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09-20-17 07:33 PM
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Uploaded Video Didn\\\'t Show Up Correctly


09-20-17 03:07 PM
Kris2025 is Offline
| ID: 1347758 | 87 Words

Level: 8

POSTS: 11/12
LVL EXP: 2158
CP: 177.6
VIZ: 12575

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Why does my uploaded video look like this? I had to use the webpage because for some reason I can't post images here. It won't even let me use Emojis. This link leads to the Pokemon Gray page. On this page, in the videos section,  it says 00.00.00 but if you click on the video it will play and you can watch the whole thing. Nothing seemed to be missing when I clicked it. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this?
Why does my uploaded video look like this? I had to use the webpage because for some reason I can't post images here. It won't even let me use Emojis. This link leads to the Pokemon Gray page. On this page, in the videos section,  it says 00.00.00 but if you click on the video it will play and you can watch the whole thing. Nothing seemed to be missing when I clicked it. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this?

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-09-17
Last Post: 2684 days
Last Active: 1107 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: DragonSlayer22,

09-20-17 07:29 PM
m0ssb3rg935 is Offline
| ID: 1347768 | 84 Words

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It seems that you were never credited for your submission. Not sure what happened there... I'd say maybe give it another day or two to see if the system catches up. If it doesn't, I can't say I know what a solution would be, but at the very least, I could send over some Viz to make up for the Viz you didn't get from the video. I'll also pass this along to a couple others and see if they know of a solution.
It seems that you were never credited for your submission. Not sure what happened there... I'd say maybe give it another day or two to see if the system catches up. If it doesn't, I can't say I know what a solution would be, but at the very least, I could send over some Viz to make up for the Viz you didn't get from the video. I'll also pass this along to a couple others and see if they know of a solution.
Vizzed Elite
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Token Clueless Guy to Make Others Look Smarter

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-09-13
Location: Tennessee
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09-20-17 07:33 PM
Kris2025 is Offline
| ID: 1347770 | 6 Words

Level: 8

POSTS: 12/12
LVL EXP: 2158
CP: 177.6
VIZ: 12575

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Thank you for letting me know.
Thank you for letting me know.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-09-17
Last Post: 2684 days
Last Active: 1107 days


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