Awesome5000 03-10-15 - 03:47 PM The 1st videogame home console i ever owned as a kid back in the 80s was atari and this game.
bob123 10-27-14 - 09:21 AM :D
MeatAndPotatoes 10-17-14 - 01:34 AM Angular and partial. Quite the snip.
PoundDotBlam 02-17-14 - 10:27 PM One of the best.
shadowscynthe 07-05-13 - 04:11 PM A2600 games dont work for me now! :(
Solid Snack 07-01-13 - 08:32 PM Can you beat this game?
NESMan 05-16-13 - 08:59 PM Also, with jumping over the gators, or jumping in general, you press the SPACE BAR, and their HEADS are the only safe spot, NOT their mouths.
NESMan 05-16-13 - 08:57 PM I actually have the cartridge for the Atari 2600, and I'm a teenager!
marti02 05-06-13 - 12:25 PM nope
bob123 04-02-13 - 11:55 AM great!
tRIUNE 03-06-13 - 02:34 PM the glitches should be fixed now
whiteytitey1234 01-26-13 - 12:52 PM how u jump
dunlapman 08-26-12 - 02:46 PM I have the game back home. There is a glitch with the gators. Their mouths open but you do not visually see it happen.
sauce man 07-13-12 - 06:16 PM it is fun omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dethklokman 06-29-12 - 06:02 PM hey
jmcguire1235 06-16-12 - 05:09 PM how does one pass the gators?
soyperkid 06-11-12 - 09:13 AM you jumb with gtrl
zeroburn 06-04-12 - 10:41 PM nevermind. lol
zeroburn 06-04-12 - 10:41 PM how the hell do you jump??
jlrdlionfan@yah.. 06-02-12 - 07:06 PM sweet
alpha lucario 05-28-12 - 02:47 PM hey its black and white
darkdisciple13 04-10-12 - 12:57 PM This is a fantastic game... but the Gator's are glitched as people are mentioning, which makes it hard. Also, it's spacebar to jump for those who asked.
Dip33333 04-04-12 - 03:00 PM This is extremely hard.
DaRooster 02-24-12 - 09:15 AM I can't jump I can only walk forward...
CarBitGTSaxen 01-20-12 - 07:36 AM you move with arrows keys
it is so simple