super Mario 64 multi-player!? Lets-a go!
wwow, finally a sm64 multi-player hack! You don't even need to collect 10000+ coins, just start multi-playing! Lets review it!
graphics:8 they are the exact same graphics, just perfect, if you made the graphics different in a hack that doesn't even say, that would confuse people, so the graphics are the same, and still perfect, like I said.
sound:9 once again, exactly the same, but, once again, perfect! The sounds are just like sm64, I love the games sounds just the way they are, mostly bomb-omb battle field and the secret slide music, just so catchy!
addictiveness:10 we can all agree that sm64 was an addictive game in one player mode, so adding 2 players was a HUGE step in making the game better, so I really want to rate it a 20 but I sadly cannot, it can only go to 10, but still, a brilliant idea to make it 2 players!
story:5 the story is untouched and is a good yet repetitive one, peach has invited Mario to her castle to bake a cake, but, surprisingly, peach has been kidnapped! So its up to Mario and his pal to save peach and the whole kingdom, again, for the like, 6th time? 8th? Anyway, its the same as many other Mario games, not bad though!
depth:9 this game has 120 stars, sounds like only a few, but they aren't easy to get! They are even harder with a second player if they don't use your plan, buts that's just where all the fun is, right?
difficulty:5 super Mario 64 was not a VERY difficult game anyway, if you practice, but with two players, as I said above, its quite hard to always know what they will do, if they want to help, or not, so, it depends on how good you are at the game and how good they are!
overall:9.5 this game is amazing, and I recommend it anyone who likes super Mario 64 but wants to play multi-player! So bye for now! See you all next review! super Mario 64 multi-player!? Lets-a go!
wwow, finally a sm64 multi-player hack! You don't even need to collect 10000+ coins, just start multi-playing! Lets review it!
graphics:8 they are the exact same graphics, just perfect, if you made the graphics different in a hack that doesn't even say, that would confuse people, so the graphics are the same, and still perfect, like I said.
sound:9 once again, exactly the same, but, once again, perfect! The sounds are just like sm64, I love the games sounds just the way they are, mostly bomb-omb battle field and the secret slide music, just so catchy!
addictiveness:10 we can all agree that sm64 was an addictive game in one player mode, so adding 2 players was a HUGE step in making the game better, so I really want to rate it a 20 but I sadly cannot, it can only go to 10, but still, a brilliant idea to make it 2 players!
story:5 the story is untouched and is a good yet repetitive one, peach has invited Mario to her castle to bake a cake, but, surprisingly, peach has been kidnapped! So its up to Mario and his pal to save peach and the whole kingdom, again, for the like, 6th time? 8th? Anyway, its the same as many other Mario games, not bad though!
depth:9 this game has 120 stars, sounds like only a few, but they aren't easy to get! They are even harder with a second player if they don't use your plan, buts that's just where all the fun is, right?
difficulty:5 super Mario 64 was not a VERY difficult game anyway, if you practice, but with two players, as I said above, its quite hard to always know what they will do, if they want to help, or not, so, it depends on how good you are at the game and how good they are!
overall:9.5 this game is amazing, and I recommend it anyone who likes super Mario 64 but wants to play multi-player! So bye for now! See you all next review! |