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Game Boy Advance
Traveller's Tales
UPC: 23272002480

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Sci-Fi / Futuristic
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Complete:  $7.37
New:  $19.14
Rarity:  5/10

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Play LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (GBA) - Online Game | Game Boy Advance

Play LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy online with Game Boy Advance browser emulation for free! LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (GBA) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy

LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy Title ScreenLEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy Screenshot 1
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy Box Art FrontLEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.7
(125 votes)
Plays: 20,321
Filesize: 13,808kb

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LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (Game Boy Advance) Screenshots

X LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by SuperCoolBoom (5/5)
Do I look like a Gamerron Guard?
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Jeropka (4.83/5)
Jabba! Give me back my daughter's husband!
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by eidil07 (4.71/5)
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Jeropka (4.67/5)
WTF A Rancor! Come here you monster ass!
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Jeropka (5/5)
Cut-Scene : I've finally finished my Rancor!!!
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Character Select : A mug-shot of a droid with no face...
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Character Select : Obi-Wan, Chewbacca and their buddy "locked".
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Character Select : Luke was never a-Oh forget it.It's lego.
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Spidey243 (5/5)
Menus character: A black face in a lego game?The nerve!
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Spidey243 (5/5)
Menus Pause Menu: That must have been some party last night.
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Location Mos Eisly Cantina: Guess they couldn't afford a floor in here.

LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy Featured Review

LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy Review by: Sidewinder - 9.5/10

Marvelous entertainment
This installment of Lego Star Wars involves the Original Trilogy, or the first Star Wars films to be produced, even though the three movies come after the first three movies, which came out a while later.

The mix of Star Wars with the humorous and the ever-expanding universe of Legos provides the player with a game that provides entertainment, possibilities, and a whole lot of fun.

Graphics: 8/10

The graphics in this game are fairly adequate. Easily distinguishable (at most times), and rather impressive for a Game Boy Advance game, this game deserves a high mark. However, the graphics can be really blurry at times, mainly do to the fact that the Game Boy Advance doesn't do 3D well at all. LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (I shall refer to the game as LSW2 from now on) is rather a 2.5D game, and so that does take a toll on the graphics, since the Game Boy Advance isn't really made for such high standards in graphics. Things can get a little confusing at times, say similar Lego bodies, etc, and this factor comes to play when customizing characters. If you are really picky in customization, then you would most definitely want a game where you can easily distinguish every little detail of a costume and such. In the end, graphics do not serve a HUGE problem, but can be a little annoying for players from time to time.

Sound: 10/10

For those of you who have indeed watched the Star War series, no matter which one, all of the movies have absolutely terrific film scores. John Williams, the composer of the music used in Star Wars (and Indiana Jones as well) is a very talented man, and hearing that here in LSW2 makes for a wonderful sound track. Nothing in real honesty gets repetitive, maybe except the Cantina Band music in the Mos Eisley Cantina (your set "home base" for the game). Other than that, there is a lot of diverse music with high quality; each piece of music specific mainly for the scene/area you are in. Dramatic music in "dramatic" moments (these moments may be somewhat exaggerated in the game - most of the time there is no drama unless you have never seen the Original Trilogy), exciting music in exciting moments, etc.

Addictiveness: 9/10

LSW2 offers a lot to do, from completing the stories to free play to unlocking secrets...there are lots of things to keep you entertained and hooked to the game. However, the reason why the score is not ten out of ten for me is mainly for the reason of boredom. Most games are really the same regarding this point: after a while, it
will get boring. Doesn't mean the game is bad, but too much repetitiveness is not always so great. However, in LSW2, it offers you much more than story play. There is free play as well, allowing you access to certain secretive spots that you were unable to reach in story mode. Also, you can play as any character you have unlocked AND created to play in free play mode. Speaking of character creation, you can create your very own character! However, you can only use body parts and weapons of characters you have already unlocked (if you want to have your character have the Darth Vader suit, then you must have Darth Vader unlocked to be able to use his Lego parts). There are many possibilities on how your very own character might come out...he/she can be a blaster (with a gun), a Jedi, or even a Sith lord (both with corresponding colors of light sabers). There are unlockables, which can provide for some interesting game play as well...all each hidden in one level, usually requiring free play to unlock it.

Story: 10/10

Each Star Wars movie offers a LOT of entertainment. The story lines are quite diverse, and usually does not bore people. Each story offers mystery, intrigue, and many times, cliff hangers, making you want to watch the next movie. That's what is great about Star Wars. The stories never end right then and there, but rather carry on to the next movie. So in regards to story, it is not my job to get you hooked, but the game itself. It is up to you to decide.
However, one slight thing regarding the story is that game play doesn't always cover every single scene that went on in the movie. The game does a very nice job covering the main points of the story, and for the most part do not leave much out in the first place...just small transitions that really aren't needed in the game.

Depth: 9/10

Depth is something that is very prominently shown in LSW2. As I stated earlier, character customization is part of this game, and is very diverse and unique in the aspect of how you do customize your character. There is a lot of work put into making the stories each not too short that you miss out on key moments in the movies, and not too long that you lose interest in the story altogether. The sound track is another factor. Many games build up on repetition, especially in music. Star Wars game usually don't go for repetition, but just repeat among themselves (there's only one film score, so there really isn't much to change regarding music; sure, there will be some small variations and even remixes, but all are usually constant). I have played LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga for the DS, and both games offer basically the same story line with little change in between. However, regarding depth for LSW2, there are much more parts missing from the movie compared to LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. LSW2 is an older game though, so that is very understandable.
The free play vs story play is very much so important as well. The creators have to make sure that there are certain parts that are only accessible through free play, and so it requires some thinking in making sure there aren't any Easter Eggs or early unlockables. The creators did a good job in basically manipulation for lack of better terms. To unlock certain items, you need certain prerequisites, whether it be having a blaster on your team to unlock doors only unlockable to blasters, droids for droid doors, etc. So if you see a door only unlockable by droids in story mode, but you do not have a droid, then you are forced to go to free play to get that hidden item for later use. One thing to keep in mind though, is that basically most, if not all LEGO Star Wars games follow the same basic guide lines - character customization, a set "home base", the playable stories, and free play mode on each level. Regarding this, one would think there isn't much depth put into this game soley for the purpose that game content is shared among fellow games, and therefore isn't very creative. Seeing how this is an older game, most likely the newer games were based off of this and any other older game.
Overall, there is a lot of depth in this game, balanced out with a few items lacking here and there.

Difficulty: 4/10

Difficulty is usually a very low score for many LEGO-based games...the easiest usually being Star Wars more than any other. There are more Star Wars games than usually other LEGO-based games, and so difficulty bounces between fellow games, whereas usually the less games there are in that series, like LEGO Batman, the more likely the difficulty would be raised to a certain extent.
LSW2 is easy to understand, and definitely not hard to complete at all. The only thing that one should really worry about in regards to difficulty is trying to find all hidden objects and unlockables, mainly because the unlockables you can obtain are very nice additions and can really help you out. Some levels require a little bit of thinking, but not too much to get you stressed out, which makes this game such a fun game - there's no stress, and it's very entertaining. Completing levels in story mode are fairly easy...sometimes they are a bit long, but you can easily complete them quickly. Free play mode is very fun for relieving stress...there's really no basis to the level, no strict guide line and no inaccessibilities (for lack of a better term, if that is even a word anyway). However, obviously, to continue on and complete free play modes, you do have to follow the story a if you were told to chase an enemy, chase him/her. It's ust not "official" like in story mode, you are just doing that to keep going on. Of course, usually there are no time limits to levels, except for a few special occasions, but that is mainly it. Another great thing is that if you "fail" a level, you can always come back and try again...there really are no lives to lose, like in Mario games. In a sense, a low Difficulty score isn't all too bad, but if you are looking for a challenge, then maybe this is a bad score for

Overall, I really liked playing this game, especially since I honestly do love the games LEGO creates, such as LEGO Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Batman to name a few. Lego has a usual style, mainly always involving humor in its games, and LSW2 is no exception. Star Wars being my favorite sci-fi series, that much is obvious to why I even played this game in the first place.

For those looking for an easy-going stress-free game, try LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. You'll be glad you did.
  Graphics 8   Sound 10   Addictive 9   Depth 9   Story 10   Difficulty 4

LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy Reviews

Overall 8.7    Graphics 9    Sound 10    Addictive 8.5    Story 9.5    Depth 9.5    Difficulty 6

Marvelous entertainment   Sidewinder
This installment of Lego Star Wars involves the Original Trilogy, or the first Star Wars films to b...
  Graphics 8   Sound 10   Addictive 9   Story 10   Depth 9   Difficulty 4

      Review Rating: 4.4/5     Submitted: 10-24-13     Updated: 01-05-14     Review Replies: 2

A Long Time Ago in A Galaxy Far, Far Away… They Didn’t Have Paternity Tests   EideticMemory
A Long Time Ago in A Galaxy Far, Far Away… They Didn’t Have Paternity Tests Released...
  Graphics 10   Sound 10   Addictive 8   Story 9   Depth 10   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 3.5/5     Submitted: 02-04-14     Updated: 02-05-14     Review Replies: 1

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Comments for LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy

dakota7141993 02-12-14 - 08:33 PM
 i like the playstation 2 version of this better
cujocricket 02-10-14 - 04:38 PM
 Not to bad
Jeropka 07-12-13 - 03:03 AM
 Weird. My room GBA works perfect. What's wrong with your computer? Probably a fault in the 3D system. My computer often comes on the seizures.
Darkblaster2456 08-10-12 - 01:49 PM
 the game boy advance rom isnt working. david could u work it out
timos360 06-29-12 - 04:38 AM
cornepokemon 06-28-12 - 02:22 AM
timos360 06-27-12 - 11:56 AM
 ok thanks for the try i had this game since i was 5 but lost it and now i am playing it again i have reached 50%
haitamchouiekh 06-27-12 - 05:17 AM
 that you cant do. sorry
timos360 06-27-12 - 03:21 AM
 how do i put full screen
haitamchouiekh 06-26-12 - 09:05 AM
timos360 06-26-12 - 07:23 AM
JakandLufia 06-25-12 - 09:04 AM
JakandLufia 06-25-12 - 06:48 AM
metallico123 06-24-12 - 04:59 PM
 is any1 on
JakandLufia 06-22-12 - 01:05 PM
 so awsome
koolmoose1 06-15-12 - 01:26 PM
 they shoul've had the complete saga
koolmoose1 06-15-12 - 01:24 PM
 I have it for XBOX360
tomekwawryn 06-07-12 - 01:40 PM
 hmm are cool game
DarkosNinjax 06-04-12 - 06:49 PM
 i had this game i sold it for a dimebag
mcheffey1976 05-30-12 - 05:21 PM
paulbpeters0524 05-30-12 - 01:44 PM
 an sorry about what on the boughtum of my letter i could not see what i was writeing i met to say lego star wars 3 but i ran out of space
paulbpeters0524 05-30-12 - 01:37 PM
 lego star wars 3 and 3 fantatic star wars with the 3 one and the 2 one andthe 1 one
paulbpeters0524 05-30-12 - 01:34 PM
 i have this game it is at my dads house all is at my moms have is a tv and a book called dewey the library cat and a computer two dvd computer games calllegolegob
Fireawex 05-27-12 - 07:07 AM
 didnt know this existed
Treesnacher 05-20-12 - 09:42 AM
 omg iam going to play a game

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