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The New Me


05-17-16 09:34 PM
Lexatom is Offline
| ID: 1270225 | 184 Words

Level: 127

POSTS: 2461/5106
POST EXP: 331704
LVL EXP: 23637456
CP: 26964.0
VIZ: 719612

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Alright, it's time for me to improve myself. I've been having some thoughts recently, about me and the kind of person I am. I don't really feel like making a super long thread, so I'm just going to get to the point. I'm going to devote most of my personality/life to making other people happy. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'll try. I won't abandon my entire personality, as that is near impossible. Besides, I like me.

But, I'm going to try and be a nicer person. I know this thread seems kind of random, but I just felt the need to post this. I've been usually selfish to myself for most of my life. Yeah, I have problems, but everyone else does too. It is my dream to be remembered. Not as that one user who got banned from Vizzed, but as the user or person who made everyone smile when he was around.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know it's kind of odd, but I really needed to let this out of me.
Alright, it's time for me to improve myself. I've been having some thoughts recently, about me and the kind of person I am. I don't really feel like making a super long thread, so I'm just going to get to the point. I'm going to devote most of my personality/life to making other people happy. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'll try. I won't abandon my entire personality, as that is near impossible. Besides, I like me.

But, I'm going to try and be a nicer person. I know this thread seems kind of random, but I just felt the need to post this. I've been usually selfish to myself for most of my life. Yeah, I have problems, but everyone else does too. It is my dream to be remembered. Not as that one user who got banned from Vizzed, but as the user or person who made everyone smile when he was around.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know it's kind of odd, but I really needed to let this out of me.
Vizzed Elite
The Dragon of Rock Bottom

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-30-13
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: RDay13,

05-18-16 02:42 AM
Spicy is Offline
| ID: 1270265 | 35 Words

Level: 103

POSTS: 2781/3058
POST EXP: 192542
LVL EXP: 11226439
CP: 11953.7
VIZ: 29759

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I heard that you got banned a while back. And i'll be  honest.

I completely forgot. I thought you might want to know that I (and I imagine most) don't think of you that way.

I heard that you got banned a while back. And i'll be  honest.

I completely forgot. I thought you might want to know that I (and I imagine most) don't think of you that way.

Trusted Member

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-01-13
Last Post: 2802 days
Last Active: 1073 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Lexatom,

05-18-16 07:14 AM
Ultrajeff is Offline
| ID: 1270295 | 48 Words

Level: 53

POSTS: 136/639
POST EXP: 59481
LVL EXP: 1095560
CP: 4619.0
VIZ: 403219

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
You got banned from this website? How did that happen? 

It seems you and I have similar interests, as we both want to be idolized. I've had personal problems, but I want to extend my reach. Making others happy makes me so, too.  What makes you happy, friend?
You got banned from this website? How did that happen? 

It seems you and I have similar interests, as we both want to be idolized. I've had personal problems, but I want to extend my reach. Making others happy makes me so, too.  What makes you happy, friend?
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The Vizier of Vizzed

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-22-12
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Last Post: 422 days
Last Active: 409 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Lexatom,

05-18-16 08:07 AM
RDay13 is Offline
| ID: 1270301 | 186 Words

Level: 83

POSTS: 1017/1968
POST EXP: 136549
LVL EXP: 5322844
CP: 10098.1
VIZ: 148436

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LunarDarkness2 : I don't want to make a sort of cliche response like "No Lunar, don't change, just be yourself!" because it is good that you are willing to change. If I'm honest with you, I really don't think you need to change that much to be become a "nice, liked member". I pretty much inactive at the time you were banned, so I'm biased, but I honestly never think about your ban last year unless you talk about it. You said you are selfish in your original post. I think almost everyone is selfish in some way, shape, or form. Don't try to be a perfect person, because if you do, that will just frustrate you even more. You said you want to make everyone smile when you're around. You make me smile, well at least most of the time, because you're a fun person to be around, unless you're on one of those moody days . Anyways, what I said may be incorrect as I'm not a great member or anything myself, so I may have the wrong perspective. I hope it goes well Lunar!
LunarDarkness2 : I don't want to make a sort of cliche response like "No Lunar, don't change, just be yourself!" because it is good that you are willing to change. If I'm honest with you, I really don't think you need to change that much to be become a "nice, liked member". I pretty much inactive at the time you were banned, so I'm biased, but I honestly never think about your ban last year unless you talk about it. You said you are selfish in your original post. I think almost everyone is selfish in some way, shape, or form. Don't try to be a perfect person, because if you do, that will just frustrate you even more. You said you want to make everyone smile when you're around. You make me smile, well at least most of the time, because you're a fun person to be around, unless you're on one of those moody days . Anyways, what I said may be incorrect as I'm not a great member or anything myself, so I may have the wrong perspective. I hope it goes well Lunar!
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-22-14
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Lexatom,

05-18-16 10:53 AM
plasticinsanity is Offline
| ID: 1270346 | 127 Words

Level: 53

POSTS: 500/731
POST EXP: 34034
LVL EXP: 1127982
CP: 2622.1
VIZ: 68029

Likes: 2  Dislikes: 0
First, wanting to change - in terms of self-improvement - is fantastic. IMO life is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, and every day is a new chance to become a better version of yourself (ignore the cheesyness of this lol).

Balance is important, dude. It's good to care and look out for others, as well as care and look out for yourself. I'm only pointing this out because you said you don't want to be selfish - I used to take this to the extreme, and would put other people and their wants/needs before mine. This made me resentful and bitter as could be expected, lol. So, as long as it's not all of the time, sometimes being selfish once in awhile can be good. Balance, yo.
First, wanting to change - in terms of self-improvement - is fantastic. IMO life is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, and every day is a new chance to become a better version of yourself (ignore the cheesyness of this lol).

Balance is important, dude. It's good to care and look out for others, as well as care and look out for yourself. I'm only pointing this out because you said you don't want to be selfish - I used to take this to the extreme, and would put other people and their wants/needs before mine. This made me resentful and bitter as could be expected, lol. So, as long as it's not all of the time, sometimes being selfish once in awhile can be good. Balance, yo.
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-25-16
Location: Manitoba, Canada
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Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Lexatom, Zlinqx,

05-18-16 08:33 PM
ZeroTails is Offline
| ID: 1270480 | 133 Words

Cool Davideo7
Level: 91

POSTS: 1152/2465
POST EXP: 215125
LVL EXP: 7453744
CP: 18956.3
VIZ: 400435

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
In your quest to make other people happy, don't forget to make sure that you're happy as well. After all, it's hard to be cheered up by someone who's sad all the time :p.

It's good that you want to change, and I really hope that you do change for the better c: You've already improved a good lot compared to how you were like shortly before your perma, and I'll always be here to hear out your feelings. Hey, everyone needs someone they can let their feelings and thoughts out to, and I believe that letting that out first can help someone make better judgments. Just don't constantly screw up and make empty promises, because no one wants that (and I believe that both of us have encountered users like that :p).
In your quest to make other people happy, don't forget to make sure that you're happy as well. After all, it's hard to be cheered up by someone who's sad all the time :p.

It's good that you want to change, and I really hope that you do change for the better c: You've already improved a good lot compared to how you were like shortly before your perma, and I'll always be here to hear out your feelings. Hey, everyone needs someone they can let their feelings and thoughts out to, and I believe that letting that out first can help someone make better judgments. Just don't constantly screw up and make empty promises, because no one wants that (and I believe that both of us have encountered users like that :p).
Vizzed Elite
Zt is dead

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-30-14
Location: depression land
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