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Registration: 11-27-09 04:23 PM (5411 days ago)
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drago's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time I just started playing.
Sonic 1 Megamix (v3.0) Did it work?
Sonic 1 Megamix (v3.0) Close your internet and come back in the game.
Sonic 1 Megamix (v3.0) You need the plugin to play the game.
Pokemon Emerald I chose MUDKIP. I named him TURX.
Pokemon Emerald It's 11:27 Am where I am.
Pokemon Emerald Man the time is really late over there.
Pokemon Emerald I most certainly am.
Pokemon Emerald I have Mudkip and Seedot.
Pokemon Emerald Don't do it. It's my job.

drago's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
08-07-13 07:57 AM
Not your traditional RPG!
Earthbound, released June 5th 1995 to the world but a sequel to Japan's 'Mother'. The game isn't your traditional RPG. It isn't Mages and Warriors or Trolls. It's you, a kid in a small town. Going through life like a kid would. People don't talk back to you when you talked to them. You're a kid! They'd treat you like a kid and that's what you are. As you play this game you grow up with your character, you become your character. Earthbound reflects life well and has some darkness to it. It's a great game and you should definitely try it.

The Graphics in this game can be bright and happy to a bad trip. The enemies are designed well but some of the bosses can look disturbing, maybe it's just me though. The game doesn't really have a graphic style but if it had one it'd be... Weird? Battle backgrounds aren't grassy plains or caves or castles. They're an acid trip. They confuse me but they're fine. The overworld looks very bright most of the time and fit what they are. It's just the battle backgrounds that bother me... 8

In the beginning of your adventure you'll hear a lot of ambiance. Noises and sirens. It sounds like a real night in a city. It doesn't sound like a perfect place like you'd find in Pokémon. Nearly every enemy you face has a different battle theme and puts you in the mood to fight. Easy enemies don't really have complex songs but harder enemies do. I like that, it's cool. The overworld music can seem generic but it grows on you. It fits each emotion the game puts you through. 7

This game is really good when you get into it. You feel as if you are growing with Ness and his friends. Like you're going somewhere in the world. This feeling makes you really want to play on and go ahead. I can't say much about the addictiveness here, it's just addictive! 10

CRASH!!! You hear as a meteorite falls near your home. As a normal protagonist would, you go pick up your baseball bat, put on your clothes and investigate! When you g... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic Advance
04-09-13 04:49 AM
Sonic to the GBA!
 Sonic Advance, a game very similar to the classic games but with it's own ideas. New things that won't make classic fans cry. I can't really put my finger on it but Sonic Team did a good job of keeping the old but still having new. The graphics, game play, more characters. It works well. This game seems more like Sonic Team knew what they were doing but wanted to see what the fans felt. In my opinion the Sequel to this game is better. Doesn't mean this is terrible, no but what I'm saying is Sonic Team put in what the people wanted in the 2nd that this didn't have. For me, this game is super fun and every character is unique without being too different. Especially Amy... She's kinda like hard mode.

The graphics in this game could pass for a pixel art DS game. Seriously, they are REALLY good. Each and every platform is really detailed and so are the characters. The animations are smooth and some even have a sort of 3D effect to them. Even backgrounds are super detailed!
I give it an 8!

Despite the music in this game not being that memorable for me they fit really well in with the level they are put in. The levels are creative and so is the music. The first stage sounds like a jungle coast or something, and the second sounds like you're a spy infiltrating a secret base! They really fit well but could be improved if they were a bit better. I give it an 8!

To be honest, when I beat this game when I was younger I didn't REALLY come back to it. I kinda played it a bit but not properly. I didn't find this with Sonic Advance 2 though. That's partly why I like it better. I'm sure other people probably prefer this one but I never really find myself playing this game often. I'd say this is a 6.

There is a bit to do in this game. If you have a Gamecube you can use the Tiny Chao Garden and make chaos. I don't actually have Sonic Adventures or anything really but I have seen this happen. You can ... Read the rest of this Review
01-30-13 06:24 AM
↑Shantae is a rather underrated game that came out in 2002. It was made buy Wayforward a very small game company who have made other games like "Adventure Time Hey Ice King!  Why'd you steal our garbage?!!" and Boy and his Blob for Wii. In 2002 the GBA was selling fast so the GBC was left for dust. My first handheld and gaming device was a GBA SP. The first game I ever owned was Shantae! Not many people bought the game because they knew it was outdated, sorta. Despite that this game is amazing! If only it was sold earlier Wayforward may have gotten alot more money than they did. There was going to be a Sequel for this game for this GBA (Eventually there was one, but for the DSi) but CAPCOM didn't want to distribute it and no one else did either.

I'm gonna say this now, I don't own a GBC so I will review this like its on a GBA, I know there IS a difference. I don't know what though.

The Graphics in this game are great! Shantae has so many little animations and detail. I don't think it changes much from GBC but I can't be sure. Shantae is so adorable as well! The graphics really does show how much effort was put in this game. Other games on GBC don't really put so much detail, just enough so you can work out whats what, that's okay but it is nice to see a change. Graphics = 10

The sounds and music in this game are really fitting but not outstanding like the Graphics. Scuttle town has an Arabian feel to it because of its sounds and music. When it turns Night the Monsters get stronger and the Music gets more fast paced and scary. I feel that this puts you in different moods throughout the game and that's pretty cool. Sound = 9

This game is quite addictive if you get into it. When you're playing time flies and you'll want to carry on playing for hours on end. ( Okay maybe not but just roll with it. ) There are a few puzzles and a few collectibles and whilst I like them for replay value... Read the rest of this Review
Kirby Super Star
04-28-12 02:30 PM
Great Co-Op Game! even
Kirby Super Star is a great Co-Op Game. I recommend you play this game Multi-Player for the full experience. To do this on Vizzed you will have to pick the RGR Plugin option and when the game starts up press ESC. After that pick the Config option at the top of the screen. You should see the controls and at the top of that window you will see some numbers. Press #2 and then select Keyboard. Then you can select your Player 2 controls. Anyway, back to the introduction of this review. Kirby Super Star is actually a compilation of games and some are short and some are long. All of them are very enjoyable and you won't be able to beat this game in one sitting! The Multi-Player really makes this game enjoyable. Player 2 acts as a Helper for Kirby. He is only a Baby you know, he needs help sometimes! When Kirby Inhales he gets that Enemy's Ability. Once Kirby has an Ability he can summon a Helper! The Helper varies on what power it was summoned with. E.g. Fighter would give Knuckle Joe as a helper. With 23 abilities the helpers can be changed a lot!

Graphics-I give the graphics a 9. They are really good compared to other games such as Super Mario World and even DS games! All characters and enemies look great and the animations are smooth too. I feel as if Nintendo

Sonic 1 - Bouncy Edition
04-18-12 12:37 PM
Sonic The Hedgehog Bounce Edition is a very unique hack of Sonic The Hedgehog but that does not mean that its amazingly good. Now, when I say that I don't mean thats its terrible its just that its not my type of game. Sonic's controls are hard to get used to and I find the camera terrible. Maybe its just me but I don't really like this hack. The snap-screen makes it really hard to control Sonic.

Graphics-The graphics are virtually the same with the exception of Sonic's bouncing sprite and the title screen. The title screen looks darker and Sonic seems to be bouncing. I haven't much else to say because from what I've seen the hacker didn't change anything else as far as graphics are concerned. I give it an eight.

Sound-The sound is the same as the original and I find that great. So far as what I have seen the hacker has changed the game for the worse but maybe I'm being a bit harsh. Every level has fitting music and its very memorable. I give it a nine.

Addictiveness-I didn't find this game very fun nor interesting. I found it more frustrating with the bounce and snap-screen. The bounce makes it really easy to get hit and the snap-screen limits your vision. Maybe this hack would be better off without a snap-screen. I give it a six.

Depth- This game isn't too long if you are playing casually but with the hard controls going for 100% will be a challenge with the new Special Stage controls. Heck! Getting to the Special Stages will be a challenge because you'll get hit all the time! I give it a seven.

Difficulty- I suck as video games, but I suck even more at games with terrible controls. This game is really confusing to get used to and maybe they could of added better controls.

Overall this game isn't really a great one but maybe I'm being harsh. I say try this game and see what you think. Anyway, I give it a score of seven.

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