Metal Sonic Character Images and Information
Vizzed is an online gaming community which lets you play 10,000s of retro games online for free, get information for almost every game ever made and discuss both gaming and life in general in a very welcoming family-friendly environment.
Metal Sonic Screenshots
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
by Gamsynboyz (3/5)
Level Death Egg Zone: Sonic: "What's this rusted pile 'o bolts?"
by Gamsynboyz (3/5)
Level Death Egg Zone: Sonic: "What's this rusted pile 'o bolts?"

Sega 32X
Sega Genesis
Sega Genesis
Metal Sonic Hyperdrive
by ganondorf4ever (5/5)
Misc Level 2-1:: Uhhhhhh.... I got stuck in a wall. #glitch
by ganondorf4ever (5/5)
Misc Level 2-1:: Uhhhhhh.... I got stuck in a wall. #glitch

Sega Genesis
Metal Sonic Hyperdrive (2013)
by Kaipranykys (5/5)
Ending : Not the highest score, I did the best I can
by Kaipranykys (5/5)
Ending : Not the highest score, I did the best I can

Sega Genesis
Sega Genesis
Metal Sonic in Sonic 2 (Beta)
by Vizzedgamer! (5/5)
Misc Level over: Super Metal Got through Act 1!!!
by Vizzedgamer! (5/5)
Misc Level over: Super Metal Got through Act 1!!!

Sega Genesis
Sega Genesis
Metal Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
by PsychicRose (5/5)
Introduction : Hello, Metal Sonic and Tails!
by PsychicRose (5/5)
Introduction : Hello, Metal Sonic and Tails!

Metal Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
by PsychicRose (5/5)
World Map Emerald Hill Zone: Lol, Metal Sonic, XDDD!
by PsychicRose (5/5)
World Map Emerald Hill Zone: Lol, Metal Sonic, XDDD!

Metal Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
by PsychicRose (5/5)
World Map Emerald Hill Zone: Super Metal Sonic!
by PsychicRose (5/5)
World Map Emerald Hill Zone: Super Metal Sonic!

Metal Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
by PsychicRose (5/5)
Misc Level Selection Screen: Chaos Emeralds Code:4, 1, 2, 6.
by PsychicRose (5/5)
Misc Level Selection Screen: Chaos Emeralds Code:4, 1, 2, 6.

Metal Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
by PsychicRose (5/5)
World Map Chemical Plant Zone: I Got A Mini Metal Sonic!
by PsychicRose (5/5)
World Map Chemical Plant Zone: I Got A Mini Metal Sonic!

Sega Genesis
Sega Master System
Sega CD
Sega Game Gear
by terrancep2 (3/5)
Level : Metal Sonic when both episodes are owned.
by terrancep2 (3/5)
Level : Metal Sonic when both episodes are owned.

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