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03-21-13 05:54 PM
03-21-13 07:03 PM
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almost dissapionting

Game's Ratings
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kage27's Score

03-21-13 05:54 PM
kage27 is Offline
| ID: 760535 | 434 Words

Level: 44

POSTS: 120/418
POST EXP: 15357
LVL EXP: 565605
CP: 577.8
VIZ: 3018

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0

Yu-Gi-Oh Gx Duel Academy is the first game of the next generation of the yu-gi-oh card game where you play as a student at duel academy you have to earn your way up the ranks Red Yellow and Blue but if you mess up on tests you drop back down in the ranks.

Overall: 5.6/10 yu-gi-oh gx duel academy has an overused style of graphics very repetitive sounds it relay isn't addictive it tries to act like the tv show for the story line and its is a game that luck plays a big part in the game so the difficulty is fluxing.

Graphics: 5/10 the game uses a style when talking to someone you basically see a picture of them with words and that is how the entire game looks including the duels and cut scene's.

Sound:5/10 the game uses very repetitive sounds evrey time an opponent takes battle damage they all make the same sound (or at least a very similar sound) every time you win the same song plays same thing for when you lose it gets old very fast my advice for this game would to b mute the game and listen to other music.

Addictiveness:3/10 this game basically never ends after you finish whatever little bit of a story there is you still get to duel the 10 duelists people and keep taking exams but i didnt even want to try for the storyline and each time i play this game i rember why i don't play it anymore.

Story:3/10 this game has a small storyline but it is hard to find and hard to continue unless you rewatch the first season of yu-gi-oh gx you wont be able to find and continue the storyline and even if your watching it you still have to figure out how to activate the events.

Depth:6/10 this game has some depth but not enough to the review there are 100 duel puzzle's that you have to win the duel in one turn plus the exam questions are hard to answer and realy make you think but other than the depth i didnt like the game

Difficulty:1-8/10 itis realy hard to judge the difficulty of a game that has so much to do with luck sometimes you can start off with the best card's in your deck and sometimes you won't draw a monster card for the entire duel but if i had to choose an average difficulty i would say 6/10 because most of the time you start off with a bad hand but then it get's better as the duel progresses

Yu-Gi-Oh Gx Duel Academy is the first game of the next generation of the yu-gi-oh card game where you play as a student at duel academy you have to earn your way up the ranks Red Yellow and Blue but if you mess up on tests you drop back down in the ranks.

Overall: 5.6/10 yu-gi-oh gx duel academy has an overused style of graphics very repetitive sounds it relay isn't addictive it tries to act like the tv show for the story line and its is a game that luck plays a big part in the game so the difficulty is fluxing.

Graphics: 5/10 the game uses a style when talking to someone you basically see a picture of them with words and that is how the entire game looks including the duels and cut scene's.

Sound:5/10 the game uses very repetitive sounds evrey time an opponent takes battle damage they all make the same sound (or at least a very similar sound) every time you win the same song plays same thing for when you lose it gets old very fast my advice for this game would to b mute the game and listen to other music.

Addictiveness:3/10 this game basically never ends after you finish whatever little bit of a story there is you still get to duel the 10 duelists people and keep taking exams but i didnt even want to try for the storyline and each time i play this game i rember why i don't play it anymore.

Story:3/10 this game has a small storyline but it is hard to find and hard to continue unless you rewatch the first season of yu-gi-oh gx you wont be able to find and continue the storyline and even if your watching it you still have to figure out how to activate the events.

Depth:6/10 this game has some depth but not enough to the review there are 100 duel puzzle's that you have to win the duel in one turn plus the exam questions are hard to answer and realy make you think but other than the depth i didnt like the game

Difficulty:1-8/10 itis realy hard to judge the difficulty of a game that has so much to do with luck sometimes you can start off with the best card's in your deck and sometimes you won't draw a monster card for the entire duel but if i had to choose an average difficulty i would say 6/10 because most of the time you start off with a bad hand but then it get's better as the duel progresses

Kingdom Hearts Expert

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

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(edited by kage27 on 03-21-13 06:20 PM)    

03-21-13 06:09 PM
Eirinn is Offline
| ID: 760544 | 29 Words

Level: 156

POSTS: 1167/7900
POST EXP: 1300417
LVL EXP: 47490376
CP: 69396.2
VIZ: 1838703

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Good work. This gave detail where it was needed, and was categorized well. Keep it up! And remember, reviews can always get better, so never stop trying to improve.
Good work. This gave detail where it was needed, and was categorized well. Keep it up! And remember, reviews can always get better, so never stop trying to improve.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-18-12
Last Post: 2335 days
Last Active: 2335 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Mynamescox44,

03-21-13 06:29 PM
ender44 is Offline
| ID: 760556 | 25 Words

Level: 83

POSTS: 796/1847
POST EXP: 113304
LVL EXP: 5362113
CP: 7601.2
VIZ: 54537

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I have never really gotten in to Yu-gi-oh. That aside, this was a really nice review, make some more, I would love to read them.
I have never really gotten in to Yu-gi-oh. That aside, this was a really nice review, make some more, I would love to read them.
Vizzed Elite
Ender44 didnt get Lucky777 syndrome on 2/7/13!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-29-12
Location: If you know, please tell me. I'm very confused
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Last Active: 219 days

03-21-13 07:03 PM
Barathemos is Online
| ID: 760592 | 14 Words

Level: 207

POSTS: 382/15650
POST EXP: 670599
LVL EXP: 129276750
CP: 46864.9
VIZ: 924952

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I love Yu-Gi-Oh but this review makes me feel sad about being a fan.
I love Yu-Gi-Oh but this review makes me feel sad about being a fan.
Site Staff
Minecraft Admin

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-17-13
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Last Post: 1 day
Last Active: 9 min.


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