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Play Watch Dogs Online

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11-25-14 04:44 PM
11-27-14 07:28 AM
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Yo dawg... I heard you like Watch Dogs

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Zlinqx's Score

11-25-14 04:44 PM
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As I await the release of Pokemon ORAS (which hasn't been released in Europe yet :c) I thought I'd take a look back at the very first game I played on my PS4 namely Watch Dogs... This is a game that I was very excited about like many others just due to how it was advertised like the first truly next gen game on Xbox One and Playstation 4 not to mention the very interesting concept of hacking in an open world game which made me decide that this would be the first game I would get once I finally got a Playstation 4 myself.

Once the game finally did hit stores it garnered pretty mixed opinions. Some praised it calling it a fresh new take on the genre while others called it a terrible game that was nothing more then a big let down. So where do I stand? Well you're about to find out.

Graphics: 7

So judging from the trailers and previews before the game was released, the graphics looked like they were going to be fantastic and feel truly next gen. However there started to pop up rumors about there being a graphical downgrade and once the game was actually released and people were able to compare the final product with the trailers, it was found to be true. Which in turn has led to Ubisoft getting a lot of hate for falsely advertising the game and rightly so in my opinion.


Despite this the graphics are still fairly good, maybe not the truly next gen look most of us were hoping for but the game still looks good especially during night time although it in many aspects stays fairly faithful to previous open world games. One thing that bothered me about the city though is that the scenery starts to feel repetitive after a while due to the whole game pretty much taking place in the city of Chicago save one small part of the game where you go to a small city just outside of Chicago.

On the other hand, one thing I will applaud the game for is how it has successfully made the citizens of Chicago feel more alive than those of any other Open World game I have played. Everything from how you can learn little facts about them by walking by them using your smartphone or listening in on conversations or other things the citizens are doing. Speaking of which this game features excellent animations both for characters like Aiden himself and just random citizens and I was actually somewhat impressed with the detail put into them. Another cool thing is that you can stumble upon audio or video logs in the game while doing missions or just exploring the city and learn some of the weird habits and secrets citizens have and find out just how devious some of them are... >.>

Sound: 7

Despite the game's script being pretty weak (which we'll get into in a second) the game is actually pretty well voice acted. And the sound effects are decent as well. The music that plays while in a car comes from a playlist which you can modify as you unlock songs that you can get from hacking other people's phones. I honestly think the songs are pretty lackluster and some of them I found to be odd choices in contrast to the tone of the game and Aiden as a character. For the most part and there wasn't really anyone I particularly cared for but that might that might just be my taste, I actually think the game would've been better of playing soundtracks of their own that would've probably done a better job setting the mood. The actual soundtrack of the game  that plays during missions while on foot is good though not spectacular by any means. In short I wouldn't come to this game expecting a grand soundtrack but when not inside a car it'll do fine.

Story: 6

The backstory of the game is a computer hacker was discovered to have been behind the real life event, The Northeast Blackout of 2003 which lead to 11 deaths and in turn prompted the corporation known as Blume to create the ctOS (Central Operating System). The ctOS supercomputer pretty much connects to everyone and everything which includes all kinds of personal information, security cameras and even things like traffic lights. As time goes on Blume incorporates the ctOS into several cities one of those being Chicago where the game takes place.

It is here we are introduced to the main character known as Aiden Pierce a grey hat hacker who's also known as "The Vigilante". An accident leads to his niece Lena being killed which leads to Aiden trying to seek his own Justice to those who are responsible while protecting his sister Nicole and nephew Jackson. Over the course of the game he'll also meet a bunch of interesting characters both allies and enemies.

So with that said I didn't care too much for the story in this game. I feel like this can be contributed to 2 key problems which is firstly a poorly written script and a weak story about vengeance that lacks creativity, has weak dialogue and is also ridden with cliches which makes a huge impact on the story as a whole one example being during a point later in the game during what's arguably portrayed as the most emotional moment during the game just completely falling flat for me.

This in turn ties into the second and biggest problem I had with the story namely with the character of Aiden himself who seems to lack any sort of depth and is really a pretty uninteresting character. Not to mention he pretty much contradicts himself by being portrayed as a vigilante but probably causes far more death and destruction than the villains of the game do, and keep in mind that's more or less going by what's acted out during the cutscenes and not counting how you act outside of them.

Both of these problems in turned lead me to not caring too much for Aiden and his quest for vengeance. However luckily there is one thing that somewhat saves the game from being completely uninteresting, story wise and that is the side characters. The game actually features some pretty interesting characters from Aiden's hired partner Jordi Chin who's a charismatic and somewhat psychotic playful character which is pretty fun to see in contrast to Aiden, though I do think he was sort of underused as a character despite appearing a few times in the game. There's also Clara Lille also know under the alias BadBoy17 a tattoo artist who's a professional hacker that's a member of the extremist DedSec hacker group. And let's not forget the main villain of the game, Dermot "Lucky" Quinn the senior crime boss of Chicago who the developers actually do a pretty good job of making him seem like a complete douchebag that you can't wait to confront.

However without spoiling too much the ending ends up being pretty weak when the final motivations are revealed and in some ways even makes the game feel kind of dumb. It seems like desperately trying to build up for a sequel but whether or not there will be one remains to be seen.

Addictiveness/Gameplay: 8

Firstly lets talk about what is probably on most peoples mind: Hacking.

It isn't as in depth as you may have been lead to believe but it still serves to be a fairly good addition to the game though it has a lot of unused potential. Later in the game though the hacking part of the game basically breaks down to two main parts one being "riding" cameras when trying to infiltrate enemy territory to find and hack the objective which often consists of a sort of minigame at the end where you direct a blue stream by twisting and turning pipes to a set goal. While all this can be fun especially during the beginning of the game and can also serve as a sort of alternative to regular combat sometimes it did end up getting repetetive after a while also in part because it's mandatory during certain sections of the game.

The other major aspect to hacking is to use road blocks such as messing with traffic lights, raising bollards or even blowing up steam pipes while driving a car to slow down your enemy. While this is fun to mess around with manually though during actual missions it's much easier to just wait for a button prompt to "neutralize"  the enemy (which basically sets of a roadblock with a 100% chance of hitting the enemy) who you are chasing or being chased by. While this was a cool idea the button prompts personally made things end up being a bit too easy even with a limitation on how often you can use it.

The game also features a pretty good progression system as you earn experience from pretty much everything you do including side activities and even online missions which you in turn level up from and get points that you can use to unlock skills which are divided into four different categories which naturally are crafting, driving, hacking and combat which in turn the two last mentioned are divided into a few sub categories. While this was good, I also ended up hitting the level cap fairly easily and ended up obtaining all the skills which made there not be much of a point in doing missions for the rewards.

The game also does feature a sort of currency but it ends up being broken as it is easily obtained and there's barely anything to spend it at besides "new costumes" for Aiden (which are really just the same basic costume in a different colour) and a service which allows you to order cars to be dropped of near you using your smartphone, which is sort of cool admittedly but also makes pretty much all the cars extremely easy to obtain.

Like previously very briefly mentioned the game also features a crafting system that allows you to make a limited set of tools such as different types of grenades, lures to distract enemies and even blackouts that temporarily basically shuts down the ctOS. These are made from materials you can get fairly easily during missions by looting from enemies or finding them at different locations. It's a nice concept but ultimately there's not too much to craft and only so much you can do with it.

The main missions end up feeling a bit too similar in my opinion often either involving infiltrating enemy territory either by hacking and riding the cameras until you reach the objective or sneaking your way through and picking of enemies one by one from behind using a baton (though sadly there's no actual manual melee combat) the run and gun method which basically ends up being a suicide mission until later in the game when you can obtain certain skills as enemies keep calling on reinforcements and you don't have access to some of the more useful guns. I ended up sneaking my way through as I found it the most satisfying and riding the cameras often ended up getting a bit boring for me.

There's a lot of the previously mentioned car chase missions which ends up being more annoying than fun after the first one or two or some where you tail enemies without being detected at all ( even if you manage to take an enemy out without being seen for  whatever reason) which are probably some of the most boring missions in the game.

With this said however the massive amount of side activities is what I ended up spending the most time at and having the most fun with. But I'll only cover some of the things there is to do as it's really quite massive so to not drag out the review for too long.

There are some mini storylines with their own set of missions but they usually end up having similar gameplay to the main missions and while I did try one of them it ended up being pretty boring as pretty much each mission was the same. There's also a side mission where you take on different gang hideouts which while fun at first does start to get repetitive after a while as they mostly feel the same.

The game features for the most part a well done multiplayer with lots of different modes such as a racing mode which I had a surprising amount of fun with that also involves some of the hacking that can be used during the single player mode of the game. The most common mode however is probably the online hacking mode.

This mode was basically integrated into the singleplayer mode of the game and means a player can jump into another players game while they're in between missions as long as he has a working Internet connection. Their job is then to find the player and install a backdoor into that players game while trying to blend in with other npcs upon which the other player is alerted and has to find and kill the infiltrating player by profiling npcs. As time goes on things get more intense as the infiltrator has to stay within a closer radius to the player. If the infiltrator is then found he will then have to try and flee with the data he has gathered as he is being chased. If you for whatever reason don't want anyone infiltrating your game you can also turn that off in the settings. This is a well executed idea and I ended up having a lot of fun with it and do still come back to it from time to time.

The last mode I tried was the free roam one and it was the one I ended up having the least fun with. The reason being there's really not too much to do besides trying to fend off an increasing amount of cops as you wreck havoc along with the other players in the city and annoy other players by blowing up their vehicles (which I may or may not be guilty of... He was being rude to me okay??!! :c) as you can't actually kill each other but you can be killed by the police.

There was an online decryption mode that I thought looked interesting and is supposed to feature teams of players taking on each other to collect and decrypt a file but I could never find anyone to play it with and ended up waiting 20 minutes before giving up.

I also wanted to briefly mention digital trips another part of the game I enjoyed that involves taking virtual drugs... Which are like regular drugs except not really?... Don't do drugs and stay in school kids! Yeah I dunno really...

Point is they allow you to participate in some really interesting mini games as the "trip" part of the name might suggest. 5 of them to be exact but I'll only talking about the 3 I've tried out of which there's a sort of psychedelic minigame which involves bouncing from flower to flower as they inexplicably sprout from the ground somehow... (don't question it, he's on drugs) And try to keep going for as long as possible as it features multiple levels. There's another one where you get to take control of a friggin spider tank, scale walls and wreck havock in the city in a sort of Godzilla like mode and you try to wreck as much havock as possible to civilians and the police before they take you out. And the last one I tried was called alone where the whole city is shrouded in darkness and you try to avoid robotic sentries as you try to activate generators, and I will admit that this mode actually did make me jump a few times... then again I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to horror games so what do I know. 

And this is still without mentioning quite a lot of things. This is actually a case where I found the side content to be much more fun then the actual main story missions and makes me give the game a slightly higher score when it comes to gameplay. I suspect that goes for a lot of people who have played through the game as well and it should be enough to possibly keep you coming back to the game a few times
after completing it.

Depth: 10

The game is fairly massive excluding the main storyline itself which actually felt sort of short only taking me about 12 hours but like I mentioned there are all kinds of side activities and a fair amount of missions to engage in some of which I have yet to complete (granted that might also be partly because I simply lost interest in the game). Like the for the most part well done online modes, digital trips which are one of my personal favorite activities, and even some chess puzzles which I feel really smart after solving... I mean uh there's also criminal convoys which ended up getting pretty repetitive for me after a while but are there. Not to mention just messing around in the city, wrecking havoc and seeing what you'll find. And this is still not mentioning a lot of things that I forgot to mention and have yet to try out, so if you can look past the problems I've mentioned you should be able to find quite a large amount of things to do to extend your play time with the game.

Difficulty: 7

The game features 4 difficulty modes (easy, normal, hard and realistic) and I'm basing my review solely of the normal mode which during for the most part I really didn't find the game too hard. While driving the game is usually pretty easy for the most part though during car chase missions thanks to being able to "neutralize enemies", though when being chased by multiple vehicles it can still get a bit annoying. On foot things can get a bit harder depending on which approach you take to missions. Especially early on in the game when you don't have access to some of the later upgrades which means enemy can call on reinforcements when weakened if you've been detected (though it's pretty much avoidable either by hacking or sneaking your way through the mission). 

Some of the side activities can also pose a bit of a challenge but never really to the point of frustration in my opinion, as such except the game to not be extremely hard but not a complete cake walk either.

Overall: 7.2

Repetitive is the keyword when it comes to this game. It has some pretty interesting ideas and a lot of potential but a lot of it especially during main missions wear thin fairly fast. But if you can look past this there is a lot fun to be had with some of the side content and multiplayer modes, enough to warrant a buy solely based on it though? No,but enough to keep you coming a back from time to time. As such I'd really only get this game if you can find it for a cheap price somewhere or you're already dead set on getting it either way though I'd imagine anyone who was has already gotten it due to the game being released last year... ehehe. 

If a sequel does end up coming out though it is definitely something I'll keep an eye on.

So yeah that'll be all for this review. This is without a doubt the review I've put the most work into but I'm still a bit unsure about the results and because of the fact that this is my first review in a long while... ehehe. This has also been new territory for me not only due to the sheer size of the game (I actually had trouble from keeping the review from being even longer then this due to the all the side content >.> ) but also because of it being an open world game and a triple a home console release which is somewhat of a deviation from the games I usually review. So like usual (but really more than ever this time) feedback is appreciated.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go take a break because this review did take a long time for me to write and I'm feeling sort of tired from it...

Gotcha, not yet really as first it's time for summons!

juuldude :
A user of this :
Sword legion :
Cradily is love :
EideticMemory :
sonicthehedgehog57 :
AceShock :

Some other people I figured might be interested (if you're not just ignore this).

DrakPokeMaster :
Laian :
deg2000 :

So yeah that's all for this time, going to keep this ending short as I really need to take a break now, but I'll see ya all in my next review and I hope you enjoyed reading this one!
As I await the release of Pokemon ORAS (which hasn't been released in Europe yet :c) I thought I'd take a look back at the very first game I played on my PS4 namely Watch Dogs... This is a game that I was very excited about like many others just due to how it was advertised like the first truly next gen game on Xbox One and Playstation 4 not to mention the very interesting concept of hacking in an open world game which made me decide that this would be the first game I would get once I finally got a Playstation 4 myself.

Once the game finally did hit stores it garnered pretty mixed opinions. Some praised it calling it a fresh new take on the genre while others called it a terrible game that was nothing more then a big let down. So where do I stand? Well you're about to find out.

Graphics: 7

So judging from the trailers and previews before the game was released, the graphics looked like they were going to be fantastic and feel truly next gen. However there started to pop up rumors about there being a graphical downgrade and once the game was actually released and people were able to compare the final product with the trailers, it was found to be true. Which in turn has led to Ubisoft getting a lot of hate for falsely advertising the game and rightly so in my opinion.


Despite this the graphics are still fairly good, maybe not the truly next gen look most of us were hoping for but the game still looks good especially during night time although it in many aspects stays fairly faithful to previous open world games. One thing that bothered me about the city though is that the scenery starts to feel repetitive after a while due to the whole game pretty much taking place in the city of Chicago save one small part of the game where you go to a small city just outside of Chicago.

On the other hand, one thing I will applaud the game for is how it has successfully made the citizens of Chicago feel more alive than those of any other Open World game I have played. Everything from how you can learn little facts about them by walking by them using your smartphone or listening in on conversations or other things the citizens are doing. Speaking of which this game features excellent animations both for characters like Aiden himself and just random citizens and I was actually somewhat impressed with the detail put into them. Another cool thing is that you can stumble upon audio or video logs in the game while doing missions or just exploring the city and learn some of the weird habits and secrets citizens have and find out just how devious some of them are... >.>

Sound: 7

Despite the game's script being pretty weak (which we'll get into in a second) the game is actually pretty well voice acted. And the sound effects are decent as well. The music that plays while in a car comes from a playlist which you can modify as you unlock songs that you can get from hacking other people's phones. I honestly think the songs are pretty lackluster and some of them I found to be odd choices in contrast to the tone of the game and Aiden as a character. For the most part and there wasn't really anyone I particularly cared for but that might that might just be my taste, I actually think the game would've been better of playing soundtracks of their own that would've probably done a better job setting the mood. The actual soundtrack of the game  that plays during missions while on foot is good though not spectacular by any means. In short I wouldn't come to this game expecting a grand soundtrack but when not inside a car it'll do fine.

Story: 6

The backstory of the game is a computer hacker was discovered to have been behind the real life event, The Northeast Blackout of 2003 which lead to 11 deaths and in turn prompted the corporation known as Blume to create the ctOS (Central Operating System). The ctOS supercomputer pretty much connects to everyone and everything which includes all kinds of personal information, security cameras and even things like traffic lights. As time goes on Blume incorporates the ctOS into several cities one of those being Chicago where the game takes place.

It is here we are introduced to the main character known as Aiden Pierce a grey hat hacker who's also known as "The Vigilante". An accident leads to his niece Lena being killed which leads to Aiden trying to seek his own Justice to those who are responsible while protecting his sister Nicole and nephew Jackson. Over the course of the game he'll also meet a bunch of interesting characters both allies and enemies.

So with that said I didn't care too much for the story in this game. I feel like this can be contributed to 2 key problems which is firstly a poorly written script and a weak story about vengeance that lacks creativity, has weak dialogue and is also ridden with cliches which makes a huge impact on the story as a whole one example being during a point later in the game during what's arguably portrayed as the most emotional moment during the game just completely falling flat for me.

This in turn ties into the second and biggest problem I had with the story namely with the character of Aiden himself who seems to lack any sort of depth and is really a pretty uninteresting character. Not to mention he pretty much contradicts himself by being portrayed as a vigilante but probably causes far more death and destruction than the villains of the game do, and keep in mind that's more or less going by what's acted out during the cutscenes and not counting how you act outside of them.

Both of these problems in turned lead me to not caring too much for Aiden and his quest for vengeance. However luckily there is one thing that somewhat saves the game from being completely uninteresting, story wise and that is the side characters. The game actually features some pretty interesting characters from Aiden's hired partner Jordi Chin who's a charismatic and somewhat psychotic playful character which is pretty fun to see in contrast to Aiden, though I do think he was sort of underused as a character despite appearing a few times in the game. There's also Clara Lille also know under the alias BadBoy17 a tattoo artist who's a professional hacker that's a member of the extremist DedSec hacker group. And let's not forget the main villain of the game, Dermot "Lucky" Quinn the senior crime boss of Chicago who the developers actually do a pretty good job of making him seem like a complete douchebag that you can't wait to confront.

However without spoiling too much the ending ends up being pretty weak when the final motivations are revealed and in some ways even makes the game feel kind of dumb. It seems like desperately trying to build up for a sequel but whether or not there will be one remains to be seen.

Addictiveness/Gameplay: 8

Firstly lets talk about what is probably on most peoples mind: Hacking.

It isn't as in depth as you may have been lead to believe but it still serves to be a fairly good addition to the game though it has a lot of unused potential. Later in the game though the hacking part of the game basically breaks down to two main parts one being "riding" cameras when trying to infiltrate enemy territory to find and hack the objective which often consists of a sort of minigame at the end where you direct a blue stream by twisting and turning pipes to a set goal. While all this can be fun especially during the beginning of the game and can also serve as a sort of alternative to regular combat sometimes it did end up getting repetetive after a while also in part because it's mandatory during certain sections of the game.

The other major aspect to hacking is to use road blocks such as messing with traffic lights, raising bollards or even blowing up steam pipes while driving a car to slow down your enemy. While this is fun to mess around with manually though during actual missions it's much easier to just wait for a button prompt to "neutralize"  the enemy (which basically sets of a roadblock with a 100% chance of hitting the enemy) who you are chasing or being chased by. While this was a cool idea the button prompts personally made things end up being a bit too easy even with a limitation on how often you can use it.

The game also features a pretty good progression system as you earn experience from pretty much everything you do including side activities and even online missions which you in turn level up from and get points that you can use to unlock skills which are divided into four different categories which naturally are crafting, driving, hacking and combat which in turn the two last mentioned are divided into a few sub categories. While this was good, I also ended up hitting the level cap fairly easily and ended up obtaining all the skills which made there not be much of a point in doing missions for the rewards.

The game also does feature a sort of currency but it ends up being broken as it is easily obtained and there's barely anything to spend it at besides "new costumes" for Aiden (which are really just the same basic costume in a different colour) and a service which allows you to order cars to be dropped of near you using your smartphone, which is sort of cool admittedly but also makes pretty much all the cars extremely easy to obtain.

Like previously very briefly mentioned the game also features a crafting system that allows you to make a limited set of tools such as different types of grenades, lures to distract enemies and even blackouts that temporarily basically shuts down the ctOS. These are made from materials you can get fairly easily during missions by looting from enemies or finding them at different locations. It's a nice concept but ultimately there's not too much to craft and only so much you can do with it.

The main missions end up feeling a bit too similar in my opinion often either involving infiltrating enemy territory either by hacking and riding the cameras until you reach the objective or sneaking your way through and picking of enemies one by one from behind using a baton (though sadly there's no actual manual melee combat) the run and gun method which basically ends up being a suicide mission until later in the game when you can obtain certain skills as enemies keep calling on reinforcements and you don't have access to some of the more useful guns. I ended up sneaking my way through as I found it the most satisfying and riding the cameras often ended up getting a bit boring for me.

There's a lot of the previously mentioned car chase missions which ends up being more annoying than fun after the first one or two or some where you tail enemies without being detected at all ( even if you manage to take an enemy out without being seen for  whatever reason) which are probably some of the most boring missions in the game.

With this said however the massive amount of side activities is what I ended up spending the most time at and having the most fun with. But I'll only cover some of the things there is to do as it's really quite massive so to not drag out the review for too long.

There are some mini storylines with their own set of missions but they usually end up having similar gameplay to the main missions and while I did try one of them it ended up being pretty boring as pretty much each mission was the same. There's also a side mission where you take on different gang hideouts which while fun at first does start to get repetitive after a while as they mostly feel the same.

The game features for the most part a well done multiplayer with lots of different modes such as a racing mode which I had a surprising amount of fun with that also involves some of the hacking that can be used during the single player mode of the game. The most common mode however is probably the online hacking mode.

This mode was basically integrated into the singleplayer mode of the game and means a player can jump into another players game while they're in between missions as long as he has a working Internet connection. Their job is then to find the player and install a backdoor into that players game while trying to blend in with other npcs upon which the other player is alerted and has to find and kill the infiltrating player by profiling npcs. As time goes on things get more intense as the infiltrator has to stay within a closer radius to the player. If the infiltrator is then found he will then have to try and flee with the data he has gathered as he is being chased. If you for whatever reason don't want anyone infiltrating your game you can also turn that off in the settings. This is a well executed idea and I ended up having a lot of fun with it and do still come back to it from time to time.

The last mode I tried was the free roam one and it was the one I ended up having the least fun with. The reason being there's really not too much to do besides trying to fend off an increasing amount of cops as you wreck havoc along with the other players in the city and annoy other players by blowing up their vehicles (which I may or may not be guilty of... He was being rude to me okay??!! :c) as you can't actually kill each other but you can be killed by the police.

There was an online decryption mode that I thought looked interesting and is supposed to feature teams of players taking on each other to collect and decrypt a file but I could never find anyone to play it with and ended up waiting 20 minutes before giving up.

I also wanted to briefly mention digital trips another part of the game I enjoyed that involves taking virtual drugs... Which are like regular drugs except not really?... Don't do drugs and stay in school kids! Yeah I dunno really...

Point is they allow you to participate in some really interesting mini games as the "trip" part of the name might suggest. 5 of them to be exact but I'll only talking about the 3 I've tried out of which there's a sort of psychedelic minigame which involves bouncing from flower to flower as they inexplicably sprout from the ground somehow... (don't question it, he's on drugs) And try to keep going for as long as possible as it features multiple levels. There's another one where you get to take control of a friggin spider tank, scale walls and wreck havock in the city in a sort of Godzilla like mode and you try to wreck as much havock as possible to civilians and the police before they take you out. And the last one I tried was called alone where the whole city is shrouded in darkness and you try to avoid robotic sentries as you try to activate generators, and I will admit that this mode actually did make me jump a few times... then again I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to horror games so what do I know. 

And this is still without mentioning quite a lot of things. This is actually a case where I found the side content to be much more fun then the actual main story missions and makes me give the game a slightly higher score when it comes to gameplay. I suspect that goes for a lot of people who have played through the game as well and it should be enough to possibly keep you coming back to the game a few times
after completing it.

Depth: 10

The game is fairly massive excluding the main storyline itself which actually felt sort of short only taking me about 12 hours but like I mentioned there are all kinds of side activities and a fair amount of missions to engage in some of which I have yet to complete (granted that might also be partly because I simply lost interest in the game). Like the for the most part well done online modes, digital trips which are one of my personal favorite activities, and even some chess puzzles which I feel really smart after solving... I mean uh there's also criminal convoys which ended up getting pretty repetitive for me after a while but are there. Not to mention just messing around in the city, wrecking havoc and seeing what you'll find. And this is still not mentioning a lot of things that I forgot to mention and have yet to try out, so if you can look past the problems I've mentioned you should be able to find quite a large amount of things to do to extend your play time with the game.

Difficulty: 7

The game features 4 difficulty modes (easy, normal, hard and realistic) and I'm basing my review solely of the normal mode which during for the most part I really didn't find the game too hard. While driving the game is usually pretty easy for the most part though during car chase missions thanks to being able to "neutralize enemies", though when being chased by multiple vehicles it can still get a bit annoying. On foot things can get a bit harder depending on which approach you take to missions. Especially early on in the game when you don't have access to some of the later upgrades which means enemy can call on reinforcements when weakened if you've been detected (though it's pretty much avoidable either by hacking or sneaking your way through the mission). 

Some of the side activities can also pose a bit of a challenge but never really to the point of frustration in my opinion, as such except the game to not be extremely hard but not a complete cake walk either.

Overall: 7.2

Repetitive is the keyword when it comes to this game. It has some pretty interesting ideas and a lot of potential but a lot of it especially during main missions wear thin fairly fast. But if you can look past this there is a lot fun to be had with some of the side content and multiplayer modes, enough to warrant a buy solely based on it though? No,but enough to keep you coming a back from time to time. As such I'd really only get this game if you can find it for a cheap price somewhere or you're already dead set on getting it either way though I'd imagine anyone who was has already gotten it due to the game being released last year... ehehe. 

If a sequel does end up coming out though it is definitely something I'll keep an eye on.

So yeah that'll be all for this review. This is without a doubt the review I've put the most work into but I'm still a bit unsure about the results and because of the fact that this is my first review in a long while... ehehe. This has also been new territory for me not only due to the sheer size of the game (I actually had trouble from keeping the review from being even longer then this due to the all the side content >.> ) but also because of it being an open world game and a triple a home console release which is somewhat of a deviation from the games I usually review. So like usual (but really more than ever this time) feedback is appreciated.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go take a break because this review did take a long time for me to write and I'm feeling sort of tired from it...

Gotcha, not yet really as first it's time for summons!

juuldude :
A user of this :
Sword legion :
Cradily is love :
EideticMemory :
sonicthehedgehog57 :
AceShock :

Some other people I figured might be interested (if you're not just ignore this).

DrakPokeMaster :
Laian :
deg2000 :

So yeah that's all for this time, going to keep this ending short as I really need to take a break now, but I'll see ya all in my next review and I hope you enjoyed reading this one!
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-21-13
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(edited by Zlinqx on 01-09-15 11:21 PM)     Post Rating: 6   Liked By: 182724, AceShock, Laian, Snu, Uzar, Yuna1000,

11-26-14 10:36 PM
sonicthehedgehog57 is Offline
| ID: 1108434 | 27 Words

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Zlinqx : Don't like to explain much about this game do ya (looks at word count) yep not much at all right < 3 Great job 
Zlinqx : Don't like to explain much about this game do ya (looks at word count) yep not much at all right < 3 Great job 
Vizzed Elite

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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Zlinqx,

11-27-14 07:28 AM
Zlinqx is Offline
| ID: 1108521 | 20 Words

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sonicthehedgehog57 : Nope not at all (ignores word count)

Thanks, I try XD And also thanks for featuring it <3
sonicthehedgehog57 : Nope not at all (ignores word count)

Thanks, I try XD And also thanks for featuring it <3
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-21-13
Last Post: 318 days
Last Active: 13 days


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