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Kingdom Hearts II - Critical 1 or go home


10-12-17 07:13 PM
Zestirion is Offline
| ID: 1348818 | 207 Words

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Hello, I am Shadic539, and I'm trying something. I want to try to get everyone (Who has played Kingdom Hearts II Critical 1) to share their experiences, strategies, ask for help, or pretty much anything that has to do with KH II critical 1. Now, for those who don't know and wanted to find out, Critical mode is, in essence, the hardest difficulty on the difficulty screen. The bosses have more health, deal more damage, and you, the player, have a lot less health (roughly 1/2 the health in any other difficulty), and the "1" part refers to the use of the "Zero EXP" ability at level 1, meaning neither you or any party members gain EXP as long as the ability is equipped (It can be unequipped). The difficulty rises immensely, as you cannot get any of the level bonuses, like stat boost or abilities. The abilities you lose access to, such as "Second Chance" and "Once More" are used in many's strategies in beating the game. These two difficulty scalers, Critical Mode and Zero EXP are only in the HD remakes on the ps3 and further. Anyways, with the exposition out of the way, let's begin the PTSD-inducing memories or helping people avoid that PTSD.
Hello, I am Shadic539, and I'm trying something. I want to try to get everyone (Who has played Kingdom Hearts II Critical 1) to share their experiences, strategies, ask for help, or pretty much anything that has to do with KH II critical 1. Now, for those who don't know and wanted to find out, Critical mode is, in essence, the hardest difficulty on the difficulty screen. The bosses have more health, deal more damage, and you, the player, have a lot less health (roughly 1/2 the health in any other difficulty), and the "1" part refers to the use of the "Zero EXP" ability at level 1, meaning neither you or any party members gain EXP as long as the ability is equipped (It can be unequipped). The difficulty rises immensely, as you cannot get any of the level bonuses, like stat boost or abilities. The abilities you lose access to, such as "Second Chance" and "Once More" are used in many's strategies in beating the game. These two difficulty scalers, Critical Mode and Zero EXP are only in the HD remakes on the ps3 and further. Anyways, with the exposition out of the way, let's begin the PTSD-inducing memories or helping people avoid that PTSD.
Paladin/Ranger who has no idea what they're doing, but just won't die.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-13-15
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