I know all of them and tried all, im not joking every last one of them i know and only recommend a few. Anyway lets start with
Darkbasic pro: a software that you need to code, basically Unity with less stuff and less community around it. You already have models thanks to them but you are basically out of luck knowing how this software code works.
Game Guru: This one requires a super strong computer, cost money, still in beta, AI is not smart, known to help make very bad 3d games in steam, and many bad stuff keeps adding up. Not great for 2D it has no support for 2D games. Ruby is the programing language which may or not be great. finally, export is a mess you do have the basics but that is all, no encrypting which is perfect for anyone stealing games from steam. Worst of all, windows only and online multiplayer is only for steam users.
RPG Maker (name version here): It is possibly the only best RPG maker for a very good price. While everyone does hate RPG Maker for some bad games, most of the time in the community i spent, there was better and original stories and game design. So RPG Maker is great for people who want to do something in the RPG or fighting area, story games can be added too like i did with my. Very helpful people and the new MV version can export it to anywhere.
GM: Very misleading to everyone in their advertisement. The main use is just platformer you can't do anything else on it but believe me they will say "this game was made with GM". True however they did it with GM code, which only a few people in their community fully understands. GM code is fake compared to other softwares and is the worst way teachers are teaching this to students. Other than that, you can only make windows game, wait NVM they just
updated to studio 2 and now cost $100 for desktop (20% more than RPG Maker series) and free trial can not be used in commercial games.
https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/235626968-GM-S-1-X-Sale-To-Be-Discontinued-FAQ"Will the Free version still be available?
When GameMaker Studio 2 leaves Beta, you will no longer be able to register a new free license for GameMaker: Studio Standard. However those people who have registered the Free version with their YoYo Account before this point will be able to continue using it without issues."
Unreal : Same "Know programming" coding but it is much more than that, only problem is... you need a powerful computer. Easy to make worlds, known to make great games, AAA companies use it (FF 7 confirm?). Somewhat good document, good helpful community, blueprints act like plugins, 5% royalty after reaching $3,000 and more.
Unity: Hate it, anyone who plays games or sees the logo knows the bad things to come. This is usually the bad programmers who rush the code, publish it without testing and more. Anyway, its "WebGL" is straight out broken, don't believe me? try the many Unity games in armor games that have webgl and you feel my pain. Unity is more free to export to everywhere but its not great at doing it and sometimes you will encounter bugs because of the engine not your code.
I have other engines but this should be it for now. The only good engine i recommend is RPG Maker and NeoAxis (3d engine). Every software i tryed has problems or is outrageous because it will not do what i want.