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Interesting Names


07-31-10 09:16 PM
joebab is Offline
| ID: 217064 | 66 Words

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OK, so I remember talking about this somewhere on Vizzed, but now I'm starting a thread about it.
By Interesting names, I mean names that have a meaning outside of pokemon. I'll give the ones I've heard of and tell me any more you've heard of.
ArticUNO, ZapDOS, MolTRES. Uno, dos, tres. Spanish 1, 2, 3.
HitmonLEE, HitmonCHAN. Bruce LEE and Jackie CHAN.
Anyone got more?
OK, so I remember talking about this somewhere on Vizzed, but now I'm starting a thread about it.
By Interesting names, I mean names that have a meaning outside of pokemon. I'll give the ones I've heard of and tell me any more you've heard of.
ArticUNO, ZapDOS, MolTRES. Uno, dos, tres. Spanish 1, 2, 3.
HitmonLEE, HitmonCHAN. Bruce LEE and Jackie CHAN.
Anyone got more?
Vizzed Elite

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08-01-10 12:25 AM
SarothCyngus is Offline
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Fun fact: Arceus' name is derived from latin- the prefix Arch, (highest) and Deus. (god)

So, you could say his name roughly translates to Highest God.
Fun fact: Arceus' name is derived from latin- the prefix Arch, (highest) and Deus. (god)

So, you could say his name roughly translates to Highest God.
Embodiment of lightning. Also a MegaMan fanatic.

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08-01-10 01:26 AM
joebab is Offline
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That would work seeing as that is pretty much what he is in the games.

There's also:

And Girafarig is a palindrome.
That would work seeing as that is pretty much what he is in the games.

There's also:

And Girafarig is a palindrome.
Vizzed Elite

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08-01-10 11:09 AM
SarothCyngus is Offline
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Another Latin name origin is Regigigas. Regi, meaning King or Royal, and Gigas, meaning Giant. Regigigas roughly neams King of the Giants.
Another Latin name origin is Regigigas. Regi, meaning King or Royal, and Gigas, meaning Giant. Regigigas roughly neams King of the Giants.
Embodiment of lightning. Also a MegaMan fanatic.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-29-09
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08-06-10 04:40 PM
Merrik is Offline
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Here's all of the origins that I could find for you.I hope it makes sense and that you can read all of it.

Bulbasaur � bulb(ous) + dinosaur
Ivysaur � ivy + dinosaur
Venusaur � venus (fly trap) + dinosaur
Charmander � char + salamander
Charmeleon � char + chameleon
� char + lizard
Squirtle � squirt + turtle
Wartortle � war + tortoise + turtle
Blastoise � blast + tortoise
Caterpie � caterpillar + pie (as in 'cutie-pie')
Metapod � metamorphosis + pod
Butterfree � butterfly + free
Weedle � weevil + needle
Kakuna � cocoon
Beedrill � bee + drill
Pidgey � pidgeon
Pidgeotto � pidgeon
Pidgeot - pidgeon
Rattata - rat
Raticate � eradicate + rat
Spearow � spear + sparrow
Fearow � fear + sparrow
Ekans � �snake� backwards
Arbok � �cobra� backwards
Pikachu � pika (Japanese onomotopoeia for "Light Sparks.") + chu (Sound a mouse makes.)
Raichu � �rai� (meaning thunder) + chu
Sandshrew � sand+ shrew
Sandslash � sand + slash
Nidoran Š - needle
Nidorina � needle + �a� to distinguish femininity
Nidoqueen � needle + queen
Nidoran ‰ - needle
Nidorino � needle + �o� to distinguish masculinity
Nidoking � needle + king
Clefairy � clef (as in music) + fairy
Clefable � clef + fable
Vulpix � vulpine (fox) + six (tails)
Ninetales � nine + tails
Jigglypuff � jiggly + puff
Wigglytuff - wiggly + �tough�/tuff as in tuffet/tuft
Zubat - bat
Golbat - gol ("Good as Gold" or gulp.) + bat
Oddish � odd + radish
Gloom � gloom or gloom(y) + bloom
Vileplume � vile + plume
Paras - parasite
Parasect � parasite + insect
Venonat � venom + gnat
Venomoth � venom + moth
Meowth - meow
Persian � Persian cat
Psyduck � psychic + duck
Golduck - gol ("Good as Gold.") + duck
Mankey - monkey
Primeape � primate + ape
Poliwag � comes from the word "pollywog" (another name for a tadpole; not certain about spelling)
Poliwhirl � tadpole + whirl
Poliwrath � tadpole + wrath
Abra � �magic� word
Kadabra � �magic� word
Alakazam � �magic� word
Machop � macho + chop
Machoke � macho + choke (as in chokehold?)
Machamp � macho + champion
Bellsprout � bell (as in the plant) + sprout
Weepinbell � weeping + bell
Victreebel � victory + tree + bell
Tentacool � tentacle + cool
Tentacruel � tentacle + cruel
Geodude � geode + dude
Graveler � gravel + er
Golem � a golem
Ponyta � pony + tail
Rapidash � rapid + dash
Slowpoke � a slow poke
Slowbro � slow + �brother�
Magnemite � magnetic + �mite� (suffix for some metallic materials)
Magneton � magnet + proton?
Farfetch�d � derived from �far-fetched� meaning impossible/unusual
Doduo � dodo + duo
Dodrio � dodo + trio
Seel � seal
Dewgong - dew + dugong (kind of manatee)
Grimer � grime + slimmer (kind of mold)
Muk � muck (like mud or grime)
Shellder � shell + oyster
Cloyster � clamp + oyster
Gastly � gas + ghastly
Haunter � haunt
Gengar � in Japanese has to do with something you say after you play a prank on someone or Dopplegengar, a ghost that lurks in the shadows and copies people
Onix � onyx, a type of mineral
Drowzee � drowsy
Hypno - hypnosis
Krabby � crab + crabby
Kingler � king + angler
Voltorb � volt + orb
Electrode � an electrode
Exeggcute � execute + egg
Exeggcutor � executor + egg
Cubone � cueball + bone
Marowak - marrow (as in bone marrow) + whack
Hitmonlee � hitman/ hit + �mon� as in monster + lee (Bruce Lee)
Hitmonchan � hitman/hit + mon + chan (Jackie Chan)
Lickitung � lick + it (�lick it!�) + tongue
Koffing � coughing
Weezing � (the name says it all)
Rhyhorn � rhinoceros + horn
Rhydon � rhinoceros + �don� (which means tooth in Latin, used kinda like the way they name dinosaurs)
Chansey � chancey (as in gambler)
Tangela � tangle
Kangaskhan � Genghis Khan (Mongolian leader who took over the largest amount of land ever) + kangaroo
Horsea � �sea horse� combined together
Seadra � sea dragon
Goldeen � goldfish + queen
Seaking � sea + king
Staryu � starfish + you (in the cartoon it seems to say �hey ya!� as in �hey you� or �hey y�all� )
Starmie � starfish + me (in the cartoon it seems to say �who?� which kinda responds to what Staru says)
Mr. Mime � it�s a mime
Jynx � a jinx
Electabuzz � electric + buzz
Magmar - magma
Pinsir - pincer
Tauros � a bull as in �Taurus�
Magikarp � magic + carp (despite being a carp, it isn�t very magical)
Gyarados � ???
Lapras � derived from its Japanese name "Laplace" named after a scientist who studied the waves...
Ditto � derived from �ditto� which basically is a copy of the aforementioned phrase
Eevee - phonetic pronunciation of "EV" the first two letters in "evolve"
Vaporeon � water vapor + eon
Jolteon � jolt + eon
Flareon � flare + eon
Porygon � polygon (possibly a Japanese Americanized name, because sometimes words with the letters �ru� translate to �l� ex. Mariru = Marill)
Omanyte � an ammonite (an ancient seashell mollusk, looks almost like a nautilus)
Omastar � ammonite + star
Kabuto � a kabuto (a Japanese helmet)
Kabutops � kabuto + tops
Aerodactyl � �aero� (prefix for �air�) + �dactyl� (suffix for �wing�)
Snorlax � snore + relax
Articuno - artic + �uno� (Spanish for �one�)
Zapdos � zap + �dos� (Spanish for �two�)
Moltres � molten + �tres� (Spanish for �three�)
Dratini � dragon + tiny
Dragonair � dragon + air
Dragonite � dragon + knight (it represents the dragons that fought knights in the middle ages)
Mewtwo � �mew� as in �meow� + two
Mew � �mew� (sound a cat makes)
Chikorita � Chicory + ita (a Spanish suffix showing a small, feminine, cute, or beloved description of the word added to)
Bayleef � bayleaf
Meganium � mega + geranium (a kind of flower)
Cyndaquil � cinder + quill
Quilava � quill + lava
Typhlosion � typhoon + explosion (personally I think it should be something like Volquill)
Totodile � toddler (tot) + o + crocodile
Croconaw � crocodile + gnaw
Feraligatr � feral + alligator
Sentret � sentry + ferret
Furret � fur + ferret
Hoothoot � hoot + hoot�it�s making a noise, like an owl�?
Noctowl � nocturnal + owl
Ledyba � ladybug � the �g�
Ledian � ladybug + alien
Spinarak � spinneret + arachnid
Ariados � arachnid + ???
Crobat � cross + bat (I've also heard crowbar + bat)
Chinchou - (might have to do something with the Chinese lanterns they send down rivers at certain ceremonies)
Lanturn - lantern
Pichu � chu + pi (cute or little)
Cleffa � clef + fa (As in Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do.)
Igglybuff � iggly (Cute baby word?) + buff (Tough)
Togepi - Toge is the Japanese word for "spike" or "needle"... And I think "pi" means either cute or little... (which explains Pichu)
Togetic - Toge is the Japanese word for "spike" or "needle"... + chick, since its japanese name is Togechikku, and "chikku" could also be written as "chick" (why the official translation is "tic", I have no idea).
Natu - names sound Native American or which makes sense due to the pattern on Natu's stomach; can be part of Aztec language
Xatu - names sound Native American which makes sense due to the pattern on Xatu's stomach; can be part of Aztec language
Mareep � Mare + sheep
Flaaffy � fluffy + �baa�
Ampharos � amp + pharos (the legendary lighthouse of Alexandria, explains why it is used in the Olivine lighthouse)
Bellossom � bell + blossom
Marill � rill + mar (Spanish for "sea")
Azumarill � azure + rill + mar (spanish for "sea")
Sudowoodo � pseudo (prefix meaning "kinda, but not quite" or "false") + wood
Politoed � tadpole + toad
Hoppip � hop + pip (kind of seed)
Skiploom � skip + bloom
Jumpluff � jump + fluff/luff (the act of facing the wind)
Aipom � ape + palm
Sunkern � sun + kernel
Sunflora � sun + flora (meaning flower)
Yanma � I think it�s the Jap. Name for dragonflies
Wooper � woop + er
Quagsire � quagmire + sire
Espeon � E.S.P. + eon
Umbreon � umbra + eon
Murkrow � murk + crow
Slowking � slow + king
Misdreavus � mischievous + dread
Unown � unknown�that�s it�
Wobbuffet � wobbly + tuffet
Girafarig � �giraffe� spelled the same forward and backward (I forgot what those words are called, like the word �radar�)
Pineco � pinecone � the �ne�
Forretress � forret (French word for �forest�) + fortress
Gligar � glide + ???
Dunsparce � dune (like a sand dune) + sparce
Steelix � steel + onyx
Snubbull � snub + bull
Granbull � bull + grand
Qwilfish � quill + fish
Scizor � scissor
Shuckle � shuck + huckleberry (because it stores berries in its shell)
Heracross � Heracles (Hercules) + cross
Sneasel � sneak + weasel
Teddiursa � teddy + ursa (means �bear�)
Ursaring � ursa + ring
Slugma � slug + magma
Magcargo � magma + �escargot� ([fried] snail)
Swinub � swine + snub
Piloswine � �a plie of� swine (it was the best I had)
Corsola � coral + ???
Remoraid � remora + raid/aid
Octillery � octopus + artillery
Delibird � delivery + bird
Mantine � manta + marine
Skarmory � scar/sky + armor
Houndour � hound + devour
Houndoom � hound + doom
Kingdra � king + dragon
Phanpy � elephant + impish? (impy)
Porygon2 � polygon + 2
Stantler � staring + antler
Smeargle � smear + beagle
Tyrogue � tyrant + rogue
Hitmontop � (see other �Hitmon�s) + top
Smoochum � smooch + chum/�em
Elekid � electric + kid
Magby � magma + baby
Miltank � milk + tank
Blissey � bliss (or blissful)
Raikou � directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Entei - directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Suicune - directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Larvitar � larva + tar
Pupitar � pupa + tar
Tyranitar � tyrant + tar
Lugia - directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Ho-oh - comes from Houou, a type of phoenix
Celebi � celestial + being
Treecko � tree + gecko
Grovyle � grove + reptile
Sceptile � sceptor or forceps + reptile
Torchic � torch + chick
Combusken � combust + chicken
Blaziken � blaz(e/ing) + chicken
Mudkip � mud + skip (or mudskipper, a kind of fish)
Marshtomp � march or marsh + stomp
Swampert � swamp + rampart
Poochyena � poochy + hyena
Mightyena � mighty + hyena
Zigzagoon � zig-zag + raccoon
Linoone � line + raccoon
Wurmple � worm + apple
Silcoon � silk + cocoon
Beautifly � beautiful + butterfly
Cascoon � cast/casket + cocoon
Dustox � dust + toxic
Lotad � lotus + tadpole
Lombre � the Spanish word "hombre" actually means "man", which makes sense because the Pokedex says that it looks like a human child...
Ludicolo � a play on "Rudicolo" the spanish word for rediculous
Seedot � seed + dot
Nuzleaf � nuzzle + leaf
Shiftry � shift + tree
Nincada � ninja + cicada
Ninjask � ninja + mask
Shedinja � shed + ninja
Taillow � tail + swallow
Swellow � swell + swallow
Shroomish � mushroom + ish "like a shroom"
Breloom � umbrella + mushroom
Spinda � spin + panda
Wingull � wing + seagull
Pelipper � pelican + flipper
Surskit � surface + skit
Masquerain � masquerade + rain
Wailmer � wale + wail + mermaid
Wailord � wale + wail + lord
Skitty � skittish + kitty
Delcatty � delicate + cat + kitty
Kecleon � romanization of its japanese name, Kakureon; that name comes from kakureru (to conceal oneself) + chameleon
Baltoy � balance/baltic + toy
Claydol � clay + doll
Nosepass � nose + compass
Torkoal � torch or tortoise + coal
Sableye � sable + eye
Barboach � barb + loach
Whiscash � whisker + catfish
Luvdisc � love + disk
Corphish � core + crayfish
Crawdaunt � crawdad + daunt
Feebas � feeble + bass
Milotic - ???
Carvanha � carve + piranha
Sharpedo � shark + torpedo
Trapinch � trap + pinch
Vibrava � vibrate + ???
Flygon � fly(ing) + dragon
Makuhita - a rank you can achive through Sumo Wrestling
Hariyama - a rank you can achive through Sumo Wrestling
Electrike � electric + strike
Manectric � mane + electric
Numel � numb + camel
Camerupt � camel + erupt
Spheal � sphere + seal
Sealeo � seal + leo
Walrein � walrus + rein/rain/reign
Cacnea � cactus + ???
Cacturne � cactus + nocturne
Snorunt � snow + runt
Glalie � glacier + ???
Lunatone � lunar (moon) + stone
Solrock � solar (sun) + rock
Azurill � azure + rill
Spoink � spring + oink
Grumpig � grum or grumpy + pig
Plusle � plus
Minun � minus
Mawile � maw + wil(e/y)
Meditite � meditate (Spelled funny. XD)
Medicham � meditate + champion
Swablu � swab + blue
Altaria � altitude + aria
Wynaut � derived from the phrase �why not?�
Duskull � dusk + skull
Dusclops � dusk + cyclops
Roselia - rose + camelia (kind of flower)
Slakoth � slack + sloth
Vigoroth � vigorous + sloth
Slaking � slack + king
Gulpin � gulping � the �g�
Swalot � swallow + a lot
Tropius � tropical + brontosaurus
Chimecho � chime + echo
Whismur � whisper + murmur
Loudred � loud + red/dread
Exploud � explode + loud
Clamperl � clamp + pearl
Huntail � hunt + tail
Gorebyss � gore + abyss
Absol � �the absence of Sol� (basically the opposite of the sun)
Shuppet - shame + puppet
Banette � banshee + marionette
Seviper � sever + viper
Zangoose � zany + mongoose
Relicanth � relic + coelacanth (an ancient fish, found recently off the coast of Madagascar)
Aron � iron
Lairon � lair + iron
Aggron � aggressive + iron
Castform � form + forecast
Volbeat � volt + beat
Illumise � illuminate
Lilleep � lilly + weep
Cradily � crawl/cradle + lilly
Anorith - armor + monolith
Armaldo � armor + armadillo
Ralts - anagram of "relates" (it relates to its trainer's feelings)
Kirlia � derived from Kirlian photography, developed by Seymon Kirlian, to photograph the magnetic force each of us gives off (1939)
Gardevoir � devoir (to have to) + guard
Bagon � bang (it bangs its head against rocks) + dragon
Shelgon � shell + dragon
Salamence � salamander + commence
Beldum � �dumbbell� cut in half and then reversed
Metang � metal + tang (meaning "point")
Metagross � metal + gross
Regirock � rock + regicide (to kill a king)
Regice � ice + regicide (to kill a king)
Registeel � steel + regicide (to kill a king)
Kyogre � Kai (meaning God) + Orca (whale)
Groudon � ground + don (means �mastadon�)
Rayquaza � directly romanized versions of their Japanese names
Latias - directly romanized versions of their Japanese names
Latios - directly romanized versions of their Japanese names
Jirachi - Russian word for "wish."
Deoxys � deoxyribonucleic + s
Here's all of the origins that I could find for you.I hope it makes sense and that you can read all of it.

Bulbasaur � bulb(ous) + dinosaur
Ivysaur � ivy + dinosaur
Venusaur � venus (fly trap) + dinosaur
Charmander � char + salamander
Charmeleon � char + chameleon
� char + lizard
Squirtle � squirt + turtle
Wartortle � war + tortoise + turtle
Blastoise � blast + tortoise
Caterpie � caterpillar + pie (as in 'cutie-pie')
Metapod � metamorphosis + pod
Butterfree � butterfly + free
Weedle � weevil + needle
Kakuna � cocoon
Beedrill � bee + drill
Pidgey � pidgeon
Pidgeotto � pidgeon
Pidgeot - pidgeon
Rattata - rat
Raticate � eradicate + rat
Spearow � spear + sparrow
Fearow � fear + sparrow
Ekans � �snake� backwards
Arbok � �cobra� backwards
Pikachu � pika (Japanese onomotopoeia for "Light Sparks.") + chu (Sound a mouse makes.)
Raichu � �rai� (meaning thunder) + chu
Sandshrew � sand+ shrew
Sandslash � sand + slash
Nidoran Š - needle
Nidorina � needle + �a� to distinguish femininity
Nidoqueen � needle + queen
Nidoran ‰ - needle
Nidorino � needle + �o� to distinguish masculinity
Nidoking � needle + king
Clefairy � clef (as in music) + fairy
Clefable � clef + fable
Vulpix � vulpine (fox) + six (tails)
Ninetales � nine + tails
Jigglypuff � jiggly + puff
Wigglytuff - wiggly + �tough�/tuff as in tuffet/tuft
Zubat - bat
Golbat - gol ("Good as Gold" or gulp.) + bat
Oddish � odd + radish
Gloom � gloom or gloom(y) + bloom
Vileplume � vile + plume
Paras - parasite
Parasect � parasite + insect
Venonat � venom + gnat
Venomoth � venom + moth
Meowth - meow
Persian � Persian cat
Psyduck � psychic + duck
Golduck - gol ("Good as Gold.") + duck
Mankey - monkey
Primeape � primate + ape
Poliwag � comes from the word "pollywog" (another name for a tadpole; not certain about spelling)
Poliwhirl � tadpole + whirl
Poliwrath � tadpole + wrath
Abra � �magic� word
Kadabra � �magic� word
Alakazam � �magic� word
Machop � macho + chop
Machoke � macho + choke (as in chokehold?)
Machamp � macho + champion
Bellsprout � bell (as in the plant) + sprout
Weepinbell � weeping + bell
Victreebel � victory + tree + bell
Tentacool � tentacle + cool
Tentacruel � tentacle + cruel
Geodude � geode + dude
Graveler � gravel + er
Golem � a golem
Ponyta � pony + tail
Rapidash � rapid + dash
Slowpoke � a slow poke
Slowbro � slow + �brother�
Magnemite � magnetic + �mite� (suffix for some metallic materials)
Magneton � magnet + proton?
Farfetch�d � derived from �far-fetched� meaning impossible/unusual
Doduo � dodo + duo
Dodrio � dodo + trio
Seel � seal
Dewgong - dew + dugong (kind of manatee)
Grimer � grime + slimmer (kind of mold)
Muk � muck (like mud or grime)
Shellder � shell + oyster
Cloyster � clamp + oyster
Gastly � gas + ghastly
Haunter � haunt
Gengar � in Japanese has to do with something you say after you play a prank on someone or Dopplegengar, a ghost that lurks in the shadows and copies people
Onix � onyx, a type of mineral
Drowzee � drowsy
Hypno - hypnosis
Krabby � crab + crabby
Kingler � king + angler
Voltorb � volt + orb
Electrode � an electrode
Exeggcute � execute + egg
Exeggcutor � executor + egg
Cubone � cueball + bone
Marowak - marrow (as in bone marrow) + whack
Hitmonlee � hitman/ hit + �mon� as in monster + lee (Bruce Lee)
Hitmonchan � hitman/hit + mon + chan (Jackie Chan)
Lickitung � lick + it (�lick it!�) + tongue
Koffing � coughing
Weezing � (the name says it all)
Rhyhorn � rhinoceros + horn
Rhydon � rhinoceros + �don� (which means tooth in Latin, used kinda like the way they name dinosaurs)
Chansey � chancey (as in gambler)
Tangela � tangle
Kangaskhan � Genghis Khan (Mongolian leader who took over the largest amount of land ever) + kangaroo
Horsea � �sea horse� combined together
Seadra � sea dragon
Goldeen � goldfish + queen
Seaking � sea + king
Staryu � starfish + you (in the cartoon it seems to say �hey ya!� as in �hey you� or �hey y�all� )
Starmie � starfish + me (in the cartoon it seems to say �who?� which kinda responds to what Staru says)
Mr. Mime � it�s a mime
Jynx � a jinx
Electabuzz � electric + buzz
Magmar - magma
Pinsir - pincer
Tauros � a bull as in �Taurus�
Magikarp � magic + carp (despite being a carp, it isn�t very magical)
Gyarados � ???
Lapras � derived from its Japanese name "Laplace" named after a scientist who studied the waves...
Ditto � derived from �ditto� which basically is a copy of the aforementioned phrase
Eevee - phonetic pronunciation of "EV" the first two letters in "evolve"
Vaporeon � water vapor + eon
Jolteon � jolt + eon
Flareon � flare + eon
Porygon � polygon (possibly a Japanese Americanized name, because sometimes words with the letters �ru� translate to �l� ex. Mariru = Marill)
Omanyte � an ammonite (an ancient seashell mollusk, looks almost like a nautilus)
Omastar � ammonite + star
Kabuto � a kabuto (a Japanese helmet)
Kabutops � kabuto + tops
Aerodactyl � �aero� (prefix for �air�) + �dactyl� (suffix for �wing�)
Snorlax � snore + relax
Articuno - artic + �uno� (Spanish for �one�)
Zapdos � zap + �dos� (Spanish for �two�)
Moltres � molten + �tres� (Spanish for �three�)
Dratini � dragon + tiny
Dragonair � dragon + air
Dragonite � dragon + knight (it represents the dragons that fought knights in the middle ages)
Mewtwo � �mew� as in �meow� + two
Mew � �mew� (sound a cat makes)
Chikorita � Chicory + ita (a Spanish suffix showing a small, feminine, cute, or beloved description of the word added to)
Bayleef � bayleaf
Meganium � mega + geranium (a kind of flower)
Cyndaquil � cinder + quill
Quilava � quill + lava
Typhlosion � typhoon + explosion (personally I think it should be something like Volquill)
Totodile � toddler (tot) + o + crocodile
Croconaw � crocodile + gnaw
Feraligatr � feral + alligator
Sentret � sentry + ferret
Furret � fur + ferret
Hoothoot � hoot + hoot�it�s making a noise, like an owl�?
Noctowl � nocturnal + owl
Ledyba � ladybug � the �g�
Ledian � ladybug + alien
Spinarak � spinneret + arachnid
Ariados � arachnid + ???
Crobat � cross + bat (I've also heard crowbar + bat)
Chinchou - (might have to do something with the Chinese lanterns they send down rivers at certain ceremonies)
Lanturn - lantern
Pichu � chu + pi (cute or little)
Cleffa � clef + fa (As in Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do.)
Igglybuff � iggly (Cute baby word?) + buff (Tough)
Togepi - Toge is the Japanese word for "spike" or "needle"... And I think "pi" means either cute or little... (which explains Pichu)
Togetic - Toge is the Japanese word for "spike" or "needle"... + chick, since its japanese name is Togechikku, and "chikku" could also be written as "chick" (why the official translation is "tic", I have no idea).
Natu - names sound Native American or which makes sense due to the pattern on Natu's stomach; can be part of Aztec language
Xatu - names sound Native American which makes sense due to the pattern on Xatu's stomach; can be part of Aztec language
Mareep � Mare + sheep
Flaaffy � fluffy + �baa�
Ampharos � amp + pharos (the legendary lighthouse of Alexandria, explains why it is used in the Olivine lighthouse)
Bellossom � bell + blossom
Marill � rill + mar (Spanish for "sea")
Azumarill � azure + rill + mar (spanish for "sea")
Sudowoodo � pseudo (prefix meaning "kinda, but not quite" or "false") + wood
Politoed � tadpole + toad
Hoppip � hop + pip (kind of seed)
Skiploom � skip + bloom
Jumpluff � jump + fluff/luff (the act of facing the wind)
Aipom � ape + palm
Sunkern � sun + kernel
Sunflora � sun + flora (meaning flower)
Yanma � I think it�s the Jap. Name for dragonflies
Wooper � woop + er
Quagsire � quagmire + sire
Espeon � E.S.P. + eon
Umbreon � umbra + eon
Murkrow � murk + crow
Slowking � slow + king
Misdreavus � mischievous + dread
Unown � unknown�that�s it�
Wobbuffet � wobbly + tuffet
Girafarig � �giraffe� spelled the same forward and backward (I forgot what those words are called, like the word �radar�)
Pineco � pinecone � the �ne�
Forretress � forret (French word for �forest�) + fortress
Gligar � glide + ???
Dunsparce � dune (like a sand dune) + sparce
Steelix � steel + onyx
Snubbull � snub + bull
Granbull � bull + grand
Qwilfish � quill + fish
Scizor � scissor
Shuckle � shuck + huckleberry (because it stores berries in its shell)
Heracross � Heracles (Hercules) + cross
Sneasel � sneak + weasel
Teddiursa � teddy + ursa (means �bear�)
Ursaring � ursa + ring
Slugma � slug + magma
Magcargo � magma + �escargot� ([fried] snail)
Swinub � swine + snub
Piloswine � �a plie of� swine (it was the best I had)
Corsola � coral + ???
Remoraid � remora + raid/aid
Octillery � octopus + artillery
Delibird � delivery + bird
Mantine � manta + marine
Skarmory � scar/sky + armor
Houndour � hound + devour
Houndoom � hound + doom
Kingdra � king + dragon
Phanpy � elephant + impish? (impy)
Porygon2 � polygon + 2
Stantler � staring + antler
Smeargle � smear + beagle
Tyrogue � tyrant + rogue
Hitmontop � (see other �Hitmon�s) + top
Smoochum � smooch + chum/�em
Elekid � electric + kid
Magby � magma + baby
Miltank � milk + tank
Blissey � bliss (or blissful)
Raikou � directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Entei - directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Suicune - directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Larvitar � larva + tar
Pupitar � pupa + tar
Tyranitar � tyrant + tar
Lugia - directly romanized versions of theirapanese names
Ho-oh - comes from Houou, a type of phoenix
Celebi � celestial + being
Treecko � tree + gecko
Grovyle � grove + reptile
Sceptile � sceptor or forceps + reptile
Torchic � torch + chick
Combusken � combust + chicken
Blaziken � blaz(e/ing) + chicken
Mudkip � mud + skip (or mudskipper, a kind of fish)
Marshtomp � march or marsh + stomp
Swampert � swamp + rampart
Poochyena � poochy + hyena
Mightyena � mighty + hyena
Zigzagoon � zig-zag + raccoon
Linoone � line + raccoon
Wurmple � worm + apple
Silcoon � silk + cocoon
Beautifly � beautiful + butterfly
Cascoon � cast/casket + cocoon
Dustox � dust + toxic
Lotad � lotus + tadpole
Lombre � the Spanish word "hombre" actually means "man", which makes sense because the Pokedex says that it looks like a human child...
Ludicolo � a play on "Rudicolo" the spanish word for rediculous
Seedot � seed + dot
Nuzleaf � nuzzle + leaf
Shiftry � shift + tree
Nincada � ninja + cicada
Ninjask � ninja + mask
Shedinja � shed + ninja
Taillow � tail + swallow
Swellow � swell + swallow
Shroomish � mushroom + ish "like a shroom"
Breloom � umbrella + mushroom
Spinda � spin + panda
Wingull � wing + seagull
Pelipper � pelican + flipper
Surskit � surface + skit
Masquerain � masquerade + rain
Wailmer � wale + wail + mermaid
Wailord � wale + wail + lord
Skitty � skittish + kitty
Delcatty � delicate + cat + kitty
Kecleon � romanization of its japanese name, Kakureon; that name comes from kakureru (to conceal oneself) + chameleon
Baltoy � balance/baltic + toy
Claydol � clay + doll
Nosepass � nose + compass
Torkoal � torch or tortoise + coal
Sableye � sable + eye
Barboach � barb + loach
Whiscash � whisker + catfish
Luvdisc � love + disk
Corphish � core + crayfish
Crawdaunt � crawdad + daunt
Feebas � feeble + bass
Milotic - ???
Carvanha � carve + piranha
Sharpedo � shark + torpedo
Trapinch � trap + pinch
Vibrava � vibrate + ???
Flygon � fly(ing) + dragon
Makuhita - a rank you can achive through Sumo Wrestling
Hariyama - a rank you can achive through Sumo Wrestling
Electrike � electric + strike
Manectric � mane + electric
Numel � numb + camel
Camerupt � camel + erupt
Spheal � sphere + seal
Sealeo � seal + leo
Walrein � walrus + rein/rain/reign
Cacnea � cactus + ???
Cacturne � cactus + nocturne
Snorunt � snow + runt
Glalie � glacier + ???
Lunatone � lunar (moon) + stone
Solrock � solar (sun) + rock
Azurill � azure + rill
Spoink � spring + oink
Grumpig � grum or grumpy + pig
Plusle � plus
Minun � minus
Mawile � maw + wil(e/y)
Meditite � meditate (Spelled funny. XD)
Medicham � meditate + champion
Swablu � swab + blue
Altaria � altitude + aria
Wynaut � derived from the phrase �why not?�
Duskull � dusk + skull
Dusclops � dusk + cyclops
Roselia - rose + camelia (kind of flower)
Slakoth � slack + sloth
Vigoroth � vigorous + sloth
Slaking � slack + king
Gulpin � gulping � the �g�
Swalot � swallow + a lot
Tropius � tropical + brontosaurus
Chimecho � chime + echo
Whismur � whisper + murmur
Loudred � loud + red/dread
Exploud � explode + loud
Clamperl � clamp + pearl
Huntail � hunt + tail
Gorebyss � gore + abyss
Absol � �the absence of Sol� (basically the opposite of the sun)
Shuppet - shame + puppet
Banette � banshee + marionette
Seviper � sever + viper
Zangoose � zany + mongoose
Relicanth � relic + coelacanth (an ancient fish, found recently off the coast of Madagascar)
Aron � iron
Lairon � lair + iron
Aggron � aggressive + iron
Castform � form + forecast
Volbeat � volt + beat
Illumise � illuminate
Lilleep � lilly + weep
Cradily � crawl/cradle + lilly
Anorith - armor + monolith
Armaldo � armor + armadillo
Ralts - anagram of "relates" (it relates to its trainer's feelings)
Kirlia � derived from Kirlian photography, developed by Seymon Kirlian, to photograph the magnetic force each of us gives off (1939)
Gardevoir � devoir (to have to) + guard
Bagon � bang (it bangs its head against rocks) + dragon
Shelgon � shell + dragon
Salamence � salamander + commence
Beldum � �dumbbell� cut in half and then reversed
Metang � metal + tang (meaning "point")
Metagross � metal + gross
Regirock � rock + regicide (to kill a king)
Regice � ice + regicide (to kill a king)
Registeel � steel + regicide (to kill a king)
Kyogre � Kai (meaning God) + Orca (whale)
Groudon � ground + don (means �mastadon�)
Rayquaza � directly romanized versions of their Japanese names
Latias - directly romanized versions of their Japanese names
Latios - directly romanized versions of their Japanese names
Jirachi - Russian word for "wish."
Deoxys � deoxyribonucleic + s
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08-06-10 07:32 PM
joebab is Offline
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Merrik : Thanks, I found that a few days ago on another forum.
Just couldn't really be bothered to post it all
Merrik : Thanks, I found that a few days ago on another forum.
Just couldn't really be bothered to post it all
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08-06-10 07:53 PM
Merrik is Offline
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joebab : I didn't post it. I just googled it, highlighted it, chose copy, then pasted. I mainly possted all of that stuff so that I could get more Viz. The other one like this only let you do ten at a time, and thay had to be in order.
joebab : I didn't post it. I just googled it, highlighted it, chose copy, then pasted. I mainly possted all of that stuff so that I could get more Viz. The other one like this only let you do ten at a time, and thay had to be in order.
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08-07-10 09:05 AM
DarkHyren is Offline
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Merrik : Which makes that copy and paste spam, also known as cheating for Viz.
Dont do it again, it's against the rules.

The only slightly interesting name I can think of is Bidoof, that's the sound the car made when it ran over that ugly thing
Merrik : Which makes that copy and paste spam, also known as cheating for Viz.
Dont do it again, it's against the rules.

The only slightly interesting name I can think of is Bidoof, that's the sound the car made when it ran over that ugly thing
Vizzed Elite
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2nd Place in the December 2009 VCS!

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(edited by DarkHyren on 08-07-10 09:06 AM)    

08-07-10 09:45 AM
Merrik is Offline
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Sorry guys, I really didn'y know it was spam and won't do it again (it's still missing the sinnoh pokemon though).

Sorry guys, I really didn'y know it was spam and won't do it again (it's still missing the sinnoh pokemon though).

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