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Stevie 764 is Offline

Stevie 764
  Vizzed's former Osu! player and TASer
Vizzed Elite
Real Name: Stephen Conlon
Location: Enfield, CT
Age: 25 (09-10-99)  Gender: Male
Registered: 05-28-10 03:24 PM (5244 days ago)
Posts: 2,840  Threads: 245
Post Words: 272,741 (96 word avg)
Viz: 334,801    Contribution Points: 4,081
Post Rating: 40   Trust Points: 11   Chat: 24
Level: 102    Experience: 10960571
Next Level: +129396 Exp    Per Post: 5789 Exp
Last Activity: 06-26-16 01:30 AM
  Viewing /boards/thread.php?id=95069


BACK! Hey everyone. I am Stevie 764. I am 16 and whatever else. I am a guy who you can sometimes talk to, and I have a lot of fun playing the old classic games of the 80s and 90s. I mainly do Super Mario Maker.

Want to see my fastest completions of games? Here's my list. All of these are from nearly 2 years ago, so cut some slack, please.

--- Sonic Adventure DX (GameCube) ---
Sonic's Story - 44:32.8x

--- Sonic Green Snake v4.0 turbo mode ---

--- Sonic Heroes ---
Team Rose: 47:53.01 (41:41 IGT)
Team Rose extra: 45:48.10
Team Rose extendable stages: 21:05.10
Team Rose bosses: 10:37.09
Team Sonic: 1:21:11.95 (1:15:08 IGT)
Team Sonic bosses: 14:21.31

--- Sonic 3 ---
SUPER SONIC: 35:06.26
HYPER SONIC: 29:08.79

--- Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine ---
Hardest: 9:16.23 (WR at the time of setting, but I cannot prove...)

Now, here are all the things I like:

Osu! (Specifically the Taiko mode!)
Sonic Robo Blast 2
Sonic Adventure DX
Super Mario Brothers
Sonic the Hedgehog
Puyo Puyo
Carbuncle (puyo puyo)
Dongurigaeru (puyo puyo)
Onion Pixy (puyo puyo)
Popoi (puyo puyo)
Jigglypuff (Pokémon, my profile picture)
Super Smash Bros (Meleeeeeeee!)
Handy (Happy Tree Friends) (Top favorite)
Russell (Happy Tree Friends)
Mime (Happy Tree Friends)
Splendid (Happy Tree Friends) (My 2nd favorite)

Yeah, call me crazy about the fact I like Happy Tree Friends. I don't care about blood but good lord, Flippy gives me nightmares...
Some HTF fanart is just amazing to look at. Check out SuperLakitu and pokefubuki's art if you want to see non-gross HTF stuff. Handy is my favorite. Being a beaver with no hands, an ironic name he has along with his personality and the face he makes when seeing his handless arms makes me laugh every time.
TAS info:
-- Games completed --
Sonic & the Secret Extended Edition
Sonic Jam VI
Super Mario Bros

-- Current Works --
Sonic Green Snake v4.0 w/Turbo
# of profile views as of 7/9/12:

My Vizzed position history:

5/20/10 - 5/27/10: Newbie
5/28/10 - 10/4/12: Normal Member
10/5/12 - 1/14/13: Staff
1/15/13 - Present: Elite (Retired)
2/19/15 - Present: I decided to TAS. I am still doing so.

Page Comments

shandi23 - 04-15-20 11:44 AM
Hello ,i am Shandi Cabrera from united states of America and i am supportive,caring and also i have a passionate of true love in my heart. i just went through your profile today on this site then i pick interest in you and i will like us to know each other more to establish a good relationship and please try to write me at ( then i send you my pictures then introduce myself more better to you ok, thanks..
Matthew2321 - 10-23-16 05:12 AM
patar4097 - 09-10-16 09:30 PM
Happy birthday!
Matthew2321 - 09-10-16 12:29 PM
Happy birthday, pikahater, hope you have a good bday
Pacman+Mariofan - 09-10-16 10:02 AM
Happy birthday!
Yuna1000 - 09-10-16 02:37 AM
Happy Birthday! =)

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