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I like it

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RavenStar666's Score

05-12-14 10:15 PM
RavenStar666 is Offline
| ID: 1019919 | 700 Words

Level: 10

POSTS: 7/14
POST EXP: 3277
LVL EXP: 3278
CP: 475.2
VIZ: 6673

Likes: 3  Dislikes: 3
An overall good game. As far as card base games go this one has to my favorite. Both in real life and in video game form. Yu-gi-oh is a simple classic card base game. Let's talk about the video game and why I think the ratings I gave it fit. 

Graphics 9
For a gba game this one has some pretty nice art to it. While there is very little animation to the game the art is still nice. Unlike the 8 to 16 bit form that Pokémon and other games take this game uses the same art as seen on the show it is based around. During cutaways you are looking at the same person as you would see on the show. This is a major benefit in my book. I can't stand when a game looks like small pixel blocks yet it is meant to be based on a well drawn show. 

Sound 4
To be honest this rating is low because I hate game music. I just end up getting annoyed by the repetitive tones and turn the sound off. This game was no different. After only 10 minutes of listing to the sound track I turned off the sound and put on my own play list. I mean with a game like this were they have the same art they could have used the voice actors. But no. A chance was missed on the part of the game designers for this one. I would be more likely to leave the sound on if it had the voice actors. I'd get the feeling I was part of that world more so if I heard voices rather then background battle music.

Addictiveness 8
I can't stop playing this. I play it at least once a day if not more so. Even after I beat it I will be happy to reply it again with a new deck and see what new choices I can make. I can't find a reason that I wouldn't play this game again. It has been just so much fun. What I really like is how they test you can you can study for the test. I would play this game all over again just to score higher on those first few test. 

Story 9
So the story goes that you are a new student at the dual academy and you start out in the red dorm. Your purpose is to dual and play your way to the top to get to the blue dorm. Raise your rank, your skill, and the cards you collect. You have many chances to collect rare cards it even has a password piece that allows you to enter codes for even rarer cards some of which can't be found in the game. I love this feature overall all these features add to the story and to the game. Its not only like being at the school with test but it also makes you think and plan. 

Depth 6
So the map isn't free form. While you can travel about it is only to set points. And the only time these points have a purpose is if an npc is their as well. When meeting an npc you can dual them. Other then that you just waste time traveling to empty points. An added fun piece is that time passes. This does add to the depth of the game however if you go to an empty point you just end up wasting part of your day and lose out on the chance to dual.

Difficulty 7
Fun piece about this game, its only as hard as you make it. If you make a really bad deck you will find it very hard to play the game. But if you know Yu-gi-oh well and make a decent deck then you will be just fine. The only draw back in this game is luck. The random coin tosses to see if you start the dual or if you go second can at times put you in a hard spot. If your given a bad hand to start with like all traps and spells you may find it hard to catch up. 
An overall good game. As far as card base games go this one has to my favorite. Both in real life and in video game form. Yu-gi-oh is a simple classic card base game. Let's talk about the video game and why I think the ratings I gave it fit. 

Graphics 9
For a gba game this one has some pretty nice art to it. While there is very little animation to the game the art is still nice. Unlike the 8 to 16 bit form that Pokémon and other games take this game uses the same art as seen on the show it is based around. During cutaways you are looking at the same person as you would see on the show. This is a major benefit in my book. I can't stand when a game looks like small pixel blocks yet it is meant to be based on a well drawn show. 

Sound 4
To be honest this rating is low because I hate game music. I just end up getting annoyed by the repetitive tones and turn the sound off. This game was no different. After only 10 minutes of listing to the sound track I turned off the sound and put on my own play list. I mean with a game like this were they have the same art they could have used the voice actors. But no. A chance was missed on the part of the game designers for this one. I would be more likely to leave the sound on if it had the voice actors. I'd get the feeling I was part of that world more so if I heard voices rather then background battle music.

Addictiveness 8
I can't stop playing this. I play it at least once a day if not more so. Even after I beat it I will be happy to reply it again with a new deck and see what new choices I can make. I can't find a reason that I wouldn't play this game again. It has been just so much fun. What I really like is how they test you can you can study for the test. I would play this game all over again just to score higher on those first few test. 

Story 9
So the story goes that you are a new student at the dual academy and you start out in the red dorm. Your purpose is to dual and play your way to the top to get to the blue dorm. Raise your rank, your skill, and the cards you collect. You have many chances to collect rare cards it even has a password piece that allows you to enter codes for even rarer cards some of which can't be found in the game. I love this feature overall all these features add to the story and to the game. Its not only like being at the school with test but it also makes you think and plan. 

Depth 6
So the map isn't free form. While you can travel about it is only to set points. And the only time these points have a purpose is if an npc is their as well. When meeting an npc you can dual them. Other then that you just waste time traveling to empty points. An added fun piece is that time passes. This does add to the depth of the game however if you go to an empty point you just end up wasting part of your day and lose out on the chance to dual.

Difficulty 7
Fun piece about this game, its only as hard as you make it. If you make a really bad deck you will find it very hard to play the game. But if you know Yu-gi-oh well and make a decent deck then you will be just fine. The only draw back in this game is luck. The random coin tosses to see if you start the dual or if you go second can at times put you in a hard spot. If your given a bad hand to start with like all traps and spells you may find it hard to catch up. 

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-06-14
Last Post: 3906 days
Last Active: 3558 days

Post Rating: 0   Liked By: Booker, Patrick Star, SacredShadow,

05-22-14 05:58 PM
lilythetigerkity is Offline
| ID: 1023861 | 65 Words

Level: 35

POSTS: 52/263
POST EXP: 15761
LVL EXP: 266814
CP: 2925.9
VIZ: 122755

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Really well thought out review. Awesome details and grammar. Easy to read and so on. This is one of the few games I played when I was little and I loved it.  I really have no complaints about this review. ( Which is very rare for me by the way.) I would honestly love to see more reviews from you. Keep up the good work.
Really well thought out review. Awesome details and grammar. Easy to read and so on. This is one of the few games I played when I was little and I loved it.  I really have no complaints about this review. ( Which is very rare for me by the way.) I would honestly love to see more reviews from you. Keep up the good work.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-10-14
Location: NY
Last Post: 3552 days
Last Active: 42 days

08-10-19 08:57 PM
Rayman85 is Offline
| ID: 1374681 | 133 Words

Canadian Eagle
Level: 26

POSTS: 67/133
POST EXP: 12298
LVL EXP: 97605
CP: 6310.8
VIZ: 337034

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Typical mediocre Vizzed review. There's quite a few capitalization and punctuation errors, and given that this is such a short review, you should have read this over at least once to correct all those errors. And where do you explain how this game plays in this review? If someone who doesn't know Yu-Gi-Oh! were to read this, they'd have no idea what this game is even about. Also, get creative and give this review a real title name. Not that the one right now is bad, I see quite a bit of it even on, but it would give your review more punch and appeal if you know what I mean. Lastly, if you seriously don't like video game music, either stop playing video games or just stick with an Atari 2600.
Typical mediocre Vizzed review. There's quite a few capitalization and punctuation errors, and given that this is such a short review, you should have read this over at least once to correct all those errors. And where do you explain how this game plays in this review? If someone who doesn't know Yu-Gi-Oh! were to read this, they'd have no idea what this game is even about. Also, get creative and give this review a real title name. Not that the one right now is bad, I see quite a bit of it even on, but it would give your review more punch and appeal if you know what I mean. Lastly, if you seriously don't like video game music, either stop playing video games or just stick with an Atari 2600.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-25-13
Location: Canada
Last Post: 1847 days
Last Active: 1837 days



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