Kerbecs74 04-16-15 - 12:26 AM Can anyone get other fossil pokemon like lileep or tirtouga
TheOtherWhiteNe.. 02-23-15 - 08:36 PM A good amount of the Pokemon have different evolutions. Of the about 100 lines in the game, 40 have alternate evolutions.
What exactly does this mean? Can someone give me an example?
Tonystarman0 01-23-15 - 11:07 AM Usually, Charmander evolved to lvl 16 but it change to 18! I like "Wait, Charmander is suppose to evolved but I was wrong! It change it to 18! Less I now understand why people change this so well!
muzammil ahmed 08-15-14 - 05:55 AM can you get electavire
muzammil ahmed 08-14-14 - 06:12 AM beat brock using tyrogue lvl 24
maximized atk and def on shuckle then killed all his other pokemon
muzammil ahmed 08-14-14 - 05:53 AM when does tyrogue evolve
jyounger 07-03-14 - 05:15 PM i caught a level 9 weedle will it evolve still
jyounger 07-03-14 - 04:55 PM no far'fectched
jyounger 07-03-14 - 04:51 PM spearow evolves into auntincino or whatever i think
WafflesRock89 06-19-14 - 08:49 PM What legendaries can you get in this game
WhiteDelight 04-28-14 - 01:47 PM lol charmeleon becomes a fire/dragon dragonite
Blueheart123 12-07-13 - 12:50 PM my dunsparce became an altaria 0.o
majorballsac89 11-22-13 - 07:56 PM how do you evolve gastly
thomas25 11-03-13 - 02:48 AM MY squrtile evole on level 18 !!!
CyberSurfer1337 10-17-13 - 04:38 PM how do i catch pikachu?
jake12339 09-08-13 - 02:37 PM tf teachy tv crashed me
jaydon 09-02-13 - 07:13 PM Brock's Shuckle makes me mad.
peace2pat 09-02-13 - 06:47 PM Can somebody write down all the new evolution chains?
Dark Magician 08-14-13 - 02:49 PM Lol... Brock was a noob compared to my Pokemon.
jaydon 08-08-13 - 03:35 PM Brock inialated me 10 not kidding
coolanish 07-19-13 - 04:54 PM don't no
mangaeyes 07-01-13 - 04:16 AM can you now evolve pokemon that usually require trading? ie. Kadabra, Haunter, Machoke, Onix, Seadra, Graveller??
Smoc3 06-27-13 - 02:58 PM Anybody else Find Brock's Shuckle to be completely retarded? Soon as his like gets to half he uses rest. If you dont have a team that are at least lvl 25 you arent even getting past his 2nd pokemon.
Shanna2002 06-24-13 - 01:12 AM How do you get a Hydreigon anyway???
Shanna2002 06-23-13 - 06:40 PM Anyone else here uses internet? Mine is so crappy.