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EX Palen
01-25-21 12:31 PM
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Site Staff Applications - Now Open!


01-25-21 12:31 PM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1389510 | 766 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
Level: 138

POSTS: 5486/6224
POST EXP: 1102388
LVL EXP: 31214388
CP: 188363.7
VIZ: 10699673

Likes: 2  Dislikes: 0
2021 is a year of rebuilding, and of course the Land of V could be no different. One such rebuilding revolves around the site staff team, and to that end we need users stepping up to fill the available holes.

A list of the positions as well as its functions and requirements is listed below. You can apply for up to 3 positions, though most likely you’ll end up with at most 2 of those roles so as to not overwork yourself. Initially we have no limit on the number of staff members in our team, this thread will be constantly edited with the available positions, even newly created or resurrected ones, to show “in real time” what can you apply for.

You may guess that the constant edits I’ve mentioned before imply having this thread permanently open. And yes, that’s the case. The staff team is very dynamic, so you can apply anytime to whatever spot is open.

If you have any questions about any position, feel free to ask them here. For useful information any member needs to know before applying, see the Staff FAQ thread. If doubtful about applying, you can find something useful in this thread.

-Tech Support

Holders of this role are in charge of answering the staff inbox as well as helping with problems users may be having in the RGR.

Position currently to be held by just one user, might expand to 2 depending on workload

-RGR Streamer

Your job is to promote the RGR via any streaming service. Twitch should be your primary option, but any similar site is equally welcome.

Position currently on hold as the streamers page is not yet fully functional

-Content Writer

Your job is to write content of any kind for video game pages in either the RGR or VGR. You can write either reviews, guides, articles or character bios. You will also help the mods in each content’s forum, giving advice when needed and making sure the submitted content is of enough quality.

-Content Adder

Your job is to add content and graphics for pages in the VGR (excluding screenshots and videos, other staff are in charge of that).

-Minecraft Admin

Your job is to maintain active the Vizzed Minecraft server. As such, your job will entirely rely on that server and not on this site.
SonicOlmstead is the manager of the minecraft server, he’s in charge of everything except demotions and promotions which are handled by yours truly.

Position currently on hold as the server is still being rebuilt, also no empty spots for now.

-Video Game Music Manager

Your job is to be in charge of the Video Game Music Room. You will have to upload music, rate playlists, rename or remove songs and more.

-Video Game Character Manager

Your job is to add any missing characters or franchises. You will also assign them to their correct franchise, add information to them, accept characters and franchises added by regular users and keep an eye out on the Game Characters forum to see if the submitted bios are of enough quality.

As an optional measure, you can also write bios yourself if no Content Writer is planning on doing them.

-Emulation Manager

Your job is to test the available emulators and help configure both them and the games. You will also be the official game and emulator tester to keep track of their functionality.

-Screenshot Adder

Your job is to upload your self-taken screenshots to the game’s page in either the RGR or the VGR, though the former should be a priority. You can also categorize, assign and organize screenshots for the games.

-Video Adder

Your job is to upload your self-taken videos to game pages, via Youtube primarily. Additionally, you will help in categorizing and organizing videos, as well as keeping an eye out on user-submitted videos to ensure they are of enough quality.

Position currently on hold as the feature needs to be fixed.

-Console Manager

Your job is to add game pages to the VGR regarding any console system. While your main focus will be the current systems, you’ll have to keep an eye out on completing the old ones as well as user suggestions of missing games (see this thread as example).

Position to be held by a sole user.

-Steam/PC Manager

Your job is to add game pages for newly released PC and Steam games. You should also check those two systems have their full line-up and keep an eye on user suggestions just like the Console Manager.

Position to be held by a sole user.
2021 is a year of rebuilding, and of course the Land of V could be no different. One such rebuilding revolves around the site staff team, and to that end we need users stepping up to fill the available holes.

A list of the positions as well as its functions and requirements is listed below. You can apply for up to 3 positions, though most likely you’ll end up with at most 2 of those roles so as to not overwork yourself. Initially we have no limit on the number of staff members in our team, this thread will be constantly edited with the available positions, even newly created or resurrected ones, to show “in real time” what can you apply for.

You may guess that the constant edits I’ve mentioned before imply having this thread permanently open. And yes, that’s the case. The staff team is very dynamic, so you can apply anytime to whatever spot is open.

If you have any questions about any position, feel free to ask them here. For useful information any member needs to know before applying, see the Staff FAQ thread. If doubtful about applying, you can find something useful in this thread.

-Tech Support

Holders of this role are in charge of answering the staff inbox as well as helping with problems users may be having in the RGR.

Position currently to be held by just one user, might expand to 2 depending on workload

-RGR Streamer

Your job is to promote the RGR via any streaming service. Twitch should be your primary option, but any similar site is equally welcome.

Position currently on hold as the streamers page is not yet fully functional

-Content Writer

Your job is to write content of any kind for video game pages in either the RGR or VGR. You can write either reviews, guides, articles or character bios. You will also help the mods in each content’s forum, giving advice when needed and making sure the submitted content is of enough quality.

-Content Adder

Your job is to add content and graphics for pages in the VGR (excluding screenshots and videos, other staff are in charge of that).

-Minecraft Admin

Your job is to maintain active the Vizzed Minecraft server. As such, your job will entirely rely on that server and not on this site.
SonicOlmstead is the manager of the minecraft server, he’s in charge of everything except demotions and promotions which are handled by yours truly.

Position currently on hold as the server is still being rebuilt, also no empty spots for now.

-Video Game Music Manager

Your job is to be in charge of the Video Game Music Room. You will have to upload music, rate playlists, rename or remove songs and more.

-Video Game Character Manager

Your job is to add any missing characters or franchises. You will also assign them to their correct franchise, add information to them, accept characters and franchises added by regular users and keep an eye out on the Game Characters forum to see if the submitted bios are of enough quality.

As an optional measure, you can also write bios yourself if no Content Writer is planning on doing them.

-Emulation Manager

Your job is to test the available emulators and help configure both them and the games. You will also be the official game and emulator tester to keep track of their functionality.

-Screenshot Adder

Your job is to upload your self-taken screenshots to the game’s page in either the RGR or the VGR, though the former should be a priority. You can also categorize, assign and organize screenshots for the games.

-Video Adder

Your job is to upload your self-taken videos to game pages, via Youtube primarily. Additionally, you will help in categorizing and organizing videos, as well as keeping an eye out on user-submitted videos to ensure they are of enough quality.

Position currently on hold as the feature needs to be fixed.

-Console Manager

Your job is to add game pages to the VGR regarding any console system. While your main focus will be the current systems, you’ll have to keep an eye out on completing the old ones as well as user suggestions of missing games (see this thread as example).

Position to be held by a sole user.

-Steam/PC Manager

Your job is to add game pages for newly released PC and Steam games. You should also check those two systems have their full line-up and keep an eye on user suggestions just like the Console Manager.

Position to be held by a sole user.
Site Staff Manager, Content Writer, Console Manager
Vizzed #1 Hardstyle fan

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-03-13
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Last Post: 3 days
Last Active: 3 hours

    Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Barathemos, cid789,

01-25-21 06:07 PM
classgame is Offline
| ID: 1389513 | 14 Words

Level: 86

POSTS: 111/1914
POST EXP: 197003
LVL EXP: 5948262
CP: 24245.6
VIZ: 1956665

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
oh so that's why I couldn't add videos to anything, it's the admins job
oh so that's why I couldn't add videos to anything, it's the admins job
Trusted Member

Affected by 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'

Registered: 10-02-10
Location: Winnipeg
Last Post: 2 hours
Last Active: 2 hours

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: jnisol,

01-25-21 09:12 PM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1389515 | 41 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
Level: 138

POSTS: 5489/6224
POST EXP: 1102388
LVL EXP: 31214388
CP: 188363.7
VIZ: 10699673

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
classgame : The feature is broken right now, nobody can add videos. Once the feature is fixed, any member regardless of rank will be able to upload videos again.

Not sure what caused such misunderstanding, but I hope I cleared it up.
classgame : The feature is broken right now, nobody can add videos. Once the feature is fixed, any member regardless of rank will be able to upload videos again.

Not sure what caused such misunderstanding, but I hope I cleared it up.
Site Staff Manager, Content Writer, Console Manager
Vizzed #1 Hardstyle fan

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-03-13
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Last Post: 3 days
Last Active: 3 hours

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: classgame,

01-25-21 10:15 PM
classgame is Offline
| ID: 1389522 | 19 Words

Level: 86

POSTS: 112/1914
POST EXP: 197003
LVL EXP: 5948262
CP: 24245.6
VIZ: 1956665

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I see, well I'm glad you cleared that up, I hope to add to it myself in the future
I see, well I'm glad you cleared that up, I hope to add to it myself in the future
Trusted Member

Affected by 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'

Registered: 10-02-10
Location: Winnipeg
Last Post: 2 hours
Last Active: 2 hours

02-25-21 12:26 PM
pokemon x is Offline
| ID: 1390329 | 84 Words

pokemon x
Level: 83

POSTS: 1440/1827
POST EXP: 91410
LVL EXP: 5396380
CP: 19936.6
VIZ: 1645916

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I think I was a content adder last time I was staff so I think I want to try taking time doing it again.. (If chosen that is.)

I did try taking a look at the edit page and is there not a way to add box art anymore? Makes things a little bit easier in my opinion less downloading of files.

Anyways do I need to write why I would want this position and what I would do kinda like a local application?
I think I was a content adder last time I was staff so I think I want to try taking time doing it again.. (If chosen that is.)

I did try taking a look at the edit page and is there not a way to add box art anymore? Makes things a little bit easier in my opinion less downloading of files.

Anyways do I need to write why I would want this position and what I would do kinda like a local application?
User Manager, Content Adder
Breaker of things

Affected by 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'

Registered: 06-30-11
Location: ...
Last Post: 28 min.
Last Active: 26 min.

02-25-21 01:34 PM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1390330 | 100 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
Level: 138

POSTS: 5536/6224
POST EXP: 1102388
LVL EXP: 31214388
CP: 188363.7
VIZ: 10699673

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
pokemon x : The option to add graphics, including boxarts, now relies on a different link than the content. It's still an action for Content Adders to do, since after all they'll be looking at the official online store for the content to add first. Maybe you can't look at it because it was disabled for non-staff to avoid abuse?

There's not really much you have to add to your application. I can confirm you have experience in the staff team with that same position, so if you're up to the task again we're more than happy to have you aboard.
pokemon x : The option to add graphics, including boxarts, now relies on a different link than the content. It's still an action for Content Adders to do, since after all they'll be looking at the official online store for the content to add first. Maybe you can't look at it because it was disabled for non-staff to avoid abuse?

There's not really much you have to add to your application. I can confirm you have experience in the staff team with that same position, so if you're up to the task again we're more than happy to have you aboard.
Site Staff Manager, Content Writer, Console Manager
Vizzed #1 Hardstyle fan

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-03-13
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Last Post: 3 days
Last Active: 3 hours

02-25-21 01:42 PM
pokemon x is Offline
| ID: 1390331 | 80 Words

pokemon x
Level: 83

POSTS: 1441/1827
POST EXP: 91410
LVL EXP: 5396380
CP: 19936.6
VIZ: 1645916

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Unsure if I should actually respond again but yeah here it is.

That is what I will go for.

I know it has changed some since I was last staff since it used to be on top of page to edit and now it is on side.

I know the way I was trying to look was

Game Page > Edit Page and it showed all the text options but no boxart.
Maybe it will show up as staff rank.
Unsure if I should actually respond again but yeah here it is.

That is what I will go for.

I know it has changed some since I was last staff since it used to be on top of page to edit and now it is on side.

I know the way I was trying to look was

Game Page > Edit Page and it showed all the text options but no boxart.
Maybe it will show up as staff rank.
User Manager, Content Adder
Breaker of things

Affected by 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'

Registered: 06-30-11
Location: ...
Last Post: 28 min.
Last Active: 26 min.

02-26-21 06:22 PM
cid789 is Offline
| ID: 1390340 | 49 Words

Level: 57

POSTS: 723/969
POST EXP: 37989
LVL EXP: 1404992
CP: 2112.2
VIZ: 55696

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
EX Palen : I can help on few things, like tech support, emulation manager, video game character manager or if you need backup for either console mananger or steam/pc manager. I am always free to help out if need. plus I know about VGR for any console system. from cid789
EX Palen : I can help on few things, like tech support, emulation manager, video game character manager or if you need backup for either console mananger or steam/pc manager. I am always free to help out if need. plus I know about VGR for any console system. from cid789
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-18-18
Last Post: 936 days
Last Active: 936 days

02-27-21 11:57 AM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1390346 | 156 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
Level: 138

POSTS: 5539/6224
POST EXP: 1102388
LVL EXP: 31214388
CP: 188363.7
VIZ: 10699673

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
cid789 : While it's good to see you have such drive to help, if you get a staff role you'd be expected to focus more on it than any other action, so if you just want to be a helping hand with whatever the site might need then you're fine within the mod team and their broader focus.

If there's any specific role you'd want to attain then you have to make your mind for it. Staff members decide their own workload and what will they focus on, they're never imposed on what should they work next.

If you're unsure of what to focus on I could give you the emulation manager position once the plugin gets fixed, we'll need lots of testing when (if?) that happens. Or I can give you the role now and try your hands with the browser emulators so you can confirm for yourself if you actually want to hold that position.
cid789 : While it's good to see you have such drive to help, if you get a staff role you'd be expected to focus more on it than any other action, so if you just want to be a helping hand with whatever the site might need then you're fine within the mod team and their broader focus.

If there's any specific role you'd want to attain then you have to make your mind for it. Staff members decide their own workload and what will they focus on, they're never imposed on what should they work next.

If you're unsure of what to focus on I could give you the emulation manager position once the plugin gets fixed, we'll need lots of testing when (if?) that happens. Or I can give you the role now and try your hands with the browser emulators so you can confirm for yourself if you actually want to hold that position.
Site Staff Manager, Content Writer, Console Manager
Vizzed #1 Hardstyle fan

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-03-13
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Last Post: 3 days
Last Active: 3 hours

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: cid789,

02-28-21 12:50 PM
cid789 is Offline
| ID: 1390351 | 42 Words

Level: 57

POSTS: 724/969
POST EXP: 37989
LVL EXP: 1404992
CP: 2112.2
VIZ: 55696

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
EX Palen : sure I am always free if need too. I will be using my laptop as usual. I do have my father's computer skills but I can do more online base. I am staff on vizzed on discord as Tifa lockhart.
EX Palen : sure I am always free if need too. I will be using my laptop as usual. I do have my father's computer skills but I can do more online base. I am staff on vizzed on discord as Tifa lockhart.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-18-18
Last Post: 936 days
Last Active: 936 days

05-18-21 12:33 PM
Randy53215 is Offline
| ID: 1390985 | 18 Words

Level: 70

POSTS: 1047/1081
POST EXP: 40382
LVL EXP: 3009932
CP: 484.3
VIZ: 93837

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
EX Palen : I'd like to apply to the Admin position that isn't listed. Someone forgot about me.
EX Palen : I'd like to apply to the Admin position that isn't listed. Someone forgot about me.
Vizzed Elite
Former Administrator

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-06-04
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (U.S.A)
Last Post: 123 days
Last Active: 9 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Davideo7,

07-26-22 10:00 PM
Kid Danger is Offline
| ID: 1397772 | 49 Words

Kid Danger
Enzo Matrix
Level: 42

POSTS: 356/399
POST EXP: 26416
LVL EXP: 503365
CP: 2689.9
VIZ: 115853

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
i sure would like to be site staff mod thing i wanted to go higher rank since i am doing good as a Local Moderator & Super Local i wanted to help on here by banned those that needed banned i want to do a better job on vizzed
i sure would like to be site staff mod thing i wanted to go higher rank since i am doing good as a Local Moderator & Super Local i wanted to help on here by banned those that needed banned i want to do a better job on vizzed
Vizzed Elite
Super Local

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-24-13
Location: Swellview
Last Post: 555 days
Last Active: 81 days

07-26-22 10:05 PM
becerra95 is Offline
| ID: 1397773 | 48 Words

Level: 114

POSTS: 2632/3604
POST EXP: 253172
LVL EXP: 15856603
CP: 17188.8
VIZ: 1306224

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I second Kid Danger as a staff member. Though I do must point out a one thing about being staff my guy.

Kid Danger : staff helps out with gaming side of the site bruh, so not really any power on banning users sadly. Tho I like the dedication.
I second Kid Danger as a staff member. Though I do must point out a one thing about being staff my guy.

Kid Danger : staff helps out with gaming side of the site bruh, so not really any power on banning users sadly. Tho I like the dedication.
Vizzed Elite
It’s too big and well endowed, my pride

Affected by 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'

Registered: 11-11-09
Location: Not sure
Last Post: 4 hours
Last Active: 49 min.

07-26-22 10:07 PM
Kid Danger is Offline
| ID: 1397774 | 6 Words

Kid Danger
Enzo Matrix
Level: 42

POSTS: 357/399
POST EXP: 26416
LVL EXP: 503365
CP: 2689.9
VIZ: 115853

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
becerra95 : i got what you're saying
becerra95 : i got what you're saying
Vizzed Elite
Super Local

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-24-13
Location: Swellview
Last Post: 555 days
Last Active: 81 days

07-26-22 10:07 PM
Kid Danger is Offline
| ID: 1397775 | 6 Words

Kid Danger
Enzo Matrix
Level: 42

POSTS: 358/399
POST EXP: 26416
LVL EXP: 503365
CP: 2689.9
VIZ: 115853

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
becerra95 : i got what you're saying
becerra95 : i got what you're saying
Vizzed Elite
Super Local

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-24-13
Location: Swellview
Last Post: 555 days
Last Active: 81 days

01-15-23 02:20 AM
supercool22 is Offline
| ID: 1400057 | 58 Words

Level: 126

POSTS: 4216/4988
POST EXP: 184662
LVL EXP: 22982640
CP: 82485.9
VIZ: 4885296

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
I would like to apply for a site staff position. I want to be a Steam/PC manager. I started being active again on here recently and can dedicate a couple hours a day at least to adding newly release games.

I do have previous experience as a site staff (Game Reviewer) but that was almost 10 years ago.
I would like to apply for a site staff position. I want to be a Steam/PC manager. I started being active again on here recently and can dedicate a couple hours a day at least to adding newly release games.

I do have previous experience as a site staff (Game Reviewer) but that was almost 10 years ago.
PC/Steam Manager, Content Adder, Mod Manager
Winter 2024 TDV Winner

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-30-12
Last Post: 9 days
Last Active: 38 min.

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Dauntez,


Adblocker detected! is very expensive to keep alive! The Ads pay for the servers.

Vizzed has 3 TB worth of games and 1 TB worth of music.  This site is free to use but the ads barely pay for the monthly server fees.  If too many more people use ad block, the site cannot survive.

We prioritize the community over the site profits.  This is why we avoid using annoying (but high paying) ads like most other sites which include popups, obnoxious sounds and animations, malware, and other forms of intrusiveness.  We'll do our part to never resort to these types of ads, please do your part by helping support this site by adding to your ad blocking whitelist.
