lilscoop04 12-10-14 - 10:54 PM to get the squirt bottle you need to complete the gym the go to flower place
j1m5s 04-22-14 - 08:02 PM where is Mr.pokemons house
SacredShadow 01-23-14 - 07:14 PM looks like a hack worth trying...
voidraider 08-06-13 - 04:30 PM how do you get out of goldenrod if you cant get the squirt bottle?
Divine Aurora 07-24-13 - 11:40 PM wow only starter is abra fail that just made me want to leave this game
breeze28 07-14-13 - 06:10 PM wht color is tangela cause i found a shiny one
jerry.ferguson 07-04-13 - 02:03 PM Can SOMEONE tell me how to get past Goldenrod City you can not go up the radio tower and get rid of team rocket so that you can get the squirtbottle so you can't remove the tree that is blocking your way to the next city.
rhyno455 06-30-13 - 04:22 AM this game is to confusing and not worth the hassel
ra82064 05-04-13 - 07:01 PM cant catch pokemon with your high level abra just catch a pidgey then heal it at the pokemon center
mikarock 04-30-13 - 06:30 PM got to eggs for one haha think that's a glitch
yoshi1096 12-09-12 - 08:29 PM Rusty from dorkly videos!!
Rom Tilting Shay 10-08-12 - 07:05 PM MEH. it said clear all save data area? (or somthing tike that.) i pressed no and it restarted!
johnbot260 09-22-12 - 01:52 AM Where do you get celebi
tipher33 09-11-12 - 04:20 PM this game started out awesome then you get stuck cAuse you cant progress cause you cant get the squirtbottle like wtf
Rico136 08-23-12 - 02:14 PM what do i do after i beat whitney and all the team rocket people in the radio tower?! D:
darkusboy 07-31-12 - 09:17 AM SQUIRTBOTTLE AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
d077 07-11-12 - 06:52 PM Darn police are blocking my way to the floor where petrel is supposed to be.
d077 07-11-12 - 06:52 PM Anytime.
kooldude317 07-09-12 - 03:41 PM i disobey you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D
kingkouture 06-23-12 - 05:21 PM I don't think anyone can move on after Goldenrod; the designer fuxed up and it's impossible to get the squirtbottle. Don't bother with this hack.
Kipling2.0 06-22-12 - 10:38 AM does anyone know if water and fire stone's can be found or bought on this game?
tieneke12 06-20-12 - 11:35 PM hello
tieneke12 06-20-12 - 07:46 AM yeah my kadabra evolve to alakazam lvl 30
irukai34 06-16-12 - 02:50 PM lol online it was like n***** please
jdas1 06-15-12 - 08:14 AM who is on