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EX Palen
01-06-18 01:22 PM
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Feeling like a kid again with gifts like this


01-06-18 01:22 PM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1351111 | 234 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
Level: 139

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Today is also a celebration here in Spain, so whatever gifts we didn't receive in Christmas can have their way now.

Back during Christmas, my cousin showed me he had bought a Scouter doing a research in Internet. To those that such word doesn't ring any bell, it's the portable radar some characters wore in Dragon Ball Z, basically a visor worn over your left eye which served to calculate the power level of your opponents and know who was the wearer fighting against.

It may seem quite silly for some, but Dragon Ball Z is an anime even older than me so I grew up watching it in two dubs. It means a lot to me, and back in the mid 90s the merchandising wasn't anything close to what it is today, and technology has also progressed an awful lot.

That's why I needed to have one as well. Doesn't do much, just a few sounds when you click the button that activated it in the anime, but it looks amazing. We received today my maternal family, and my cousins couldn't resist trying it out as well!

Not the best comfortable headpiece I've ever worn, but it's something very special for me. The kid within me couldn't be more happy in a day like this. Now maybe I should attempt to get a Duel Disk and emulate my all-time favorite anime Yu-Gi-Oh! xD
Today is also a celebration here in Spain, so whatever gifts we didn't receive in Christmas can have their way now.

Back during Christmas, my cousin showed me he had bought a Scouter doing a research in Internet. To those that such word doesn't ring any bell, it's the portable radar some characters wore in Dragon Ball Z, basically a visor worn over your left eye which served to calculate the power level of your opponents and know who was the wearer fighting against.

It may seem quite silly for some, but Dragon Ball Z is an anime even older than me so I grew up watching it in two dubs. It means a lot to me, and back in the mid 90s the merchandising wasn't anything close to what it is today, and technology has also progressed an awful lot.

That's why I needed to have one as well. Doesn't do much, just a few sounds when you click the button that activated it in the anime, but it looks amazing. We received today my maternal family, and my cousins couldn't resist trying it out as well!

Not the best comfortable headpiece I've ever worn, but it's something very special for me. The kid within me couldn't be more happy in a day like this. Now maybe I should attempt to get a Duel Disk and emulate my all-time favorite anime Yu-Gi-Oh! xD
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01-06-18 02:05 PM
Eniitan is Offline
| ID: 1351113 | 53 Words

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Omg that's a sayian scouter lol, the thing they use to tell someone's power level. This thread actually made my day lol thanks palen I was laughing a lot. Not directly at you but the remembrance of the scouter XD

As vegata would say.... "it's over 9000!!!"

Sorry had to say it xD
Omg that's a sayian scouter lol, the thing they use to tell someone's power level. This thread actually made my day lol thanks palen I was laughing a lot. Not directly at you but the remembrance of the scouter XD

As vegata would say.... "it's over 9000!!!"

Sorry had to say it xD
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(edited by Eniitan on 01-06-18 02:06 PM)    

01-06-18 07:23 PM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1351131 | 91 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
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Eniitan : The scouter made our day as well, been a long time since me and my cousins were all hyped for the same thing. For those magical minutes it didn't look like there was much of an age gap between them and me, and it's not often that I can feel that; they're between 8 and 15 years older than me and thus I didn't have much of a playmate in any of them.

That quote is eternal, but I won't crush my scouter if I ever perform that meme xD
Eniitan : The scouter made our day as well, been a long time since me and my cousins were all hyped for the same thing. For those magical minutes it didn't look like there was much of an age gap between them and me, and it's not often that I can feel that; they're between 8 and 15 years older than me and thus I didn't have much of a playmate in any of them.

That quote is eternal, but I won't crush my scouter if I ever perform that meme xD
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01-06-18 07:58 PM
DatCrazyBox is Offline
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That is awesome! I love DBZ! I was kid Trunks for Halloween and have a lot of collectible stuff. I have the blue scouter, plus a homemade one. The homemade one is actually part of broken headphones and a Sonic kids meal toy glasses put together. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Glad you are having fun with it!
That is awesome! I love DBZ! I was kid Trunks for Halloween and have a lot of collectible stuff. I have the blue scouter, plus a homemade one. The homemade one is actually part of broken headphones and a Sonic kids meal toy glasses put together. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Glad you are having fun with it!

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01-07-18 06:59 AM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1351143 | 113 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
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Kilian : A cosplay of kid Trunks? Never saw one of those, even though I've been attending my city's anime convention for 5 years. You surely must love it a lot to use it even during a scary night like Halloween.

That homemade scouter indeed sounds like a funny thing to make. Back in time when merchandising was so low, I bet many kids your age had made their own just like you. And the blue one must look cool, my red lens blocks a bit my vision but the blue one, if it's of the same shade of the blue sunglasses available in the market, can be used without it hindering your sight.
Kilian : A cosplay of kid Trunks? Never saw one of those, even though I've been attending my city's anime convention for 5 years. You surely must love it a lot to use it even during a scary night like Halloween.

That homemade scouter indeed sounds like a funny thing to make. Back in time when merchandising was so low, I bet many kids your age had made their own just like you. And the blue one must look cool, my red lens blocks a bit my vision but the blue one, if it's of the same shade of the blue sunglasses available in the market, can be used without it hindering your sight.
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01-07-18 08:32 AM
DatCrazyBox is Offline
| ID: 1351145 | 98 Words

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My mom made most of it, except the wig. We even used an orange plastic trick-or-treat pumpkin with red stars on it. I will try to post a pic.
We love Halloween! I also like comic cons but they skipped the big city near us in 17 and will again this year. The 2 years I did get to go, I was young/past Link from Ocarina of Time, and Finn the Human from Adventure Time. Both were homemade too since it's hard to find those things and look like you step out of the game or show. 

My mom made most of it, except the wig. We even used an orange plastic trick-or-treat pumpkin with red stars on it. I will try to post a pic.
We love Halloween! I also like comic cons but they skipped the big city near us in 17 and will again this year. The 2 years I did get to go, I was young/past Link from Ocarina of Time, and Finn the Human from Adventure Time. Both were homemade too since it's hard to find those things and look like you step out of the game or show. 


Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

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(edited by Kilian on 01-07-18 08:49 AM)     Post Rating: 1   Liked By: EX Palen,


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