Crash Team Racing Review by: Spicy - 9.4/10
''Another Mario kart Ripoff? Not quite!'' Crash Team Racing for the PSOne review!Hey there! Me monster and I’m back finally for a new game review! This time it’s not a portable game, It’s my second favourite kart racer ever! With crash Nitro kart being number 1.
I’ll have to start with this: This is the first game I have ever played. Yeah, Ever! So it has a special place in my heart, I’ll try my hardest to be unbiased.
This game was released in 1999 for the PlayStation 1, It has been a discussion ever since the release of this game, Was it better than Mario kart 64? I think it is, By miles, Look I love Mario kart 64 but this game was just incredible. And unmatched by any kart racer except Crash nitro kart in my opinion.
This was also the last crash game ever to be made by The original creators of our favourite Bandicoot, Naughty dog, It was sad that they had to let go, But.. Hey what is this a history lesson? Let’s start the review!!
Most of the games that were released on the PlayStation 1 looked awesome back in the day, But just look ugly now. But this game still looks good today, The characters all look really defined and just well made, They really did put a lot of work in to the characters.
And now the tracks, Oh boy they are amazing to play in and they all look amazing too, You have little details that you never see in a PlayStation 1 game.
Coco’s stage is really colourful and shows how much effort they put in to making the graphics.
But as we all know graphics are not everything and as you saw by the score, This game has much more than good graphics.
Overall: Overall the graphics are incredible for a ps1 game and the characters and tracks look phenomenal. 10 Out of 10
Sound 9/10
Now for the sound, The sound of this game is just great! Let’s start off with the sound effects, this is crash so expect a lot of sound effects! The items, the crashes are all so wacked and amazing!
The characters also say things, Which is really cool. It’s pretty funny. The English version has some good voice actors but I like the dutch voice actors the most, But that’s just me.
And now for the music, Oh wow! The music is awesome! Super wacky and very addicting to listen to, It makes you want to continue the game, Not that you don’t want to continue without the good music but this makes you want to continue even more. All of the tracks are great but the title screen music just got me in all the right places, yeah! The title screen music, I know that it’s weird but I have it on my ipod and I listen to it very often. I listen to almost every song very often.
The music is worth to be on your media player! If you even have one that is….
Overall: The sound effects are great and has a super soundtrack, Listen to it! It’s really awesome.
Addictiveness 10/10
This game is super addicting, Once you start playing it will be the hardest thing in the world to turn it off, You want to get better search for secret shortcuts, You can not stop.
The most addicting part of this game is the multiplayer, Playing this game with friends is just incredible and Incredibly addicting. Also did I mention you can play 4 players! You need a multitap but still!
I played this game for hours.
And the controls add to the addictiveness a ton!! There is not a single thing wrong with them they are responsive and everything is placed the way it should.
The gameplay is really nothing very special, But it does not have to be. If it’s not broken don’t fix it.
Overall Darn this game is addicting from the controls to the awesome multiplayer, You will want to play and play! A Ten Out of Ten definitely.
Story 7/10
A kart racing game with a story score of 7/10!? What!? Well, it’s true. And, now why? Because the story and events are completely crazy and awesome!
So the story is this:
Crash and co plus enemies are preparing for a racing tournament.
But there comes some alien guy to earth who says that he challenges the inhabitants of earth. He claims that he is the fastest racer in the entire galaxy His Name is oxide. Who travels around the galaxy for creatures to test his skill, The challenge is a game called ‘’Survival Of The Fastest’’ He explained the rules ‘’Oxide races with the fastest racer on earth. If oxides wins.. Wait for it.. wait for it!! He will turn the entire earth in to a parking lot. And make all of the beings on earth his slaves. BUT if the fastest racer of earth wins, He will leave the quote ‘’Miserable little Rock alone.’’ So, how does oxide know who the fastest racer on earth is? You have to win 16 trophies and have to be able to beat the 4 bosses. Now that’s not a very awesome plot but for a kart racer to even have a plot is a plus and why it has such a high score is because of the wacked out scenes that appear later which you really need to see for yourself, It would be stupid if I spoiled it, Trust me it’s funny.
I won’t say anything more as it would spoil the story.
Overall Overall the plot is fun because it’s just so crazy! It will make you laugh, At least I did… A lot! 7/10
Depth 9/10
This game has so much to offer it has more to offer than even Diddy kong racing! And it has been a debate, Is Diddy kong racing better than Crash Team racing, I don’t think that it is.
But back to the depth.
For modes you have
Also note that I will be talking about the modes that you don’t have to unlock to not spoil any of the fun.
CTR Adventure: The main 1 player mode with the story. You have to choose from your favourite crash characters that were around at that time. This mode is huge and why the depth is so high.
Time trial: The time trial is something that most kart racing games have, But this is different.
If you can get a fast enough time You can challenge N. Trohpy’s ghosts.
VS.: Up to 4 players can enjoy, No Computer’s here, just multiplayer!
Battle: You can battle with friends in the battle arena, Not too much to talk about.
Overall: The depth is awesome! There is so much to do, for a kart racing game released in the 90’s that is. 9 out of 10.
Difficulty 7/10
This game is not easy but also not unfair hard. It’s the right difficulty in my opinion.
There is somewhat of a learning curve, But learning the game is just incredibly fun! The controls are just terrific so the controls don’t make the game more difficult, The game has a fair difficulty that is not caused by the quality, Which is really important and something that a lot of games don’t have.
You can set the difficulty setting to easy normal and hard, I usually choose normal but I tried hard for this review and it’s quite difficult. There is not a whole lot to say about the difficulty other than, The difficulty is fair and is the perfect difficulty for me.
Overall: The game is fair hard. 7/10
Overall: 9.4
Overall this game is just amazing, Incredible and the perfect kart racing game only to be topped by it’s sequel in my opinion. The depth is great, the controls are terrific! The sound is super! And it has a great difficulty.
Memories: Considering that this is my first game, I obviously have lots of memories of this game, I remember that I would always pick pura, As my favourite character and that I would fail miserably, Too many memories 10/10 for memories.
So there you have it my Crash Team Racing review! I hope you liked it!!
10 Sound
9 Addictive
10 Depth
9 Story
7 Difficulty