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Skolar Bio
One of my favorite Star Spirits from Paper Mario
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Skolar Bio


01-28-24 03:30 PM
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Paper Mario gave us a lot of new characters. One of the new characters the game introduced was the 7 elite star spirits that live in Star Haven. Skolar is one of the 7 elite star spirits. He is one of my favorites, which I will explain later in this biography. Anyway, lets learn about Skolar.

Skolar is an older elite star spirit. His origins are unknown but it is likely he was born as a star kid. Furthermore, it is likely he was chosen to be an elite star spirit by Eldstar.

His main role is to help watch over the star rod in star haven. He lives in star haven along with his colleagues, which are the other 7 star spirits. He also helps grant wishes. However, the wishes are only granted to those that are non selfish, worthy, good character, and have a strong sense of morality.

One day Bowser and his army invaded Star Haven. Due to Bowser not getting his wishes granted because of his lack of morals, and being selfish. He stole the star rod to make himself more powerful.After stealing the Star Rod he imprisoned the star spirits. Skolar was given to Tubba Bubba to guard . Bowser then kidnapped Peach, Mario tried to stop him but he was no match for the newly enhanced Bowser. Bowser sent Mario flying out the window. Mario was knocked out and injured. Skolar and his other colleagues appeared in Mario's dreams. When Mario recovers he goes to Star Haven. Skolar is seen studying to see if anything can be done after him and his colleagues explain to Mario the situation.

As I stated he was imprisoned by Tubba Bubba. Despite being powerful Tubba Bubba was also lazy. This allowed Skolar to escape were he was rescued by Lady Bow. Lady Bow looked after him. After Tubba Bubba was defeated Skolar was freed for good. He helps Mario defeat Bowser at the end when his power is restored. After the game he goes back to Star Haven.

Appearance- He looks like a professor which is were his name comes from. He appears to be a light purple lavender color star. He has thick glasses, brown eyebrows and a brown mustache.

Personality- He is always studying and studies everything hence his name. Thus, he believes you can never stop learning. His name Skolar is a pun on the word scholar. He is highly intelligent. Moreover, he is always trying to solve problems. When Bowser stole the Star Rod and imprisoned him he was seen using his last power to not just tell Mario the crisis but to see if there was a solution to the problem.

Abilities- He is highly intelligence and knows a lot. He has a powerful attack called storm star. This shows he is also very strong. Given how he escaped Tubba Bubba he might have the ability to escape, but that could have been because Tubba Bubba was just a lazy person in general. After he is liberated Mario can use him in battle. Mario can summon Skolar. Skolar will use his devastating Star Storm attack. Skolar will send stars down like a monsoon storm. This can drain enemies hit points quickly. It is one of the more powerful attacks.



The other Star Spirits- He is close to all of his elite star spirits. He looks up to Eldstar. He also cares for his colleagues like a sibling would.

Mario- He considers Mario worthy, having good intentions and good moral in character. He is thankful to Mario for trying to save the day in the start of the game. Moreover, he is eager to help Mario in his quest.

Lady Bow- He is thankful for Lady Bow as she rescued him after he fled Tubba Bubba. Although she was using him so Mario would assist her defeat Tubba Bubba. He knew she had good intentions all along. This is because Lady Bow recognized he was important and she needed to help him.

Other Party Members- He gets along well with the other party members and tries to help them.

Peach- He considers Peach to be noble, worthy, good character, and have good moral.

Twink- He is impressed with Twink determination to help Peach and later the good guys defeat Bowser.


Bowser- He states he does not like Bowser for what he has done. He also states he did not like Bowser to begin with because he was selfish, greedy, and did not have good intentions.

Tubba Bubba- Tubba Bubba imprisoned him even though he was acting under Bowser's orders. He stated to Lady Bow he was glad to be out of Bubba's terrible castle.

Kammy Koopa- She helped Bowser breach Star Haven and imprison him and his friends. She also uses magic in the wrong way.

In summary, Skolar is my favorite star spirit for two reasons. First he loves to learn and study, which I like to do. Second his storm attack is very powerful. As a meteorologist I like it that his attack works like an actual storm. Those are the big reasons why he is my favorite. Overall, he is a problem solver, highly intelligent, and powerful. He goes out of his way to help those who are worthy. He is an important character in Paper Mario. He later appears in future Mario games as well. This concludes the Bio
Paper Mario gave us a lot of new characters. One of the new characters the game introduced was the 7 elite star spirits that live in Star Haven. Skolar is one of the 7 elite star spirits. He is one of my favorites, which I will explain later in this biography. Anyway, lets learn about Skolar.

Skolar is an older elite star spirit. His origins are unknown but it is likely he was born as a star kid. Furthermore, it is likely he was chosen to be an elite star spirit by Eldstar.

His main role is to help watch over the star rod in star haven. He lives in star haven along with his colleagues, which are the other 7 star spirits. He also helps grant wishes. However, the wishes are only granted to those that are non selfish, worthy, good character, and have a strong sense of morality.

One day Bowser and his army invaded Star Haven. Due to Bowser not getting his wishes granted because of his lack of morals, and being selfish. He stole the star rod to make himself more powerful.After stealing the Star Rod he imprisoned the star spirits. Skolar was given to Tubba Bubba to guard . Bowser then kidnapped Peach, Mario tried to stop him but he was no match for the newly enhanced Bowser. Bowser sent Mario flying out the window. Mario was knocked out and injured. Skolar and his other colleagues appeared in Mario's dreams. When Mario recovers he goes to Star Haven. Skolar is seen studying to see if anything can be done after him and his colleagues explain to Mario the situation.

As I stated he was imprisoned by Tubba Bubba. Despite being powerful Tubba Bubba was also lazy. This allowed Skolar to escape were he was rescued by Lady Bow. Lady Bow looked after him. After Tubba Bubba was defeated Skolar was freed for good. He helps Mario defeat Bowser at the end when his power is restored. After the game he goes back to Star Haven.

Appearance- He looks like a professor which is were his name comes from. He appears to be a light purple lavender color star. He has thick glasses, brown eyebrows and a brown mustache.

Personality- He is always studying and studies everything hence his name. Thus, he believes you can never stop learning. His name Skolar is a pun on the word scholar. He is highly intelligent. Moreover, he is always trying to solve problems. When Bowser stole the Star Rod and imprisoned him he was seen using his last power to not just tell Mario the crisis but to see if there was a solution to the problem.

Abilities- He is highly intelligence and knows a lot. He has a powerful attack called storm star. This shows he is also very strong. Given how he escaped Tubba Bubba he might have the ability to escape, but that could have been because Tubba Bubba was just a lazy person in general. After he is liberated Mario can use him in battle. Mario can summon Skolar. Skolar will use his devastating Star Storm attack. Skolar will send stars down like a monsoon storm. This can drain enemies hit points quickly. It is one of the more powerful attacks.



The other Star Spirits- He is close to all of his elite star spirits. He looks up to Eldstar. He also cares for his colleagues like a sibling would.

Mario- He considers Mario worthy, having good intentions and good moral in character. He is thankful to Mario for trying to save the day in the start of the game. Moreover, he is eager to help Mario in his quest.

Lady Bow- He is thankful for Lady Bow as she rescued him after he fled Tubba Bubba. Although she was using him so Mario would assist her defeat Tubba Bubba. He knew she had good intentions all along. This is because Lady Bow recognized he was important and she needed to help him.

Other Party Members- He gets along well with the other party members and tries to help them.

Peach- He considers Peach to be noble, worthy, good character, and have good moral.

Twink- He is impressed with Twink determination to help Peach and later the good guys defeat Bowser.


Bowser- He states he does not like Bowser for what he has done. He also states he did not like Bowser to begin with because he was selfish, greedy, and did not have good intentions.

Tubba Bubba- Tubba Bubba imprisoned him even though he was acting under Bowser's orders. He stated to Lady Bow he was glad to be out of Bubba's terrible castle.

Kammy Koopa- She helped Bowser breach Star Haven and imprison him and his friends. She also uses magic in the wrong way.

In summary, Skolar is my favorite star spirit for two reasons. First he loves to learn and study, which I like to do. Second his storm attack is very powerful. As a meteorologist I like it that his attack works like an actual storm. Those are the big reasons why he is my favorite. Overall, he is a problem solver, highly intelligent, and powerful. He goes out of his way to help those who are worthy. He is an important character in Paper Mario. He later appears in future Mario games as well. This concludes the Bio
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