Ugh, where do I start.Before I get into this review, I wanna note something. The only reason I'm doing this review is because other members on vizzed did a review on this game as well, but for whatever reason some of them actually gave this game a lot of good critiques.
Now I'm not one to bash people's opinions on their liking, but a lot of the reviews on vizzed about this game aren't accurate. I'm here today to explain the actual good and bad of this gem, so with that said onto the review.
This game's visuals would've been replicated and probably done better by a young child using paint.Yes, literally; the game's graphics aren't unique, the developers at HappySoft were lazy and just decided to copy paste a bunch of random images together, with some random sprites and called it a day. There's no charm to this game, they even copy pasted a Coca-Cola background and decided to use it as a level.The images look bad, like they had to reduce the amount of color just to fit the images on screen and it makes them look pixelated and awful.
The Graphics receives a 2 out of 10.
Music:Now Normally, I'd have a sound section but this game is all about replaying the same repetitive music.
According to Wikipedia, this games music is an endless loop from "I love Beijing Tinanamen" and needless to say, this gets quite annoying; it's enough to make you put the game on mute.
For a game that's supposed to be about Bruce Lee's relative, couldn't the programmers at HappySoft just use some proper Kung-Fu or other epic music?
The Music receives a 1 out of 10.
If you play through the game and try to pretend the bad aspects aren't there, it's not bad game play wise.
The game is a basic 2D shooter at most, and it seems like it could've had potential as a High-Score game with it's never ending amount of enemies.
This is my main complaint with the gameplay: Whenever you get hit once, it's game over and when you get game over you gotta re sit through the Plot Screen all over again.
If they had extra lives, or removed the plot screen from repeatively re showing; this game would be far more acceptable.
The plot breaks one of the vizzed rules:Yep that's correct, this game breaks the no swearing policy of vizzed. As soon as you get to the plot of the game, the first thing you'll see is a bad remark towards Chinese people; this game drops the F-bomb while calling the Chinese people ugly reds. Yikes, not a good start.
Apparently due to the "ugly reds" this ruins Hong Kong, and Bruce Lee's relative Chin gets called into save the place.
And after Doing some experimenting, the "ugly reds" find a way to revive the dead "Tong Shau Ping" and bring him back as the Ultimate Weapon.
Plot receives a 2/10, they cursed on the game just to bring the message across; that alone gets this thing a bad rating.
Depth: 5/10
The game is a never ending loop, so you can play it endlessly if you desire. But because it's a repetitive game and doesn't offer anything new after defeating the final boss, I have to rate it low.
Difficulty: 7/10
Like I said before, one hit and it's all over. There's plenty of chances that an enemy will spawn and kill you instantly which is very annoying, so for this reason alone I'll rate the difficulty high.
Overall: 2.0 This game was so bad, no copies of it existed and as said in the Wikipedia page of this game: James Rolfe(That's the AVGN for reference) had to use an emulator just to do an episode on it.
And to be honest, it's beyond me why the developers at HappySoft wanted stores to have this garbage.
2 Sound
1 Addictive
3 Depth
5 Story
2 Difficulty