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Play Bubbles (MAME) - Online Game | Arcade

Play Bubbles online with Arcade browser emulation for free! Bubbles (MAME) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!


Bubbles Title ScreenBubbles Screenshot 1
Bubbles Box Art FrontBubbles Screenthot 2
Rating: 8
(7 votes)
Plays: 623
Filesize: 36kb

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Bubbles (Arcade) Screenshots

X Bubbles
by Congo! (5/5)
Misc All Systems Go: it's time to get... bubbly.
by Congo! (5/5)
Misc Noise: what appears BEFORE the all systems go screen
by Congo! (5/5)
Level Sink 1: oh boy! time to go down the drain!
by Congo! (5/5)
Level Sink 6: yowza, i've been popped!
by Congo! (5/5)
Level Sink 1: all that action over there...
by Congo! (5/5)
Level Sink 2: don't pop me! i just got my mouth!
by Congo! (5/5)
Level Sink 11: the bubble gets uglier when it's bigger.
by pollyisagoodbird (4.67/5)
Introduction : Ermagerd...Berbbles.
by MrHiu2 (4/5)
Cut-Scene : 2X SCORE!
by Ferdinand (3/5)
Level : Sink 1
by Congo! (3/5)
Level Sink 2: double bubble chin
by Congo! (3/5)
Level Sink 2: when it's just eyes, it's kinda cute!
by Congo! (3/5)
Misc Best Bubbles: i'm not so great at this...

Videos of Bubbles Gameplay

09-17-16 05:36 AM
00:01:22  Views: 22
Bubbles - bubbles gameplay in 60 fps - User video4/5
bubbles gameplay in 60 fps

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Bubbles Featured Review

Bubbles Review by: pollyisagoodbird - 6/10

If only washing dishes were this entertaining...
When you think of a game involving bubbles, you might think of something along the lines of "Puzzle Bobble" or "Bust A Move", or even "Bubble Bobble" and its sequels. "Bubbles" is nothing like any of those games. As a matter of fact, it's very unique, special even. It's got an interesting premise, and that premise is to clean out your kitchen sink. Sound boring? Actually, it really isn't. The game itself is not that bad. It's not great, but it's not bad. The only way to describe it overall is it's slightly better than "meh". The only problem is I can't seem to find a lot to say about this game, but I'll try my best.

"Bubbles" is an action-puzzle game released for arcades in 1982 by Williams Electronics who, during the '80s and '90s, were very well-known for their pinball tables and certain video games such as "Sinistar", "Robotron", and "Smash T.V.". This game was far from being a hit, however. It wasn't very popular and it wasn't ported to home video game consoles (that I know of, anyways) It received mixed reviews upon its release. At least it got its own spot on the arcade-competition game show "Starcade" the same year it was released. 

The object of the game is to control a bubble (appropriately named "Bubbles") and move him around the kitchen sink as you clean up crumbs, ants, and grease. Consuming these cause you to grow bigger and bigger over time, which causes Bubbles to get eyes and even a creepy smile. You must dodge razor blades, which kill you no matter what, and sponges and brushes, which can pop you if you are too small (in this case, being too small means Bubbles is NOT smiling), but you can bump them if you are big enough, however doing so will cause you to become slightly smaller. Large cockroaches can crawl out of the drain and move around the sink. They are invincible unless you grab the small Cleaning Lady who ALSO comes out of the drain. Doing so will give you a broom, which you can kill cockroaches with.

The drain will flash green at some point, which will warp you ahead three levels if you are big enough. The drain can also grant you a lot of points if you bump brushes and sponges down it, and you can get a 2x multiplier for each ant, crumb, and grease droplet you pick up near the edge.  You complete a level once all of the ants, crumbs, and grease droplets are either consumed or washed down the drain. You MUST have a smile in order to move onto the next level, otherwise you will automatically die and you start the level over. Talk about fair. 

Graphics: 7
   The graphics are fairly decent. The sink looks like a sink, the crumbs, ants, and grease look just like how they should. The brushes and sponges have evil eyes, and the cockroaches have red eyes. Dear Lord, is this game possessed or something? Bubbles himself even looks creepy. When he's at full size, his smile doesn't seem to friendly. It doesn't help that he's always facing the player, staring into his or her soul...
At least the Cleaning Lady is innocent looking enough. She wears a red dress and a blue bandanna. As a matter of fact, she's the most colorful NPC in the game. There's a lot of blues, browns, and yellows in this game, but that's pretty much what the entire game looks like in terms of color. I guess there really isn't anything that colorful about cleaning the kitchen sink.

Sound: 4
   Nothing special here. I was expecting some sort of background music to be playing during the game, but it's completely silent, save the sound effects. Your generic "pews" and "booms" that are common in a lot of early-'80s games are present, and the only realistic sound there is is when the faucet washes everything down the drain once a level is completed. No speech is uttered at all (and it isn't very common in early arcade games), and the only music you hear is when you start the game AND when you get a game over.

Addictiveness: 7
   As small as this game is, it's just as addicting as those dinky iPod Touch games you can buy such as "Fruit Ninja" and "Doodle Jump". I don't find myself playing this game quite often, but once I start playing, I can't stop. The game never ends, which prompts me to keep going until I die for good.Once I die, I just start over again. I feel that this game will only be addictive to some people, and the rest might be turned off by its weirdness. I suppose it's hit-or-miss in this category.

Story: None
   What, no story? Were you expecting one? You were? Fine: once upon a time, your mother told you to clean the kitchen sink or else you'll be grounded for a week. The end. Have fun!

Depth: 3
   Aside from more enemies and hazards in later levels, there's nothing to this game at all. The level layouts are at random, but they always contain the same number of objects and enemies that they should. Sometimes you'll get a level that's just littered with razor blades and grease (and grease makes you slide around uncontrollably once consumed), or you'll get an empty sink with nothing but ants and cockroaches coming out of the drain. The game becomes faster and faster as you go on, putting your reflexes to the test. Other than that, there's nothing else to this game.

Difficulty: 7
   Like a lot of Williams games, it's easy to pick up but hard as heck. This game shows no mercy. You better know what you're doing or you won't make it past the second level. If you have sharp reflexes, you will make it far. If you don't, your pride will be washed down the drain.

Overall (NOT AVERAGE): 6
   This game is more of a novelty if anything. Although it is amusing and surprisingly addictive, it's just not my cup of tea. I do know some people like this game, and if you've never played it, I say give it a try and see for yourself.

  Graphics 7   Sound 4   Addictive 7   Depth 3   Difficulty 7

Bubbles Reviews

Overall 8    Graphics 7    Sound 4    Addictive 7    Depth 3    Difficulty 7

If only washing dishes were this entertaining...   pollyisagoodbird
When you think of a game involving bubbles, you might think of something along the lines of "Puzzle ...
  Graphics 7   Sound 4   Addictive 7   Depth 3   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 03-06-13     Review Replies: 2

Bubbles Highscores

1. 151,900
TimeTrial: 00:11:13
07-08-16 04:36 PM
Bubbles -  - User Screenshot
2. 72,110
TimeTrial: 00:05:27
08-16-15 06:26 AM
Bubbles -  - User Screenshot

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Comments for Bubbles

segaflare97 07-25-17 - 10:55 PM
 does anyone know how to go past the "factory settings part"?
Congo! 07-13-17 - 06:32 PM
 this game has permanent ice physics. i mean, it makes sense, because it's a slippery sink, but... arrrghghgh!!!

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