can ye get some more intel about what happened in a specific instance/crop before/during this time? details, exact details and descriptions.
what was the weather like that year?
absolute power and a soveriegn nation cannot exist at the same time in the state of a nations governmental system
the corrupt COUNCIL of duplicitous agents, wolves in sheeps clothing, the moneychangers in the church parading around in a white gown and top hat, holding a scepter of office and wearing a golden gem encrusted crown and telling thee that "this is for the best interests of our people."
"poisoning our own people from corporate industry"
"making of and engaging in war will help to HEAL the blasted apart bodies of our people, put handfuls of intestines back in their stomaches, and place their broken skull cap back on their thinking heads"
"this is for the best interests of our people."
absolute power
"this is for the best interests of our people."
master and slave
"you are now my slave"
"all people of the Earth are now my slave"
"this is for the best interests of our people."
freemen are NEVER truly free as long as they hath of a hangman's noose around their neck
and money and power hangs above them as looming dark clouds to block all the love of the sun completely from the sky
you are not a free man unless ye hath of liberty
you are not a free man unless ye can protect of THY OWN PEOPLE
you are not a free man unless ye can prevent of Mass Extinction
and freemen, hath not of freedom NOR liberty if they cannot prevent corporations from'st of toxic waste and'n pollution to'st a "zero tolerance" politcy, as a rich man dost so to the commonfolk when'st of other subject and category, only when it benefits the rich man and the'st poor commonfolk are made to'n suffer so, their health now wanning.
the Founding Father of the New Order
The Master Architect
who, who, who
only when a man truly cares about each and everyone of his people, as the Holy Grail which hast now been found, ye of the Knights of the Temple
reborn in the Dawn of a New Age of Man
then, and only then, will this then bee'th of "THE BEGINNING"
and a Perfect Society will to bee'th so born
ushering in a NEW AGE
can ye get some more intel about what happened in a specific instance/crop before/during this time? details, exact details and descriptions.
what was the weather like that year?
absolute power and a soveriegn nation cannot exist at the same time in the state of a nations governmental system
the corrupt COUNCIL of duplicitous agents, wolves in sheeps clothing, the moneychangers in the church parading around in a white gown and top hat, holding a scepter of office and wearing a golden gem encrusted crown and telling thee that "this is for the best interests of our people."
"poisoning our own people from corporate industry"
"making of and engaging in war will help to HEAL the blasted apart bodies of our people, put handfuls of intestines back in their stomaches, and place their broken skull cap back on their thinking heads"
"this is for the best interests of our people."
absolute power
"this is for the best interests of our people."
master and slave
"you are now my slave"
"all people of the Earth are now my slave"
"this is for the best interests of our people."
freemen are NEVER truly free as long as they hath of a hangman's noose around their neck
and money and power hangs above them as looming dark clouds to block all the love of the sun completely from the sky
you are not a free man unless ye hath of liberty
you are not a free man unless ye can protect of THY OWN PEOPLE
you are not a free man unless ye can prevent of Mass Extinction
and freemen, hath not of freedom NOR liberty if they cannot prevent corporations from'st of toxic waste and'n pollution to'st a "zero tolerance" politcy, as a rich man dost so to the commonfolk when'st of other subject and category, only when it benefits the rich man and the'st poor commonfolk are made to'n suffer so, their health now wanning.
the Founding Father of the New Order
The Master Architect
who, who, who
only when a man truly cares about each and everyone of his people, as the Holy Grail which hast now been found, ye of the Knights of the Temple
reborn in the Dawn of a New Age of Man
then, and only then, will this then bee'th of "THE BEGINNING"
and a Perfect Society will to bee'th so born
ushering in a NEW AGE