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03-29-23 04:07 PM
03-30-23 10:46 AM
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1 year on the site!


03-29-23 04:07 PM
Dauntez is Online
| ID: 1402157 | 122 Words

Level: 52

POSTS: 71/1083
POST EXP: 60644
LVL EXP: 1039689
CP: 3186.1
VIZ: 334807

Likes: 4  Dislikes: 0
Today I just realized I have been registered for 365 days! So this Is what I will do, first play on the Minecraft server tomorrow, second earn 3,000 Viz today, third make this my best post. That is all, if you want to give me Viz you can because I will give you information about any game you want for about 200 Viz no new games like I'm saying not from 2022 to now. It does not seem like it has been a year now,
anyways I registered at like 5PM a year ago, I was a newbie not to long ago and now, well soon to be a Vizzed Elite!

Viz 12,991/25,000
Posts 71/100

Viz for today 12,991/15,000
Posts today 5/7
Today I just realized I have been registered for 365 days! So this Is what I will do, first play on the Minecraft server tomorrow, second earn 3,000 Viz today, third make this my best post. That is all, if you want to give me Viz you can because I will give you information about any game you want for about 200 Viz no new games like I'm saying not from 2022 to now. It does not seem like it has been a year now,
anyways I registered at like 5PM a year ago, I was a newbie not to long ago and now, well soon to be a Vizzed Elite!

Viz 12,991/25,000
Posts 71/100

Viz for today 12,991/15,000
Posts today 5/7
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Trooperness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-29-22
Location: Wisoconsin
Last Post: 12 hours
Last Active: 11 min.

    Post Rating: 4   Liked By: Barathemos, MrKokoPudgeFudge, no 8120, supercool22,

03-30-23 10:46 AM
MrKokoPudgeFudge is Online
| ID: 1402158 | 20 Words

Level: 23

POSTS: 89/167
POST EXP: 8114
LVL EXP: 64406
CP: 1470.3
VIZ: 157752

Likes: 2  Dislikes: 0
I just remembered I've been on here for a year too. I registered in February last year, I think. XÞ
I just remembered I've been on here for a year too. I registered in February last year, I think. XÞ
Jovial Chocolatier of Messy Delights

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-17-22
Last Post: 13 days
Last Active: 11 min.

Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Dauntez, jnisol,


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