evilcon09 01-28-17 - 09:32 AM Is there a translation
MeatAndPotatoes 06-18-16 - 10:59 PM Every one of the ding ding noises has this swift and elegant squelch. That's how you bring it home, for this kind of game.
Fei-Yen-K(u)n(e) 11-08-15 - 05:24 PM 6000+ plays.
mravgn11 04-10-15 - 09:05 PM try getting it on abandonware sites for pc so much better on pc than console :P
MechaMento 07-03-14 - 12:13 AM Actual nevermind, I could only do french or spanish.... No japanese
MechaMento 07-03-14 - 12:13 AM I'm regretting not giving a poop about languages
LordPyralis 05-30-14 - 09:18 PM Yay for the Spanish side of Vizzed...
biby25 03-20-13 - 08:29 AM what do I press when it says something japanese and under it "sounds" at the begining?
alexisonfire490 12-28-12 - 03:38 PM Where is the english version? Tried translators (translating the actual hiragana/romaji/kanji to translate what each person said when they talked) but still can't understand!
MeinaAeon 10-29-12 - 11:41 AM one patch is in the works from another group but they had to stop and it was only 57 percent done you can still get it though .its mainly title and menu and such thats translated.
Astynax27 05-12-12 - 06:53 PM Oh, come on! ENGLISH ALREADY!
Emperor Quintana 04-14-12 - 08:55 PM What's taking the English patch so long? I've played PM2 via DOSBox, and it was awesome. What in the world just happened here?
runtus maximus 09-16-11 - 12:15 PM How many japanese speakers use this site? I see all these games with great ratings that are jap only.
Awsome Alan 08-08-11 - 02:18 PM im trying to kill her XD
niven_the_fae 07-12-11 - 06:53 PM I would also like to play this in English, please.
Ghost Queen 07-09-11 - 10:44 PM Yes. Make an English patch, 'cause Princess Maker sounds awesome.
Swiftwynd 12-20-10 - 05:21 PM Would somebody please make an English patch for this game?