2024 is now of the past, and now I'm making a recap of it.
January: I was playing this game called "Pixel Petz.", it's a games where you pixel pets, and you can make posts about your pets for other people to see, well- that is not the part I was interested in, I was more interested in the online community, so since I was bored all the time, I was just chatting through messages. And maybe here and there I'd make a pet.
And since it's January, it's TdV month, so I'll go over that. For the first 12 days I was in the lead, longest I've ever been, but then on day 13 supercool22 took the lead, and then day 20 tornadocam passes me. I ended up getting 3rd place, but it was one of the funniest TdV.
February:Yeah, I don't have anything to say other than I started making music for a channel that would be made until March. But I was still playing "Pixel Petz".
March:The month that I finally made a YouTube channel, and I made songs every day of that month. I got the YouTube channel on the 9th, but then, the 24th came, and this is when I created "Medieval Guy", and he was popular compared to the rest of my songs I had made prior to this.

That tiny but big spike was because of him. But it didn't stay for too long lol.
April:So uhh- Blizzard, the most snow we got that year. But why was there a Blizzard in April? There wasn't even any sow that winter.
Also, I forgot that this was the month of the flider; I was spending the night at my grandma and grandpas, and when I was about to fall asleep, I see this Spider, BUT IT WAS FLYING, I had to hide everywhere cause I was everywhere, at one point I had to go into the bathroom to hide from it, but then it got in there, so I had to go into the living room- but there was more out there, also this was all happening at 3:00 AM, I was up until 4:00 AM, And I woke up at 10:00 AM.
Also, I was wanting to get bamboo because you could grow it where I live, yeah, I don't even know why I wanted it so bad, maybe because I like Japan.
May:The month of my Birthday, I got a Phone for my birthday that year! The camera is very good, and it runs fast, the screen is big too! And then I also went to MOA for my birthday, and got tons of LEGO's, I love LEGO's. And then not much else that I did in May.
June:I went biking with people from our Church.
July:I got LED lights for my room, which are still up.
August:I got discord. And my YouTube channel did better than it's ever done, I was getting 2,000+ views per a day, and it was all from the AI Extended stuff.
September:I was playing games more, and also, I was back into Pixel Petz for a bit.
October:I was playing Halo 5 a lot.
November:Fortnite OG was the whole month.
December:New Fortnite Chapter happened, and I liked it.
And it did snow, and we had a White Christmas, also, I got a Watch! And merch from a YouTuber.
Welp, that's all! (Also, not much happened June-October)