tamama 12-02-15 - 06:24 AM discovered a glitch if you go to the auction house and say yes without enough gold it says "not enough gold" but you still get the item so free items (mid ethers and dash rings so far)
MonkeyBiz 08-09-15 - 12:41 AM Is there actually a difference between *active* and *wait* mode? If there is I sure haven't seen it!
AmnesiaMaster28 10-27-14 - 01:40 AM This hack so far is well made, very fun. But for sure harder than Chrono Trigger vanilla, expecially if you use active battle system. But overall great so far.
Renzection 03-10-14 - 06:14 PM Umm i cant figure out how to bypass this one area, im supposed to go to north cape in 11,995 BC and talk to king zeal but anything i do locks the game. Help please
SacredShadow 02-02-14 - 09:49 PM I am going to be playing this all of tomorrow...
Legin32 11-12-13 - 08:21 PM Is anyone else a bit sick of the midi style music.
SuperCrash64 04-18-13 - 03:06 PM please stop aruging and just enjoy the game sheesh
Emolga 04-18-13 - 03:00 PM they did not have over large ego's in fact they didin't like the praise, besides like 1000 people wanted each job I heard and the creators were just the best
Emolga 04-18-13 - 02:59 PM the original creators were called the "dream team" because they were the best of the best in thier jobs
Emolga 04-18-13 - 02:57 PM this game is an unfinished urefined knockoff of the sequel to chrono trigger that was under way it offended the original creators so much they quit the second sequel if you count chrono cross as the first
AnonTheMouse 03-09-13 - 04:24 PM Gah...I find this unplayable. Really? Random stupid pop culture references and pointless cursing - that's what they thought Chrono Trigger was missing? >_
balzepho 08-14-12 - 04:56 PM anyone else have a problem after the scene in the castle with "elements" i go back to talk to belthasar and he says he has someone he wants me to meet and the screen goes black..?
Godxeaterx 06-01-12 - 11:56 PM how do u default the control becuz i think i kind of mess it up
Jemmohn 05-27-12 - 12:40 AM ack why is that turtlewearing nerd Lucca leading the party?
Jemmohn 05-26-12 - 11:03 PM They mayor told me it will crash unless I download Znes... Is the crash a lie?
rpgina 05-23-12 - 09:11 PM My saved file is gone! OMG.. I got far too.
falconandeagle 04-26-12 - 04:18 AM Err is there a fullscreen option
jzrozzn8706 04-21-12 - 01:28 AM not the worst either. its ok.
CarBitGTSaxen 04-06-12 - 08:54 PM Not the best game on the RGR
shaq16 04-05-12 - 12:03 AM i lol on the scene when they first went back to 605ad that was priceless
breakr_stylz 04-03-12 - 07:18 PM works great!
joey9900 03-27-12 - 11:41 PM you have to do it with the plug in
brookeangelique 03-22-12 - 06:08 PM ugh ...its took forever to load... new game .. >_>
ferguson2jb 03-22-12 - 03:03 PM can anyone tell me why games say they are loading but never come up
beeyo 03-19-12 - 06:34 PM That "burning all the copies" was probably a crock anyway, because the original creators released Crimson Echoes not too long ago also.