I want to post a challenge.
I offer 5,000
Viz to any player with the highest score on the ATARI game Called Kaboom (2600 ver.)
Viz just for participating)
rules are rather easy. It must be played on an authentic system. This
means it does not have to be an official ATARI computer system. It
simply has to be compatible with an authentic ATARI Kaboom cartridge.
This means it can be a Coleco vision with the ATARI module or a cross
compatible ATARI 7800 or even a Knock off Gemini or an authentic ATARI
2600. Any of these work or anything else similar that plays an actual
cartridge. This means no AUS 2600 ++ machine that has the game
integrated into a chip on the game system. No TV games system either.
These games can be bad emulations for the Nintendo game system made out
to be like an ATARI game. Cartridge only no PC emulation either.
Images disqualify you. Also you are required to have your Vizzed name visible in your video unless your you tube name is the same as your vizzed name. Such as Wright on a piece of paper or something. This prevents a person from stealing a existing video already floating around the Internet.
Video must show authentic game system playing the authentic game in real time.
a video posted to a video site such as you tube of you actually playing the game.
setting must be on A setting on both sides of game system. This is the small paddles. You must record that your system is set to A-A. You may use any
controller desired including custom home made controllers as long as the
input is your own as your playing.
Here is an example of what I'm looking for
Kaboom videoYou? can submit your entry anytime from now till exactly one month from now.? This means the last day to post is 4/16/2014.
Note Vizzed does not allow double posting. To avoid this you can edit your existing post with the
update link to your new video. On 4/17/2014 I will view the videos for authenticity and post the winnings. If for any reason I find the video questionable I will put a vote for all players to post an opinion for resolution. Don't worry about game color as I know some game systems have wrong color setting as I know from experience. Things only become questionable if I state so unless some one brings to my attention I had not realized. An even then Its my say weather it becomes voted on or not. Game color can depend on the system I know from experience so as long as it looks like its playing properly its fine.
I will more then likely do something like this every month. If I get enough people involved perhaps this can become more extensive. Perhaps not just point oriented games but actual compositions.
Thanks in advance for those who participate.
Happy gaming!
Vizzed I know I did not follow your correct procedure upon this. I have been stonewalled and do not know what else to do. So here is my post and if you do not like it please send me proper information on how to proceed in your likeness. If no response I will proceed in this tournament just as it is.