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Does the Original Text matter?


01-21-15 03:11 AM
darthyoda is Offline
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In Bible Class, we go through this every year. I don't agree with the KJV only, as the side that says the KJV is THE inspired word of God. I will explain that in a moment, but first I'll ask my question. 

Does it matter which Text Family we translate from? 

I say, yes! Definitely. There are many different texts, some are loosely translated, while some are translated with extreme caution. The Jewish "copiers" (People who would write the Bible again) would use a VERY meticulous method of writing each word and part of the letter. In Jewish, it's important to not add even the smallest mark, for if put in the wrong spot, it could mean something else entirely. Same with Japanese and Chinese. This means that you have to be careful
how copy the words. 

There are many text families, but I will go with only two of the main ones, but these two are VERY different. One is the Textus Receptus. (Received Text) the other is the Alexandrian, a text family which was from a school. The Alexandrian school didn't believe in the miracles of Jesus. This means that they didn't exactly copy carefully, especially when it came to miracles. The other, was traditionally used. The Received text is translated with more caution, and they believed in the miracles of Jesus! 

Why does it matter what they believed, won't they just write the words? Maybe, but not done with care. It's possible that they would omit parts of the miracles. Also, if I don't believe in it, couldn't I just leave it out completely? I say, it's very important where the text comes from. 

Now, enough with History, what about now days? We have thousands of Translation, more than I could list, or even want to study. There are the basics, the KJV, NKJV, ESV, NASV (B) etc. All of these have sources which they used. But, does it matter? Of coarse it does. It matters, because they determine how it will be Translated! I believe that the KJV is rather close, but I don't exactly think it's the best. I'll explain if you would like me too, but I have problems with the KJV ONLY stand. 

Why is it bad to say, The KJV is the only inspired word of God? Simple, the languages other than English have better translations. Because, they use the original texts and they translate that into their own language. If we were to translate from the KJV to the other languages, it would leave more margin for error. If I translate, then translate from that Translation, it doesn't make much sense. 

This to say, it's important, how we translate. It's important which text we use to translate. The Bible is important! Make sure we study where the translation we use, as, if they don't believe all words, it's possible that you may have a Bible, which either has something wrong, or they leave the possibility! 

Discuss, and make sure you don't say, which Version you use. This is more of a discussion of which Text Family and the original text used.
In Bible Class, we go through this every year. I don't agree with the KJV only, as the side that says the KJV is THE inspired word of God. I will explain that in a moment, but first I'll ask my question. 

Does it matter which Text Family we translate from? 

I say, yes! Definitely. There are many different texts, some are loosely translated, while some are translated with extreme caution. The Jewish "copiers" (People who would write the Bible again) would use a VERY meticulous method of writing each word and part of the letter. In Jewish, it's important to not add even the smallest mark, for if put in the wrong spot, it could mean something else entirely. Same with Japanese and Chinese. This means that you have to be careful
how copy the words. 

There are many text families, but I will go with only two of the main ones, but these two are VERY different. One is the Textus Receptus. (Received Text) the other is the Alexandrian, a text family which was from a school. The Alexandrian school didn't believe in the miracles of Jesus. This means that they didn't exactly copy carefully, especially when it came to miracles. The other, was traditionally used. The Received text is translated with more caution, and they believed in the miracles of Jesus! 

Why does it matter what they believed, won't they just write the words? Maybe, but not done with care. It's possible that they would omit parts of the miracles. Also, if I don't believe in it, couldn't I just leave it out completely? I say, it's very important where the text comes from. 

Now, enough with History, what about now days? We have thousands of Translation, more than I could list, or even want to study. There are the basics, the KJV, NKJV, ESV, NASV (B) etc. All of these have sources which they used. But, does it matter? Of coarse it does. It matters, because they determine how it will be Translated! I believe that the KJV is rather close, but I don't exactly think it's the best. I'll explain if you would like me too, but I have problems with the KJV ONLY stand. 

Why is it bad to say, The KJV is the only inspired word of God? Simple, the languages other than English have better translations. Because, they use the original texts and they translate that into their own language. If we were to translate from the KJV to the other languages, it would leave more margin for error. If I translate, then translate from that Translation, it doesn't make much sense. 

This to say, it's important, how we translate. It's important which text we use to translate. The Bible is important! Make sure we study where the translation we use, as, if they don't believe all words, it's possible that you may have a Bible, which either has something wrong, or they leave the possibility! 

Discuss, and make sure you don't say, which Version you use. This is more of a discussion of which Text Family and the original text used.
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01-21-15 04:17 AM
tRIUNE is Offline
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I'm not all that familiar with translating since I've never went to school for it, but I do have this about 6-inch-thick book which called "Interlinear Bible: Hebrew-Greek-English : With Strong's Concordance Numbers Above Each Word (English, Greek and Hebrew Edition)".

This way I can translate it myself, if need be. Personally I prefer to read either the NLT or NKJV.
I'm not all that familiar with translating since I've never went to school for it, but I do have this about 6-inch-thick book which called "Interlinear Bible: Hebrew-Greek-English : With Strong's Concordance Numbers Above Each Word (English, Greek and Hebrew Edition)".

This way I can translate it myself, if need be. Personally I prefer to read either the NLT or NKJV.
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