travis06 09-08-12 - 10:06 AM lol got sorrounded by blocks when got stuck when little XD
travis45 06-11-12 - 03:20 PM i think this is a cool game
MarioMasta 12-01-11 - 03:09 PM it's too hard
Monstergamer 07-31-11 - 07:53 AM theres a problem in this game, i was on the first ship, then i died, and the ship is on a place, where i can not go
pogomario 07-06-11 - 05:21 PM hate
it sorry
pogomario 07-06-11 - 05:21 PM i heat it
mygamer64 01-09-11 - 03:58 PM the game is pretty nice but some parts it dosent work forcing you to use a feather I will give it a 6/10 nice game try it.
JP2000 12-13-10 - 11:07 AM Great Game
Brotha Sumo 08-31-10 - 06:14 AM the 2nd level in world 8 wont work. no way to pass the game
coolyiu5763 08-19-10 - 04:47 PM cool
iamthewalrus458 08-17-10 - 09:35 PM stupid paragoomba kept killing me so i just gave up
pokemontrainerm.. 08-03-10 - 11:50 AM hi
ninho 06-25-10 - 05:29 PM This game is very strange
truechamp57 06-13-10 - 09:34 PM every level i got to is at least loosly based on the real game, i love that in rom hacks
AmberPortwood11 06-12-10 - 04:19 AM sucks
pipoboy2000 05-24-10 - 11:26 AM This game is stupid.
pipoboy2000 05-13-10 - 04:28 PM This game sucks.
Lagslayer 05-10-10 - 08:47 PM Good game, but for the life of me, I can't play it with a keyboard.
Lagslayer 05-10-10 - 08:40 PM The cards at the end of a stage give you 1-ups when you get 3. Mushrooms for 2, flowers for 3, stars for 5. Any other combination is 1.
Dragonmaster 2.1 01-05-10 - 08:04 AM I think you need 3 of the same card
bubba seaton 12-18-09 - 08:15 PM someone paste a code!!
bubba seaton 12-18-09 - 08:13 PM hmmm
what button do i press to use a card!
lauw6 11-29-09 - 09:40 AM super fantastic
johnathan101 11-07-09 - 08:48 AM to difficult
Mcgee.1 10-11-09 - 12:04 PM ** it would be much appreicated