bluesheep123 11-30-13 - 09:18 PM Hard enemies in first level: Okay, next hack!
travis06 07-17-12 - 11:07 AM whats with travis 45?
wierdshades 06-24-12 - 04:30 PM arrow keys-dpad z-b x-a enter-start shift-select
zeldafan4eva123 05-23-12 - 12:23 PM wtf this game is cool dude
smb3hackplayer 04-12-12 - 12:30 AM sorry world 8
smb3hackplayer 04-12-12 - 12:29 AM on world, doing an incredably long ass level
travis45 03-30-12 - 03:46 PM god tthis game is seriously missed frank you suck so much make this game better loser
travis45 03-27-12 - 03:22 PM man this game is really tough i love a hard challeng
dallaslives 03-09-12 - 07:56 PM will somee one please tell me the controls?
jesseandsonic 02-13-12 - 01:20 AM Finally beat stage 1! God this game is really hard!
vizz-whizz 11-04-11 - 03:16 PM frank is gay but this game is awesum!
Monstergamer 08-31-11 - 04:30 PM i hate mushrooms, they ran always away!
gamer234 05-26-11 - 06:22 AM franks good at making a hard game :P
omegaman0192837.. 03-28-11 - 05:02 PM this is bull crap
samu90ify 03-18-11 - 05:16 AM This game is hard the last field in which I actually got a second field of the castle
melek eddine 02-06-11 - 12:25 PM i love a hard game
arnoldyiu8 11-06-10 - 05:53 AM frank, your games are the worst.
sonicx15 07-19-10 - 03:38 PM Its challenging!
Me126546 07-09-10 - 06:12 PM It's not hard :(
kadeam 03-20-10 - 10:42 AM mario move!!!
kadeam 03-20-10 - 10:41 AM it won't let me play
Freddyd2006 02-13-10 - 04:29 PM i cant move
Weegee 12-01-09 - 07:10 AM too hard!