MPNCD06 03-15-22 - 09:59 PM awesome
tRIUNE 02-28-17 - 08:36 PM fixed
someguy99 02-28-17 - 07:36 PM it says emulator closed
MetaKirbSter 02-15-16 - 03:20 PM Thanks to me (Well, really to tRIUNE), the Game should be working again.
anyrak 01-15-16 - 02:59 PM ROM corrupted. please fix.
Ferrobbra 01-09-16 - 02:32 AM Whenever I try to load the rom it says its corrupt? Anyone else having this problem? Do I need a specific plugin to play these games?
SacredShadow 04-05-14 - 08:08 PM I don't even care how expensive this game is, I am going to play it anyway!
supersonicracin.. 03-15-14 - 08:45 AM Ryu + Ken = KILL EVERYTHINGGG!
BluePeach 08-06-13 - 08:06 PM WELCOME TO THE ADVENTURE!
robertman2 05-07-13 - 06:48 AM I still don't understand why Shuma-Gorath is in this game.
Jeropka 05-04-13 - 03:43 AM Call me a fool, but what does it mean "Jab + Fierce or Short + Roundhouse '?
SuperCrash64 03-24-13 - 09:29 PM And fyi you need to press both buttons at the same time
SuperCrash64 03-24-13 - 09:23 PM @KING KOOL i can unlock shadow charile just fine. Jab is button 1. and ferice is Button 3
KingKoolPac21 03-20-13 - 04:14 AM i can not unlock shadow charlie ???? help
SuperCrash64 03-19-13 - 06:46 PM Yo just added some cheat contents now you will know how to play as hidden characters
SuperCrash64 01-26-13 - 04:31 PM @orionfoxgibson you can google search a guide for this game
tron87 01-14-13 - 09:43 PM Game works great luv it.
orionfoxgibson 01-04-13 - 09:19 PM Missed this game. Anyone remember how to get dark sakura?
supersonicracin.. 01-04-13 - 04:45 PM None of these arcade fighting games work for me ._.
rockrock5000 12-01-12 - 09:32 PM RYU/WOLVERINE
My best tagteam.
Striving4better 10-13-12 - 12:24 PM Small glitch with sound other than that I give it 94%
Ãœbermensch 09-28-12 - 01:19 PM by pressing "z" when u select players,u can change their costumes!