Retro Game Room

The RGR offers 10,000s of free professionally made games, all playable online in the browser and is loaded with features like saving, screenshots, netplay & more!
Top Pages: Netplay Lobby, Streamers, Rom Hacks
Top Series: Sonic, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, DBZ
Top Systems: GBA, SNES, N64, NES, Arcade, DC
Top Pages: Netplay Lobby, Streamers, Rom Hacks
Top Series: Sonic, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, DBZ
Top Systems: GBA, SNES, N64, NES, Arcade, DC
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Top Pages: RGR Help, Friends List, Layout Editor
Top Features: RGR Plugin, Viz, TdV, Notifications
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Top Pages: Streamers, Characters, Screenshots
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EmulatorJS Updated from 4.0 to 4.2.1 (News and Updates) by Davideo7
RGR Game Request: Gran Turismo 2 Plus (Retro Game Room) by TouchMaster97
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Play Retro Games (208990 views)
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Popular Threads Today
EmulatorJS Updated from 4.0 to 4.2.1 (News and Updates) by Davideo7
RGR Game Request: Gran Turismo 2 Plus (Retro Game Room) by TouchMaster97
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Site Announcements
I've updated the version of EmulatorJS that the site is using to the latest version. The version we had been using was outdated by about 2 years, and the emulator has had a ton of updates since.
For those of you unfamiliar with EmulatorJS, it's currently the best non-plugin option for playing games in the Retro Game Room and it supports most of the games, including many of the CD systems.
Things worth pointing out:
-Overall compatibility is greatly increased
-Games should play a lot better
-There are a ton of new features like rewind
-There's a ton of customization options now
-There are a lot more options in the menus
-The latest version lets you choose between different emulators for a game (be sure to close the page and open it up again for it to work)
Commodore 64 was made available with EmulatorJS with this update. There are also a lot of other systems that EmulatorJS supports that Vizzed doesn't currently have, but we could get them added in the future (anything that isn't CD based, since we don't have space for that).
The EmulatorJS netplay isn't working yet, but I'll work on getting that taken care of and updated soon.
I should also point out that EmulatorJS had been having issues working for some people for a few months now. This issue should be completely resolved.
If you have any questions or feedback, please go here:
Today I've added 64+ Steam Codes for 32 Steam Games
For a list of games added:
Just a reminder, these games can be purchased with Viz.
The Winter Tour de Vizzed discussion thread can be found here:
Each day there will be 4 Jerseys you can compete for:
Yellow Jersey: Most words in a day
Blue Jersey: Most posts in a day
Red Jersey: Most CP in a day
Green Jersey: Most CP actions in a day
The Hall of Fame page can be found here:
You can find the current Tour de Vizzed results page here:
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Page Comments
Davideo7'sBiggestFan - 02-11-25 01:22 AM
Welcome to my wondrous website!
becerra95 - 10-29-24 04:29 PM
Me chat island matey or walk thee plank
shadowrules - 10-27-24 02:24 AM
So glad to see this site still up haha. i used this a lot as a youngin, its so cool to see the site still up!

becerra95 - 10-21-24 07:07 AM
rooney03 - 10-05-24 02:39 PM
hello Internet, welcome to Game website
becerra95 - 08-13-24 04:12 AM
I like cheese
AnnaLee123 - 02-16-24 01:09 AM
I really liked the BW one, I don't know what it's called but it went: "It's not always black or white, but your heart always knows what's right"
Dauntez - 01-05-24 01:46 PM
FFVII is a really good game!
Dauntez - 01-05-24 01:45 PM
becky without caps.
Dauntez - 01-05-24 01:45 PM
I taking my island back.