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4th of July Celebrations


07-04-16 01:58 AM
Yuna1000 is Offline
| ID: 1281284 | 207 Words

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Just out of curiosity, what is everyone going to be doing (if anything) for the 4th of July? I know this is a holiday that's not celebrated in non-U.S. countries, but feel free to answer anyways with what you'll be doing on this day. ^^ Also, enjoy~  

For me, I'll be hosting a BBQ party complete with ice cream and watermelons, and I hope to be able to drive my guests somewhere to see some firework displays. (Many years ago, we actually went to watch fireworks at Disney, but that was during a special vacation.) Usually, we'll do our best to come up with more creative ways of celebrating once the party actually gets started, but this time I'm kind of hoping to get some ideas from the people of Vizzed (well, that is if anyone decides to post any ideas, and they will be much appreciated ^^ ). At the end of the day, we'll also be watching fireworks on TV, maybe setting off a few of our own in the backyard and finally, we'll get to toasting marshmallows. 

Needless to say, it's going to be an exciting day of fun-filled activities, and I hope everyone on Vizzed will have a wonderful day as well!
Just out of curiosity, what is everyone going to be doing (if anything) for the 4th of July? I know this is a holiday that's not celebrated in non-U.S. countries, but feel free to answer anyways with what you'll be doing on this day. ^^ Also, enjoy~  

For me, I'll be hosting a BBQ party complete with ice cream and watermelons, and I hope to be able to drive my guests somewhere to see some firework displays. (Many years ago, we actually went to watch fireworks at Disney, but that was during a special vacation.) Usually, we'll do our best to come up with more creative ways of celebrating once the party actually gets started, but this time I'm kind of hoping to get some ideas from the people of Vizzed (well, that is if anyone decides to post any ideas, and they will be much appreciated ^^ ). At the end of the day, we'll also be watching fireworks on TV, maybe setting off a few of our own in the backyard and finally, we'll get to toasting marshmallows. 

Needless to say, it's going to be an exciting day of fun-filled activities, and I hope everyone on Vizzed will have a wonderful day as well!
Vizzed Elite

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(edited by Yuna1000 on 07-04-16 02:01 AM)     Post Rating: 1   Liked By: no 8120,

07-04-16 02:05 AM
Mynamescox44 is Offline
| ID: 1281289 | 94 Words

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Sadly, I don't have any plans for the 4th of July, or even did anything this past weekend. I don't have any friends left IRL, so there really wasn't much to do except maybe participate in my parents party with their friends (yuck ). Don't get me wrong, I'm all for celebrating our independence, but I just don't have anyone to celebrate with lol. I'll just have to settle for spending time with the rest of my fellow Vizzed users, not that I really mind doing so

Happy 4th of July everyone!!
Sadly, I don't have any plans for the 4th of July, or even did anything this past weekend. I don't have any friends left IRL, so there really wasn't much to do except maybe participate in my parents party with their friends (yuck ). Don't get me wrong, I'm all for celebrating our independence, but I just don't have anyone to celebrate with lol. I'll just have to settle for spending time with the rest of my fellow Vizzed users, not that I really mind doing so

Happy 4th of July everyone!!
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07-04-16 02:07 AM
m0ssb3rg935 is Offline
| ID: 1281291 | 128 Words

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We almost always buy a whole bunch of fireworks to set off when July 4th rolls around. There's a decent chance that we'll be rained out... but that doesn't mean we can't just set them off on the 5th, right? We don't have anything special planned for food and we likely won't have company, but hey, it's still a blast (excuse the pun). We'll probably do something like fried chicken. The only thing that's missing is champagne, and that's only because we had a rather slim budget this year. I've always had a thing for fire, and there's just something about the smell of sulfur and burning gunpowder that's very, very stimulating in a very similar fashion to catnip and cats. Kunduh get that wild caveman thing going.
We almost always buy a whole bunch of fireworks to set off when July 4th rolls around. There's a decent chance that we'll be rained out... but that doesn't mean we can't just set them off on the 5th, right? We don't have anything special planned for food and we likely won't have company, but hey, it's still a blast (excuse the pun). We'll probably do something like fried chicken. The only thing that's missing is champagne, and that's only because we had a rather slim budget this year. I've always had a thing for fire, and there's just something about the smell of sulfur and burning gunpowder that's very, very stimulating in a very similar fashion to catnip and cats. Kunduh get that wild caveman thing going.
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07-04-16 02:07 AM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1281292 | 91 Words

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I'm not going to be doing anything at all, ill be spending my whole day at home in bed. I did more than enough partying for the 4th of July over the past week or so, with a lot of fun stuff yesterday (the 3rd) in fact I'm gonna be uploading a bunch of pics of what I did later. Maybe if my family does a BBQ, ill run outside, grab some food, and then dash back in, but that's the only reason ill go out at all all day long.
I'm not going to be doing anything at all, ill be spending my whole day at home in bed. I did more than enough partying for the 4th of July over the past week or so, with a lot of fun stuff yesterday (the 3rd) in fact I'm gonna be uploading a bunch of pics of what I did later. Maybe if my family does a BBQ, ill run outside, grab some food, and then dash back in, but that's the only reason ill go out at all all day long.
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07-04-16 02:17 AM
Lexatom is Offline
| ID: 1281300 | 91 Words

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We're not doing anything today, heh. My family and I already did all of our 4th of July stuff either yesterday or the day before. Yesterday I was at my grandma's house for most of the day, explaining my absence. The day before that we watched fireworks. I don't know why we didn't do this stuff today, but mom said it's because it's a work day. My step-dad has to work today for some reason. I thought everyone got out on 4th of July, though I guess I was wrong.
We're not doing anything today, heh. My family and I already did all of our 4th of July stuff either yesterday or the day before. Yesterday I was at my grandma's house for most of the day, explaining my absence. The day before that we watched fireworks. I don't know why we didn't do this stuff today, but mom said it's because it's a work day. My step-dad has to work today for some reason. I thought everyone got out on 4th of July, though I guess I was wrong.
Vizzed Elite
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07-04-16 02:48 AM
Eniitan is Offline
| ID: 1281311 | 77 Words

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Happy 4th of July to those who live in the usa. Its a really big thing there. I've seen people doing things to celebrate the day. It makes me wish I can do the same too. But you know each country has their own way of celebrating things or a certain event. And for the usa its the 4 of July among other important things to celebrate as well. Have a wonderful day all of you.
Happy 4th of July to those who live in the usa. Its a really big thing there. I've seen people doing things to celebrate the day. It makes me wish I can do the same too. But you know each country has their own way of celebrating things or a certain event. And for the usa its the 4 of July among other important things to celebrate as well. Have a wonderful day all of you.
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07-04-16 09:00 AM
no 8120 is Offline
| ID: 1281379 | 48 Words

no 8120
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Yuna1000 : I myself am CANADIAN down where I live we don,t celebrate the 4th of JULY instead we have CANADA day on JULY 1 which is quit similar to INDEPENDENCE day. for those of you who celebrate the 4th of JULY I hope you have a nice holiday
Yuna1000 : I myself am CANADIAN down where I live we don,t celebrate the 4th of JULY instead we have CANADA day on JULY 1 which is quit similar to INDEPENDENCE day. for those of you who celebrate the 4th of JULY I hope you have a nice holiday
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07-04-16 11:05 AM
ZeroTails is Offline
| ID: 1281419 | 86 Words

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I won't be doing anything other than listening to other people set off fireworks. Last time I checked, my family doesn't have 4th of July fireworks, and I don't remember ever setting off explosives. I do remember being outside with my dad on the 4th of July in the past, and that was a good memory <3.

Maybe I'll get some food or something today because it's a special day though. I got some Steam games today, so maybe that's my 4th of July present? xp
I won't be doing anything other than listening to other people set off fireworks. Last time I checked, my family doesn't have 4th of July fireworks, and I don't remember ever setting off explosives. I do remember being outside with my dad on the 4th of July in the past, and that was a good memory <3.

Maybe I'll get some food or something today because it's a special day though. I got some Steam games today, so maybe that's my 4th of July present? xp
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07-04-16 11:18 AM
MattyIce is Offline
| ID: 1281424 | 159 Words

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Yuna1000 : Sounds like a nice, traditional 4th of July celebration you have planned there. It sounds awesome and I hope it goes well for you since you're hosting the party, and make sure you stay safe and have fun!

As for me, I'm actually doing something similar to you. The only difference is I'll be going over a friends house to have the party instead of hosting it. Its going to be a traditional party as well that involves burgers, hotdogs, and potato salad ( maybe some BBQ, not too sure about that ). We have some apple pie for dessert because...I mean, what's more American than apple pie right? We'll also be playing slip 'n' slide kickball and setting off our own fireworks. My friend says a lot of people in the neighborhood he lives in does their own fireworks as well, and no Independence Day celebration is complete without it. I cannot wait for this to happen!
Yuna1000 : Sounds like a nice, traditional 4th of July celebration you have planned there. It sounds awesome and I hope it goes well for you since you're hosting the party, and make sure you stay safe and have fun!

As for me, I'm actually doing something similar to you. The only difference is I'll be going over a friends house to have the party instead of hosting it. Its going to be a traditional party as well that involves burgers, hotdogs, and potato salad ( maybe some BBQ, not too sure about that ). We have some apple pie for dessert because...I mean, what's more American than apple pie right? We'll also be playing slip 'n' slide kickball and setting off our own fireworks. My friend says a lot of people in the neighborhood he lives in does their own fireworks as well, and no Independence Day celebration is complete without it. I cannot wait for this to happen!
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07-04-16 04:46 PM
Sword Legion is Offline
| ID: 1281562 | 161 Words

Sword Legion
Sword legion
Sword egion
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Wow Yuna. . . that sounds fun! XP

I've been mostly. . . doing the normal things I don on the computor. . . but today I will be seeing my family at our grandparents. It's always fun when you know you'll be seeing cousins and people you don't normally get to interact with. Grandpa might barque hamburgers or chiken. . . both of my aunts are decent cooks and grandma works hard to make sure most of the meal is prepared by her. I just have fun hanging out. . . talking about politics, religion, and life in general. People enjoy hearing where I'm at with my book, I have one cousin who's in college, and he might have a few stories. ^^

Grandpa always has something funny to say. . . or a few things. XD

I'll probably say hi to everyone, and mostly hang out with my 25 year old cousin. We have a lot in common. ^^
Wow Yuna. . . that sounds fun! XP

I've been mostly. . . doing the normal things I don on the computor. . . but today I will be seeing my family at our grandparents. It's always fun when you know you'll be seeing cousins and people you don't normally get to interact with. Grandpa might barque hamburgers or chiken. . . both of my aunts are decent cooks and grandma works hard to make sure most of the meal is prepared by her. I just have fun hanging out. . . talking about politics, religion, and life in general. People enjoy hearing where I'm at with my book, I have one cousin who's in college, and he might have a few stories. ^^

Grandpa always has something funny to say. . . or a few things. XD

I'll probably say hi to everyone, and mostly hang out with my 25 year old cousin. We have a lot in common. ^^
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Dark knight of the blackened sun. I am Sword Legion, one of many. My mask is thick, and my armor is strong. All the more necessary in a world such as this. . .

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07-04-16 06:36 PM
ghostfishy is Offline
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I have a family BBQ for the 4th of July. Nothing like celebrating with family and great food.

Happy July 4th to everyone!
I have a family BBQ for the 4th of July. Nothing like celebrating with family and great food.

Happy July 4th to everyone!
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Master of Fishes

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07-04-16 06:40 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1281620 | 83 Words

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So my plans had to be changes because my people asked me what I was going to do today and I didn't want to start an argument or anything so I just said I'm going to go watch the Macy's Fireworks. So now I'm walking in midtown Manhattan trying to find a nice spot to watch the fireworks. Its a bit late, with the fireworks starting in less than 2 hours so it might be a bit hard to find a good spot.
So my plans had to be changes because my people asked me what I was going to do today and I didn't want to start an argument or anything so I just said I'm going to go watch the Macy's Fireworks. So now I'm walking in midtown Manhattan trying to find a nice spot to watch the fireworks. Its a bit late, with the fireworks starting in less than 2 hours so it might be a bit hard to find a good spot.
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07-04-16 07:21 PM
Vanelan is Offline
| ID: 1281636 | 19 Words

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Mynamescox44 : You and me both.
I'm not planning to go anywhere, so we can spend the time here. :3
Mynamescox44 : You and me both.
I'm not planning to go anywhere, so we can spend the time here. :3
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07-04-16 08:43 PM
BestGamer24 is Offline
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Usually all I do is just pop fireworks and have a BBQ.
Usually all I do is just pop fireworks and have a BBQ.

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07-04-16 09:16 PM
Lexatom is Offline
| ID: 1281685 | 230 Words

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So, my step-sister surprised us with fireworks today. It went kind of like your usual family firework fun, besides 2 parts. The first part was when we were shooting bottle rockets. One of the bottle rocket malfunctioned or something because it went flying right towards my step-dad's face. Luckily he moved his head at JUST the right moment to avoid being hit. The second time was even worse, but funnier because again, nothing too bad happened. We were at our last set of fireworks, and they were like the actual fireworks people usually think about when they hear the word fireworks. It was going well, fireworks shooting into the air then exploding. But then the set tipped over. Fireworks shooting in all directions, all of the family that was outside screaming and running. I ended up hiding behind one of the cars in a crouching position. I looked to my right and one of the fireworks was sent straight to the bottom of our house, and it exploded on our house, sparkles and everything. Luckily, no damage was done to anything or anyone. It was all just fun with no injuries. I was scared for a moment though at the end. I feel much better that nothing happened and we can just laugh it off. So yeah this is going to be a good story to share with my friends.
So, my step-sister surprised us with fireworks today. It went kind of like your usual family firework fun, besides 2 parts. The first part was when we were shooting bottle rockets. One of the bottle rocket malfunctioned or something because it went flying right towards my step-dad's face. Luckily he moved his head at JUST the right moment to avoid being hit. The second time was even worse, but funnier because again, nothing too bad happened. We were at our last set of fireworks, and they were like the actual fireworks people usually think about when they hear the word fireworks. It was going well, fireworks shooting into the air then exploding. But then the set tipped over. Fireworks shooting in all directions, all of the family that was outside screaming and running. I ended up hiding behind one of the cars in a crouching position. I looked to my right and one of the fireworks was sent straight to the bottom of our house, and it exploded on our house, sparkles and everything. Luckily, no damage was done to anything or anyone. It was all just fun with no injuries. I was scared for a moment though at the end. I feel much better that nothing happened and we can just laugh it off. So yeah this is going to be a good story to share with my friends.
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07-04-16 09:23 PM
zanderlex is Offline
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I don't know how I was able to pull it off, but I got a really good spot to watch the fireworks. The city and only 3 checkpoints, so all 100,000 plus people had to go in through there, but once I got in, I was able to squeeze my way down the street and go down about 3 blocks until I set up my base, and it was perfect. I stood by the rail and right on the other side of the rail was the East River, and apparently I walked right to the right spot because one of the 3 or 4 barges was locates directly on front of me, about 200 feet away so the sight was spectacular. I watched the entire thing and I loves every minute of it and I was also able to take a few videos and photos as well.
I don't know how I was able to pull it off, but I got a really good spot to watch the fireworks. The city and only 3 checkpoints, so all 100,000 plus people had to go in through there, but once I got in, I was able to squeeze my way down the street and go down about 3 blocks until I set up my base, and it was perfect. I stood by the rail and right on the other side of the rail was the East River, and apparently I walked right to the right spot because one of the 3 or 4 barges was locates directly on front of me, about 200 feet away so the sight was spectacular. I watched the entire thing and I loves every minute of it and I was also able to take a few videos and photos as well.
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07-04-16 10:07 PM
Shogun Gamer is Offline
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Been a long time since I've been back on Vizzed, and I'm wondering what's new around here now. Otherwise, I went out with the family to eat and what not. We hit two locations and mostly just walked around looking at things. While we didn't do nothing much, I think the important part is that we got out and did something, you know? Regardless, I'm planning on hearing plenty of fireworks over here tonight.
Been a long time since I've been back on Vizzed, and I'm wondering what's new around here now. Otherwise, I went out with the family to eat and what not. We hit two locations and mostly just walked around looking at things. While we didn't do nothing much, I think the important part is that we got out and did something, you know? Regardless, I'm planning on hearing plenty of fireworks over here tonight.
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07-04-16 11:20 PM
m0ssb3rg935 is Offline
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Well... someone called the cops and complained about the noise (lel), so we wound up getting shut down just after 10 PM, with a substantial amount of pyrotechnics left over. So we're doing it again tomorrow lol
Well... someone called the cops and complained about the noise (lel), so we wound up getting shut down just after 10 PM, with a substantial amount of pyrotechnics left over. So we're doing it again tomorrow lol
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07-05-16 12:13 AM
acool193 is Offline
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We had about 5 kits of TNT fountain fireworks and we set those off from 9-11 and then we destroyed the boxes by blowing them up with quarter-sticks! Other than that we went to my aunt's place and that was hectic! First we had a cookout and then we played horseshoes. We were all drinking and had our bottles on the ground while playing horseshoes and that turned into "Don't break the bottle"! After that we talked about crap and we all sat on our porch lighting sparklers and morning glories!
We had about 5 kits of TNT fountain fireworks and we set those off from 9-11 and then we destroyed the boxes by blowing them up with quarter-sticks! Other than that we went to my aunt's place and that was hectic! First we had a cookout and then we played horseshoes. We were all drinking and had our bottles on the ground while playing horseshoes and that turned into "Don't break the bottle"! After that we talked about crap and we all sat on our porch lighting sparklers and morning glories!
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07-05-16 03:10 AM
RetroKoopa is Offline
| ID: 1281837 | 96 Words

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July 4th for was wasn't really planned, despite just spending the day at my grandfather's to give him company ...and to also check on his well being. So we just spent the day watching movies and eating hamburgers, it was nicely pleasant. We had watched some very patriotic movies such as Yankee Doodle Dandy that were pretty good.
A lot better than some of the Fourth of Julys I've had in the past (Not like I'd complain about those though, or even this one.)
So all-in-all, not much activity, but much family time, which was pleasant. 
July 4th for was wasn't really planned, despite just spending the day at my grandfather's to give him company ...and to also check on his well being. So we just spent the day watching movies and eating hamburgers, it was nicely pleasant. We had watched some very patriotic movies such as Yankee Doodle Dandy that were pretty good.
A lot better than some of the Fourth of Julys I've had in the past (Not like I'd complain about those though, or even this one.)
So all-in-all, not much activity, but much family time, which was pleasant. 

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-04-16
Last Post: 2986 days
Last Active: 2924 days

(edited by RetroKoopa on 07-05-16 03:16 AM)    


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