Marlonv1's Profile
Marlonv1 is Offline
Real Name: Marlon B.
Location: Bakersfield
Age: 30 (05-31-94) Gender: Male
Registered: 05-19-16 05:32 PM (3189 days ago)
Posts: 32 Threads: 7
Post Words: 4,892 (153 word avg)
Level: 13 Experience: 10222
Next Level: +45 Exp Per Post: 479 Exp
Last Activity: 04-25-21 08:13 AM
Viewing Marlonv1's Profile
Viewing Marlonv1's Profile
Last Post: 03-17-19 02:43 PM
2019 Winter competition
2019 Winter competition
Page Comments
no 8120 - 05-31-21 04:36 AM
Happy Birthday
Marlonv1 - 02-06-17 09:36 PM
To Theo Vellum: I didn't. I kept posting asking for you to respond to our match and I got no replies from you. No PMs nor Board messages. I can't right now. My work schedule is tight enough to where I could s leep then go in. I can't play during nights nor between 12 Am and 6 am. I s leep from 6Pm to 12Am. I am available the rest of the time but its too late now. I shouldn't even be up right now. I figured that you might have messaged me by now hopefully but its too late. Tuesday is in a few hrs and you didn't reply to my messages. Sorry man.
juuldude - 12-20-16 05:26 AM
Thank you for purchasing one of my layouts!

juuldude - 12-20-16 05:26 AM
Thank you for purchasing one of my layouts!

Marlonv1 - 12-18-16 10:20 PM
I am doing a Pokemon game with a Challenge stipulation. I'll have the viewers(whoever can see this post) choose the Challenge from: Nuzlocke, Scramble, Mono-type, or Unevolved [Just not combined]) I will be doing the All the Official Games in order of generation from Pokemon Red to Pokemon Emerald. You will choose my destiny and I will record and post the gameplay here on vizzed I will also do comment commentary while I play and answer back tot he viewers. I hope that everything goes well. Thank you everyone and be ready. Marlonv1 Is Coming.
Marlonv1 - 12-18-16 06:17 PM
I am doing a Pokemon game with a Challenge stipulation. I'll have the viewers(whoever can see this post) choose the Challenge from: Nuzlocke, Scramble, Mono-type, Move-set, Unevolved, or Single Challenge[Just not combined]) I will be doing the All the Official Games in order of generation from Pokemon Red to Pokemon Emerald.