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10-06-24 06:54 AM
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Registration Name: mariomario8899
Real Name: Gabby
Location: NC
Age: 22 (06-11-02)  Gender: Female
Registered: 07-12-12 06:14 PM (4468 days ago)
Posts: 64  Threads: 22
Post Words: 7,082 (111 word avg)
Viz: 6,962    Contribution Points: 454
Post Rating: 9   Trust Points: 0
Level: 19    Experience: 34225
Next Level: +1552 Exp    Per Post: 802 Exp
Last Activity: 04-08-24 03:57 PM
  Viewing Post
Last Post: 04-07-24 01:44 PM
  How do you listen to music?


Well ummm.... I really have no idea what to put for this. I have ADHD. I guess I should mention that. I'm in 7th grade. Um....that's it I can't really think of anything else
Edit: Holy crap, I haven't used this site in forever. I'm a sophomore in high school now. I need to use this more often.
Edit (12/02/2020): I'm a freshmen in university now. I just came back for the sake of nostalgia. It'd be cool to try and be active here, but, I'm not sure that I will.
Edit (04/06/2024): I'm back for nostalgia. I dropped out of university, mental health issues and what-not. Also transitioned, which is nice. Lots has happened, I guess that's expected over four years. I'm back in community college now. Still figuring everything out. I'll probably be back here in a few years.

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