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Emperor Quintana
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My Return to Vizzed


05-14-21 12:34 PM
Emperor Quintana is Offline
| ID: 1390936 | 259 Words

Level: 10

POSTS: 5/15
POST EXP: 1405
LVL EXP: 3998
CP: 94.3
VIZ: 10193

Likes: 4  Dislikes: 0
My fellow Vizzers:

First of all, I would like to thank you all for keeping this memorable community active. You have no idea how much it means to me about seeing memories being made here, even though I have to admit that I wasn't around long enough to witness it.

I know that I haven't been active for nearly a decade, but many other things and interests (i.e.: career pursuits, domestic obligations, personal tribulations, etc.) have somehow taken up so much of my time that I haven't had the chance to enjoy the halcyon days of this place. And for that, I deeply apologize for not being there sooner.

But that's all in the past, now. And I intend to make it up to you guys by trying to be more active in forum discussions and site contributions. It might not be easy while the proverbial not-too-full plate on my hands comes to mind, but if racking up higher scores in arcade games and inputting screenshots like in the good ol' days is what it takes for me to relieve the sense of nostalgia as a means of closure, then so be it.

I will strive to do more here, provided that my work-life balance maintains a proper equilibrium. Even better yet, I might be working on a hobby project sometime in the foreseeable future.

To anyone (if not everyone) who reads this thread, thank you very much for your patience and understanding. And I hope to do what I can to help bring Vizzed to its former glory.
My fellow Vizzers:

First of all, I would like to thank you all for keeping this memorable community active. You have no idea how much it means to me about seeing memories being made here, even though I have to admit that I wasn't around long enough to witness it.

I know that I haven't been active for nearly a decade, but many other things and interests (i.e.: career pursuits, domestic obligations, personal tribulations, etc.) have somehow taken up so much of my time that I haven't had the chance to enjoy the halcyon days of this place. And for that, I deeply apologize for not being there sooner.

But that's all in the past, now. And I intend to make it up to you guys by trying to be more active in forum discussions and site contributions. It might not be easy while the proverbial not-too-full plate on my hands comes to mind, but if racking up higher scores in arcade games and inputting screenshots like in the good ol' days is what it takes for me to relieve the sense of nostalgia as a means of closure, then so be it.

I will strive to do more here, provided that my work-life balance maintains a proper equilibrium. Even better yet, I might be working on a hobby project sometime in the foreseeable future.

To anyone (if not everyone) who reads this thread, thank you very much for your patience and understanding. And I hope to do what I can to help bring Vizzed to its former glory.
Humble Born-Again Vizzer

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-07-11
Location: Florida, USA
Last Post: 986 days
Last Active: 101 days

Post Rating: 4   Liked By: claytune, Davideo7, jnisol, no 8120,

05-14-21 04:43 PM
Davideo7 is Online
| ID: 1390938 | 57 Words

Level: 351

POSTS: 44645/45357
POST EXP: 3478750
LVL EXP: 818060237
CP: 191912.8
VIZ: 123105726

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
This is definitely an interesting scenerio. You did unfortunately miss this site in its prime but I have hope that the site will eventually get close to those glory days. With attitude like yours, it could someday happen.

Honestly, your post is motivating. Hopefully it inspires others to want to contribute to the site.

Welcome back
This is definitely an interesting scenerio. You did unfortunately miss this site in its prime but I have hope that the site will eventually get close to those glory days. With attitude like yours, it could someday happen.

Honestly, your post is motivating. Hopefully it inspires others to want to contribute to the site.

Welcome back
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Emperor Quintana,

05-14-21 05:08 PM
Emperor Quintana is Offline
| ID: 1390939 | 49 Words

Level: 10

POSTS: 6/15
POST EXP: 1405
LVL EXP: 3998
CP: 94.3
VIZ: 10193

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Davideo7 : Thanks, David. It may be a modest re-welcoming committee, but I'm quite glad to be back.

Now, if only I could try to get the RGR plugin to function on one of my browsers in order to compete for the highest score on Pac-Man for the Atari 2600...
Davideo7 : Thanks, David. It may be a modest re-welcoming committee, but I'm quite glad to be back.

Now, if only I could try to get the RGR plugin to function on one of my browsers in order to compete for the highest score on Pac-Man for the Atari 2600...
Humble Born-Again Vizzer

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-07-11
Location: Florida, USA
Last Post: 986 days
Last Active: 101 days

05-14-21 11:49 PM
claytune is Offline
| ID: 1390942 | 53 Words

Level: 111

POSTS: 1920/3856
POST EXP: 343708
LVL EXP: 14801969
CP: 27340.6
VIZ: 1997171

Likes: 2  Dislikes: 0
As an admin threads like this really reminds me how great the Vizzed community is when someone returns who missed out on the glory days much like I did and to see Vizzed still means a lot really just reminds me of how much it means to everyone.

Emperor Quintana : Welcome back
As an admin threads like this really reminds me how great the Vizzed community is when someone returns who missed out on the glory days much like I did and to see Vizzed still means a lot really just reminds me of how much it means to everyone.

Emperor Quintana : Welcome back
Site Staff
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Ore wa Tokoton Tomaranai!!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-08-14
Location: Ohio
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Last Active: 55 min.

Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Davideo7, Emperor Quintana,

05-15-21 06:44 AM
Emperor Quintana is Offline
| ID: 1390944 | 49 Words

Level: 10

POSTS: 9/15
POST EXP: 1405
LVL EXP: 3998
CP: 94.3
VIZ: 10193

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
My thanks, SonicOlmstead.

And now, as soon as I have a brief moment of reminiscence in these hallowed halls, we could figure out how to make Vizzed as popular and memorable as it once was back then.

Perhaps some guerrila marketing and meme culture might be taken into suggestion?
My thanks, SonicOlmstead.

And now, as soon as I have a brief moment of reminiscence in these hallowed halls, we could figure out how to make Vizzed as popular and memorable as it once was back then.

Perhaps some guerrila marketing and meme culture might be taken into suggestion?
Humble Born-Again Vizzer

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-07-11
Location: Florida, USA
Last Post: 986 days
Last Active: 101 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Davideo7,

05-15-21 09:29 PM
pennylessz is Offline
| ID: 1390952 | 149 Words

Level: 99

POSTS: 2403/2631
POST EXP: 134008
LVL EXP: 9806046
CP: 5608.0
VIZ: 318606

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Welcome back, I made a similar return here a couple years back, and have been keeping active since, as I feel I owe this place a great debt for helping raise me.

You can definitely see the changes and wear around here, but I agree that it's incredibly nice everything is still intact. There was an incident about a year back though that scrambled some posts, and actually made them hilarious to read. Largely, a number of posts were assigned to random users, and so in some cases they even replied to themselves.

I think more marketing could do the place good, most internet goers nowadays aren't familiarized with it, and seem to assume it's a virus site when I bring it up. However, the main draw always was the RGR, and most people agree that takes priority, even with easily accessible, high usability emulators existing for download nowadays.
Welcome back, I made a similar return here a couple years back, and have been keeping active since, as I feel I owe this place a great debt for helping raise me.

You can definitely see the changes and wear around here, but I agree that it's incredibly nice everything is still intact. There was an incident about a year back though that scrambled some posts, and actually made them hilarious to read. Largely, a number of posts were assigned to random users, and so in some cases they even replied to themselves.

I think more marketing could do the place good, most internet goers nowadays aren't familiarized with it, and seem to assume it's a virus site when I bring it up. However, the main draw always was the RGR, and most people agree that takes priority, even with easily accessible, high usability emulators existing for download nowadays.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-10-10
Location: Within the wires.
Last Post: 248 days
Last Active: 122 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Emperor Quintana,


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