gamer537's Profile
gamer537 is Offline
Real Name: Dominick
Location: Kanto
Age: 21 (04-17-03) Gender: Male
Registered: 07-05-12 05:16 PM (4609 days ago)
Posts: 146 Threads: 15
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Level: 28 Experience: 119776
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Last Activity: 11-18-15 05:27 PM
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Viewing /playonlinegames/play.php?id=36683&windowSize=664x560
Last Post: 07-03-15 01:00 PM
I am in loooove with Pokemon, Sonic, Super Mario Bros. and much more but those are my favorite out of most games I know. My favorite animal is a turtle and my favorite food is pizza. My favorite Pokemon has to be any kind of bird (or magikarp). Batman is my favorite super hero and if I were to gain a super power I would want to over power another human bieng's mind. If I were a Pokemon type I would be psychic or dark because yolo. My favorite video game character is Toad (Super Mario Bros.) My least favorite video game character is charmy (Sonic). My favorite shiny Pokemon is tauros.My least favorites is Unown
My favorite Mega pokemon is Pidgeot.My least favorite is Audino.
My favorite Mega pokemon is Pidgeot.My least favorite is Audino.
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