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  Views: 3,396,652,291     09-24-24 04:40 AM  

Main Profile Wolftide's Profile Game Profile

Real Name:
Age / Birthday:
    25 / 12-25-98

Post Exp Words per Post
    460     46 avg
Posts Threads
    10     2
Viz: Gender:
    2,541     Male

CP: 106.5 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 0
Position: Member

Registration: 05-10-12 02:09 PM (4519 days ago)
Last Activity: 04-05-16 06:34 PM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline
    Unknown Action

Last Post: 09-20-12 03:00 PM
    in What makes you come back to play vizzed (General Chat)
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Arcade Scores
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Wolftide's Last Game Comments
Mega Man X I know where to get the arm piece but every time I get up there, nothing is there.
Mega Man 64 For some reason every time I play this it goes like 5 times faster than I think it should be going.
Illusion of Gaia How are you supposed to beat the boss in Larai cliffs? I've gotten all the upgrades and know how to hurt it but it keeps killing me.
Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest This is really glitchy. It took my shield for no reason at all.
Mortal Kombat sheesh, I try to hit this guy and he keeps throwing me around.
Spyro 2 - Season of Flame Why are the old games so much better than the new ones?
Glover Is anyone on because I need help with level one. The ball is floating in the middle of nowhere.
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories Nvm, found it.
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories Stupid thing won't let me out of the card screen where you equip the different cards.

Wolftide's Last Game screenshots (25 total)

Wolftide's Game History
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Game Boy Advance Games Wolftide owns (18)

Super Nintendo Games Wolftide owns (24)

Nintendo 64 Games Wolftide owns (12)

Nintendo NES Games Wolftide owns (20)

Game Boy Color Games Wolftide owns (1)

Sega Genesis Games Wolftide owns (1)

Game Boy Games Wolftide owns (6)

Atari 2600 Games Wolftide owns (1)

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