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  Views: 3,399,003,190     09-27-24 01:32 AM  

Main Profile Oblivion Edge's Profile Game Profile

Real Name:
Age / Birthday:
    36 / 12-27-87

Post Exp Words per Post
    200     67 avg
Posts Threads
    3     1
Viz: Gender:
    4,450     Male

CP: 6.0 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 0
Position: Newbie

Registration: 07-20-11 06:47 PM (4817 days ago)
Last Activity: 05-03-12 05:52 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline

Last Post: 09-22-11 08:01 PM
    in Minish Cap (English) (Game Discussion)
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Oblivion Edge's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Punch King - Arcade Boxing Terrible...just...terrible.
Zoids Legacy This game is epic.
Undead Line (english translation) Cool game, it's kind of addictive. As hard as an arcade game should be.
Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Kinda short...but it was a good playthrough. Worth the time, for sure.
Metal Slug Advance This game is awesome, I only wish the arcade versions were available to play.
Resident Evil Gaiden I don't like the style of play, but it's not terrible.
Golden Axe III Playing this on my laptop is going to give me carpal tunnel.
Golden Axe II First comment, woot!Gotta love the high level of difficulty.
Final Fight 3 I've got blisters on me fingers!!
Streets of Rage 2 To the death!

Oblivion Edge's Last Game screenshots (5 total)

Oblivion Edge's Game History
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Game Boy Advance Games Oblivion Edge owns (28)

Super Nintendo Games Oblivion Edge owns (15)

Nintendo 64 Games Oblivion Edge owns (1)

Nintendo NES Games Oblivion Edge owns (11)

Game Boy Color Games Oblivion Edge owns (2)

Sega Genesis Games Oblivion Edge owns (22)

Sega Game Gear Games Oblivion Edge owns (1)

Turbo Grafx Games Oblivion Edge owns (1)

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