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Judge blocks govt from telling social media to censor


07-10-23 01:18 PM
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Last week, a Federal Judge blocked the Biden administration from talking to social media companies about censoring misinformation. A lot of people supported the judge. Freedom of speech is one of basic rights protected by the Bill of rights.

Now before I begin let me say. Yes I know social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and others can censor speech they do not like because they are private companies. However, in this case it was the govt telling the social media companies what to allow and censor. That was violating the first amendment as govt shall not censor speech. This is what set off a firestorm was the govt actually trying to censor speech via social media. Instead of the companies censoring speech themselves.

The most alarming thing is this is not the first time the government has tried this. In 2021/2022 the govt was even going form a misinformation board. The board would flag speech that the govt labeled as misinformation on social media sites. Thankfully the Senate said this was in violation of the first and would not be supported. Now, the White House is trying it once again. This is wrong on so many levels that I will go into.

Yes I know there is a lot of misinformation out there. However, in my opinion it is dangerous when the government starts saying what is misinformation and what is not. Let that sink in the govt gets to decide and tell social media companies what is right and what is misinformation. This means if the govt did not like what people were saying they could have it flagged as misinformation and censored. Basically, you would only see news stories that the government wanted you to see.

Second it shuts down critical thinking. Sometimes questioning things can be a good thing. It gets one to think and ask questions. As a scientists questioning is how we develop theories, prove things right, and come up with ideas. If the government starts allowing speech that they want. It takes away the ability for people to question things. Lets use Covid-19 as an example. Some people started to point out there was evidence that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan lab. The Govt tried to shut this down by saying it came from animals. The US govt had social media companies remove posts. This idea got people to thinking. Eventually, a report came out this year that stated the virus likely came from the lab.

Lets use another example such as climate change. What if the govt wanted to censor speech that climate change was real or not real. This would shut down critical thinking because the govt would be wanting people to see that climate change was real or not without asking questions. The flow of ideas would be shut off.

As the old saying goes believe what we want you to believe do not ask questions.

Third reason this is wrong on so many levels. The US govt has a history of trying to censor speech that makes them look bad. A good example was in 1967/1968. In 1967/68 whistle blowers came out that President LBJ and the CIA staged the Gulf of Token. Basically, the US fired on its own ships to make it look like they were attacked in 1964. This was so the US could start a ground war in Vietnam. The LBJ administration tried to get the stories and testimonies stopped. They could not and people turned on the war. The truth had come out. A few years later in 1973 President Nixon tried to censor speech that Watergate may have come from the Whitehouse. That Watergate was ordered by a high ranking official.

Then look how long the US govt covered up Waco in 1993. The US govt tried to get stories that it was actually an artillery shell that started the fire censored. A judge ruled the stories were protected under the First. The survivors stories were told and every one of them stated how it was indeed an artillery shell that started the fire that lead to the deaths.

In 2005 the US Govt tried to get Wiki Leaks shut down because Wiki Leaks reported that Iraq did not have nukes and the US/British govts knew it all along. Recently the Whitehouse has tried to censor info on Hunter Biden and Covid-19.

Finally, if the govt starts censoring speech and labeling things as misinformation. We have lost our country. This is what other countries have done and people lost rights. The late dictator Hugo Chavez in Venzuala censored speech as misinformation. Eventually, the govt took control of the news stations and people lost their rights. A good example is Communist China. In China speech is restricted. You cannot criticize the govt in China. Therefore, if this starts happening here in the USA we have lost our country.

In my opinion, I am glad the Judge blocked this. The govt telling social media to censor misinformation can lead us down a dangerous road before. It could lead to so much abuse by the government among other things. Some ideas out there are crazy conspiracy theories and off the wall. As off the wall as it may be they are protected under the 1st. If people believe crazy theories that is on them. The govt should not be telling people what they can or cannot see as well as believe.
Last week, a Federal Judge blocked the Biden administration from talking to social media companies about censoring misinformation. A lot of people supported the judge. Freedom of speech is one of basic rights protected by the Bill of rights.

Now before I begin let me say. Yes I know social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and others can censor speech they do not like because they are private companies. However, in this case it was the govt telling the social media companies what to allow and censor. That was violating the first amendment as govt shall not censor speech. This is what set off a firestorm was the govt actually trying to censor speech via social media. Instead of the companies censoring speech themselves.

The most alarming thing is this is not the first time the government has tried this. In 2021/2022 the govt was even going form a misinformation board. The board would flag speech that the govt labeled as misinformation on social media sites. Thankfully the Senate said this was in violation of the first and would not be supported. Now, the White House is trying it once again. This is wrong on so many levels that I will go into.

Yes I know there is a lot of misinformation out there. However, in my opinion it is dangerous when the government starts saying what is misinformation and what is not. Let that sink in the govt gets to decide and tell social media companies what is right and what is misinformation. This means if the govt did not like what people were saying they could have it flagged as misinformation and censored. Basically, you would only see news stories that the government wanted you to see.

Second it shuts down critical thinking. Sometimes questioning things can be a good thing. It gets one to think and ask questions. As a scientists questioning is how we develop theories, prove things right, and come up with ideas. If the government starts allowing speech that they want. It takes away the ability for people to question things. Lets use Covid-19 as an example. Some people started to point out there was evidence that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan lab. The Govt tried to shut this down by saying it came from animals. The US govt had social media companies remove posts. This idea got people to thinking. Eventually, a report came out this year that stated the virus likely came from the lab.

Lets use another example such as climate change. What if the govt wanted to censor speech that climate change was real or not real. This would shut down critical thinking because the govt would be wanting people to see that climate change was real or not without asking questions. The flow of ideas would be shut off.

As the old saying goes believe what we want you to believe do not ask questions.

Third reason this is wrong on so many levels. The US govt has a history of trying to censor speech that makes them look bad. A good example was in 1967/1968. In 1967/68 whistle blowers came out that President LBJ and the CIA staged the Gulf of Token. Basically, the US fired on its own ships to make it look like they were attacked in 1964. This was so the US could start a ground war in Vietnam. The LBJ administration tried to get the stories and testimonies stopped. They could not and people turned on the war. The truth had come out. A few years later in 1973 President Nixon tried to censor speech that Watergate may have come from the Whitehouse. That Watergate was ordered by a high ranking official.

Then look how long the US govt covered up Waco in 1993. The US govt tried to get stories that it was actually an artillery shell that started the fire censored. A judge ruled the stories were protected under the First. The survivors stories were told and every one of them stated how it was indeed an artillery shell that started the fire that lead to the deaths.

In 2005 the US Govt tried to get Wiki Leaks shut down because Wiki Leaks reported that Iraq did not have nukes and the US/British govts knew it all along. Recently the Whitehouse has tried to censor info on Hunter Biden and Covid-19.

Finally, if the govt starts censoring speech and labeling things as misinformation. We have lost our country. This is what other countries have done and people lost rights. The late dictator Hugo Chavez in Venzuala censored speech as misinformation. Eventually, the govt took control of the news stations and people lost their rights. A good example is Communist China. In China speech is restricted. You cannot criticize the govt in China. Therefore, if this starts happening here in the USA we have lost our country.

In my opinion, I am glad the Judge blocked this. The govt telling social media to censor misinformation can lead us down a dangerous road before. It could lead to so much abuse by the government among other things. Some ideas out there are crazy conspiracy theories and off the wall. As off the wall as it may be they are protected under the 1st. If people believe crazy theories that is on them. The govt should not be telling people what they can or cannot see as well as believe.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Trooperness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-18-12
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