might be one of my biggest reviews ever enjoy
Introduction Also the plot of the game. Shows Donkey Kong Dk for short stealing a girl which i believe thats supposed to be called Pauline which i think she might be a precusor to Princess Peach later on in the Mario Brothers series. The original Character is actually named jump man which is most likey to be the later Renamed Mario . So Basically its very similar to The Bowser Plots . Later On In the Mario Brothers series. The Gameplay its self would most likey to be redone In mario bros considering mario brothers was an Younger game than this one . . For some that may not Know this was one of the release Titles for nintendo To get a head start in the North America gaming market. Donkey kong was most likey . based off of the original King kong. Jump man later renamed mario. and Donkey kong becamed one of The most popular and favorite game Characters of all time.
Graphics Well this Was a 1981 Game Considering this was a early game it was pretty Advanced for the Time in contrast to one of the eariler platformers. This game Introduced jumping over objects instead of rather moving the Joystick to avoid objects in the eariler games. These Graphics are Pretty Good the colors are nice and vibirant the game would Have four levels or ms as the game calls it. The levels are called 25 m 50m 75m and at last 100m . This was an early game arcades could not really have that much Colors like of today. These graphics again are very impressive for the time being everything seems to be really sharp natural and fresh, With that Being Said Comparing it to something like the Super nintendo or nes would not really be Fair Considering this game was older than bother gaming systems.Graphics gets a 10
Sound again its very impressive for the Time it was released . The Sound chip is very similar to The soundchip that was in the nes console. Because ive played both the arcade verison and the nes version of donkey kong . the nes version was very close sounding to the original Arcade Cabinet. Soundtrack is good for the time being as well it had 3 themes 2 intros and one song that would play for all levels.
it was a very nice sound game .although jump man walk sounded very squeaky its still pretty advanced. when you compare it to pacman or walkman at the time. Sound gets a 10
Addictiveness . i can understand That The Limted arcade capabitles this game is still very fun to play you had a mutilplayer option i find it really addicting for the main challenge of the game. i just wish it was longer im not gonna take a point away because its understandable.
Addictiveness gets a 7
Story i explained it at the begging as the plot so I ll give the story a good 9 This story would be remaked in a similar fashion of Mario vs Donkey kong 1 and 2. expect with mario dolls
Depth its honestly dependable on how well you play. but if you count the actual gameplay its pretty hard to master depth gets a 6 the game is a little bit too short.
Difficulty Donkey kong you great ape fiend lol Its extremely challenging the controls work well but jumping through the hard flaming objects i mean sure its easy when you get to the begginning but it gets more harder. difficulty gets a 7pretty hard game
Honestly nintendo did a great job one this game It saw mutiple releases on many consoles including the atari. It was toatlly one of the most popular games backthen overall rating 9.5 A true Classic that would stil stand for years
10 Sound
10 Addictive
7 Depth
6 Story
9 Difficulty