i use translator because i dont have a very good english,sorry
this is not a plage
today i become a normal member
Lets´go and start the review
I am putting here this review for this game is not in RGR and not in VGR
Super Mario Bros.special for PC88
this version of Super Mario Bros.Special is a version that is not liked so much because she is well ... well ... well ... glitched, continuing this version is the worst of the two because she too lock you when no mushroom is very fast, almost uncontrollable, serious even does not! now mushroom or fire flower you get slower and again uncontrollably, that's really bad, but the PC88 had limitations, many limitations, the end is different from Super Mario Bros. ( NES) good if you want to see here
Beware SPOILERS !!
They say they have a secret ending but I am not aware of it
Now Super Mario Bros.Special for SharpX1,lets go(again...)
yes this is the best of both versions of the game for PCs
I played it on an emulator, and so do not know how the original PC, but here it was a little too fast in small and too slowly in full screen display, tested on Windows XP and Windows 8.Conclusion:
Windows XP: perfect run in full screen and small, but sounds failing
Windows 8: small screen too fast, full screen too slow
but we will now review the real Super Mario Bros.Special for SharpX1
starting the game soon see that he is with gamplay better PC88 but still with one bad scrolling but some bugs were then corrected point for SharpX1.
the story is to always bowser princess, and everything there, but now we have new power ups yeeeah
Wing:you can fly yeah!

onkey Kong?yeah!
Hudson soft...bee?

this is the powerup?oh...ok!)bees yeah!
and much more...yeah!
double yeah!
triple Yeah
ok,no more yeahs,but i like yeahs! P C 8 8?
here comes a new bonus!! !! !!
Super Mario Bros.Special(nes port)
this is the old game but with fixed bugs,i not played yet,but this is cool or no?? ??
Super Mario Bros.Special in Super Mario Bros Crossover
again the old game,but with new cool extras
hey people this is all today bye all guys of vizzed