Pokemon - Touhou Merry's Version Review by: Eniitan - 9.2/10
Pokemon Touhou Merry's Version Hey guys. I am very surprised and shocked to say. I am back yes...I am back to doing the reviews the many once loved so long ago...what made this motivation to come back? Have a look at gamers new review to understand as I won't explain that. But it won't be daily as I used to do it in the past it will be sometimes. So lets start off with the return of my review shall we? :)
I am going to be reviewing a game that most of my friends have seen me to play because I adore it a lot. This game is amazing if you have not played it then you as missing out on listening to great soundtracks and challengeable matches as well. So I really recommend for you to try it out. ^^
Story 9 out of 10: The game is a hack of fire red a game most gamers would know, but with a few tweaks of differenceness to it. They story is the same. You go on your journey to collect pokemon battle trainers and gym leaders to reach the pokemon league.
Graphics 9 out of 10: The graphics is really great. Its on a standard page like with the other games you play. Like for an example pokemon emerald, fire red leaf green etc.
Sound 10 out if 10: Now this is what made me to love the game more. There is a very good reason that I rated this as a 10. I was going for 9 but then I thought 10 would do justice for it. You know with hack games you play sometimes and get different music sometimes. While in some other hacks you don't, but in this game there are most different music that will literally blow your mind. and there are some still same old pokemon regular music. its amazing to listen too, as much as I would love to spoil by saying I won't. I'll let you find out for yourself to see. The music is so indescribable that you would not even fathom of shaking the feeling off once you heard it. There was no soundtracks of the game on youtube. So I took it upon myself to actually take the time to record the music. I am not done with it yet, but will be soon enough. I can not express enough to say if you have not listened to the music. Go and play the game, listen to it and you'll see why I am bugging you too. :)
Addictiveness 9 out of 10: This game is very addictive. I mean it would make you want to go back and catch all of the cute touhous that you don't have, and to also make you to replay the game as well. there are so many different touhous to catch. some are cute some are cool while others like weird cute.
Depth 8 out of 10: This game offers really well. You get to catch some different looking legendary pokemon that I will not name. You can find them in places. It takes a while to beat it depends because of the difficulty of it. I mean this game surprises you, you wouldn't know what to expect. lemme advice you. Don't go into a random battle without training your touhou to a decent level that they can handle. Why do I say that? I have a very good reason to say that which I will not say. Trust me it will be worth it. And the gym leaders woo...talk about being ambitious on trainers. I am telling you will be caught off guard on so many things. and the least expected things that happen to you will happen. @.@
Difficulty 8 out of 10: Yeah the game is pretty hard I would rank this with...Pokemon Ruby Destiny Life of Guardians and some others as well. Its really hard and there is a good reason why. You can't go playing a good hack pokemon game without its best difficulty right? The harder it is the more better for you to strategize for battles and more. That's what I think. Plus its tons of fun. XD
Overall 9.2: So the game has a great balance in play, sound depth and difficulty as well. The game is really unbelievably amazing to play. I would really recommend you to play if you are a pokemon fan also anime fan as well. There is a similar game to this called pokemon moemon that's another you might wanna see as well.
Well that's my review for today, I'll do another real soon or when I have the time. I do have to thank 3 people. You guys know who you are. I've learned. Don't close the book of your past, as you'll never know when it can come in handy in the future. I hope you get what I mean by that. ^-^
9 Sound
10 Addictive
9 Depth
8 Story
9 Difficulty