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12-24-10 09:22 PM
12-28-10 09:31 PM
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Recognition of Another Member


12-24-10 09:22 PM
spectergaj is Offline
| ID: 302872 | 77 Words

Level: 71

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CP: 186.7
VIZ: 24727

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I've noticed a user on in the forums who is completely dedicated to posting and this site in general so I've decided to recognize that user in this thread here. This is a user worthy of our respect and trust and that user is..... TOTTS!!!

Totts :
I felt that you should be rewarded for your dedication and hard work, so this thread and all compliments are my gift to you.

Happy Posting and Merry Christmas!
I've noticed a user on in the forums who is completely dedicated to posting and this site in general so I've decided to recognize that user in this thread here. This is a user worthy of our respect and trust and that user is..... TOTTS!!!

Totts :
I felt that you should be rewarded for your dedication and hard work, so this thread and all compliments are my gift to you.

Happy Posting and Merry Christmas!
Trusted Member

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12-24-10 09:34 PM
Totts is Offline
| ID: 302891 | 38 Words

Level: 95

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LVL EXP: 8526999
CP: 16067.3
VIZ: 1521578

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spectergaj : Thank you, I am honoured and can I say speechless. I wish you a Merry Christmas, you have made me really happy and given me a wonderful present, thank you so much, I am really touched.
spectergaj : Thank you, I am honoured and can I say speechless. I wish you a Merry Christmas, you have made me really happy and given me a wonderful present, thank you so much, I am really touched.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-23-10
Last Post: 2720 days
Last Active: 2154 days

12-24-10 11:23 PM
Nksor is Offline
| ID: 302941 | 37 Words

Level: 139

POSTS: 2170/5856
POST EXP: 228223
LVL EXP: 31841858
CP: 1180.6
VIZ: 132863

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Hmm... is this a good topic for a thread?

Cyro Xero :
legacyme3 :
geeogree :
DarkHyren :
noelia : What do you guys think?

Anywho, cool, yeah, I noticed Totts has been posting a lot lately.
Hmm... is this a good topic for a thread?

Cyro Xero :
legacyme3 :
geeogree :
DarkHyren :
noelia : What do you guys think?

Anywho, cool, yeah, I noticed Totts has been posting a lot lately.
Vizzed Elite

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12-25-10 02:02 AM
Cyro Xero is Offline
| ID: 303002 | 68 Words

Cyro Xero
Level: 111

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LVL EXP: 14497354
CP: 2395.0
VIZ: 715212

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I don't think it's a bad thing, but there are other members here who post quite a lot, and make good posts. Recognizing one member may be a sole opinion. With the exception of the many threads Totts has made filling up the forums, she is a good poster. But it would be better to congratulate someone for the quality AND number of posts instead of just number.
I don't think it's a bad thing, but there are other members here who post quite a lot, and make good posts. Recognizing one member may be a sole opinion. With the exception of the many threads Totts has made filling up the forums, she is a good poster. But it would be better to congratulate someone for the quality AND number of posts instead of just number.
Vizzed Elite
Record holder: Posted from 3 different continents in 24 hours- Sep. 27, 2010

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12-27-10 03:08 AM
big fat cat is Offline
| ID: 304165 | 20 Words

big fat cat
Level: 111

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POST EXP: 84865
LVL EXP: 14468558
CP: 1172.3
VIZ: -5259

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Cool, its really good to recognize fellow members of the board that is doing as well as Totts is
Cool, its really good to recognize fellow members of the board that is doing as well as Totts is

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 04-30-10
Location: fukken wales
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Last Active: 4163 days

12-28-10 09:31 PM
BNuge is Offline
| ID: 305070 | 42 Words

Level: 138

POSTS: 573/5714
POST EXP: 365399
LVL EXP: 31149824
CP: 14453.9
VIZ: 1508457

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I have seen a ton of her posts lately. All of them were good.

If threads like this become more common, the staff will probably have to lay down some new rules about them. For now, I think it's a good idea.
I have seen a ton of her posts lately. All of them were good.

If threads like this become more common, the staff will probably have to lay down some new rules about them. For now, I think it's a good idea.
Vizzed Elite
Third Place in Feb 2011 VCS Achieved Ravering Syndrome + on Jan 6, 2012

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Registered: 04-30-10
Location: Northeast US
Last Post: 1311 days
Last Active: 41 days


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